Luffy smirked, and with a blink of an eye, he dried up all the food that fell on the ground in an instant.

Nami was speechless: "We all saw it..."

Luffy grinned, "What's wrong Nami."

Choiba stepped on the small broken steps with their own sound effects and jumped into Luffy's arms: "Luffy, this Anilu is so scary." "

Huh?" Luffy looked at Anilu.

Anilu said disdainfully: "A group of cowards, bored, gone." After

speaking, Anilu disappeared in an instant.

Usopp and Nami quickly ran to Luffy.

Nami said very seriously, "Luffy, we can't let them stay on our ship all the time, they are here, I can't sleep at night."

Usopp echoed, "yes, they're like time bombs, it's too dangerous to stay on our ship."

Nami continued, "Especially their captain, who was able to subdue Anilu, I don't know what method he used.

"But." Luffy grinned, "Didn't you notice that Anilu is different from before?" "

Huh?" Usopp asked, puzzled, "What's different?"

Luffy continued, "They said it themselves, there was no malice.

A big tic-tac-toe popped out of Nami's forehead: "What do they say, what do you believe?" Really, you're really going to me off.

"What are you doing?" Solon had just finished training and was about to go back to his room to take a shower, just in time to see Luffy and they were chatting.

Usopp quickly pulled Solon over, "You quickly persuade Luffy." "

Huh?" Solon looked confused, "Persuade him of what?"

Usopp continued, "Luffy this guy actually said that Anilu is different from before!

Solon rightfully said, "It's different."

Usopp said helplessly: "Why do you even say that..."

Solon shrugged his shoulders: "Think about it yourself, is that guy we met on the empty island a person who is willing to submit to others?" Not only him, but also that Kaku gave me a different feeling than the Kaku we met before, and Perona..." Speaking

of Perona, Solon thought of meeting Perona who was wandering around when he was training just now, and he also asked Perona about Hawkeye, and as a result, this Perona actually didn't know... This made him a little suspicious.

The appearance of Lin Mo's group is very strange.

"Luffy." Solon continued, "What happened to your injuries?

Luffy smiled, "Okay, almost."

Solon nodded, "Then fight quickly and compete with them tomorrow afternoon."

"Good." Luffy said energetically, "I can't wait.

Nami sighed helplessly.

Qioba said worriedly, "Luffy, your injury is not completely healed."

"It's okay, it's already good." Luffy said without care, "End the battle early, and we can continue to set off sooner."

"Okay, let's all go to rest." Solon glanced at Luffy, "Luffy, you come with me, I have something to say to you." "

Oh." Luffy obediently followed Solon to the deck of the Miles of Sunshine.

In addition to them on the deck, Sanji was also there.

Yamaji was leaning on the edge of the guardrail, smoking a cigarette and looking at the sea.

"You're right here." Solon said directly, "Compare with them tomorrow afternoon, you and Luffy will change."

Sanji glanced back at Solon and asked rhetorically, "Why don't you switch with Luffy?"

Solon said of course, "I have made an appointment with Guina."

"Hey, how do I feel, what is the story between you and this guy named Gu Yina?" Yamaji asked suspiciously, "Why are you so attached to her?"

Solon asked amusedly, "Yes?" It's your delusion.

"So." Luffy blinked and said, "Solon, what did you call me here for?"

Solon stumbled: "Didn't I just say, you change with the color cook, you go and fight with the captain of the other party."

"Oh, yes, yes." Luffy replied indifferently.

Sanji said dissatisfied: "I didn't promise to change, Luffy, don't change!"

Luffy scratched his nose and said, "Oh, that's not changed.

Solon was speechless: "You guy, why are you so undetermined."

Luffy laughed and said, "If Sanji says not to change, then not to change, I believe Sanji." Sleepy, I went to sleep.

With that, Luffy hummed a ditty and left.

Solon leaned back against the guardrail next to Yamaji, looked up at the starry sky, and asked, "Are you sure?"

Sanji said while smoking a cigarette, "Of course. After

smoking a cigarette in his hand, Sanji took out another one, and at night on the seaside, the wind was still very strong, and he lit the fire several times without lighting it.

At this time, Ace's voice suddenly came: "Need help?"

Immediately afterwards, Ace raised his right hand, and a small flame burst out of his index finger.

Sanji hasn't said anything yet.

Lin Mo suddenly appeared and directly extinguished the flames on Ace's fingers.

Ace also thought that Lin Mo was worried that he would show his stuffing.

Lin Mo said expressionlessly: "In the future, you are not allowed to light a cigarette for Sanji."

Ace asked with a smile: "Why?"

Lin Mo continued: "There is no why, I am the captain, you can just listen to me." "

Good, good, good." Ace said helplessly.

Solon and Yamaji looked at each other.

Solon asked, "Tomorrow afternoon, okay?"

Lin Mo said indifferently: "Yes."

After that, he took Ace and also entered the cabin of the Wanli Sunshine.

Since there were not many guest rooms, French arranged three rooms for Lin Mo and them.

There is one room for three girls, and Lin Mo is one for himself.

Shusuke and Heral chose to sleep in the living room.

Xiao Bai slept on the floor of Lin Mo's room.



The friendly battle between the Straw Hat Regiment and the Lin Mo Regiment was the beginning of the curtain.

Both sides stood on one side, and Lin Mo's side looked relaxed.

On Luffy's side, Nami, Usopp and Chopper were already nervous.

"Who comes first?" Solon asked loudly.

On Lin Mo's side, Kaku originally wanted to go first, and was about to go forward, Gu Yina took the lead and jumped in front of everyone, and said in a flat tone: "I'll come first."

The corners of Solon's mouth hooked slightly, and he said without care: "Okay, then let's fight first."

Luffy said excitedly, "Solon, come on!

Sanji smoked his cigarette and said, "Green algae, don't lose."

Solon said confidently, "Don't worry, I won't lose."

Gu Yina chuckled, "It's really confident, but don't be too confident in front of me, I'll make you lose."

After speaking, Gu Yina placed the Eight Desolate Sword Box in front of her and casually slapped it.

Just listen to a mechanical sound.

The Eight Wilderness Sword Box unfolded one by one in front of everyone, 'swished' a few times, and three swords flew out handsomely from it.

Luffy's eyes lit up: "Wow, so handsome!" "

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