Usopp's proposal is actually not excessive.

But even so, Perona was still unwilling.

"I don't!" Perona pouted and said, "If you can't beat it, you can't beat it, don't make any excuses."

Usopp stumbled and said very unhappily: "You in the soul state, I can't hit it at all, how can this be compared?" It's better to just throw in the towel. "

Huh?" Perona raised her eyebrows and asked, "What did you say?"

Usopp said angrily: "It's not interesting for you to play like this, then I might as well admit defeat."

Perona continued to ask: "Not as good as what?

Usopp huffed, "Admit defeat!"

Perona covered her lips and smiled: "Hee-hee, you admit defeat, I won."

Usopp was stunned: "Huh? What the? I threw in the towel? When will I... Yes! You up!

Perona said with a grin: "You said it yourself, you admit defeat, won't you, shouldn't you, shouldn't you admit it?" You've heard it.

"You..." Usopp looked back at Luffy and the others.

Nami clenched her fists angrily: "Hey, you're too tricky."

Choiba followed and said, "It's not fair, it's not fair! It's not even compared, Usopp hasn't lost yet!

Robin smiled and said, "But Usopp did say the word admit defeat."

Sanji had a headache and said, "Since you said it, you can't admit it..."

Luffy laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, fun, it's okay Usopp, and us, you come back."

Usopp returned to Luffy with tears in his eyes.

Nami was still very angry: "Luffy, the opposite side played Laipi to win, the victory is not martial, why can you still laugh?"

Luffy laughed and said, "What does it matter, it's originally a friendly match against each other, you don't need to work hard, it's okay to win in different ways, right, Sanji."

Sanji smoked a cigarette and said, "That's right..."

Solon said directly: "Okay, if you lose, you lose, who will be next?" "

“super! I got it! Frankie showed off his robotic arm and walked forward excitedly.

Usopp wiped his fake tears while shouting: "Frankie, beat them!" "

Frankie didn't pick an opponent.

Because of Saab's joining.

Coupled with Lin Mo's side, Lin Mo did not let Lin Mumu and Herar make a move, so, Luffy's side, French had no opponent.

French said confidently: "I have already said to Qioba, I will fight for Qioba, no problem?"

Lin Mo looked at Qiao Ba's original opponent Big Tangerine, but felt that it didn't matter: "Okay, Big Tangerine, be steady, don't eat him."

Big Orange let out a well-behaved 'meow', and then walked in front of Franky with elegant cat steps.

Although Franky's size is very large, Big Orange looks very small, and it seems that the difference in strength is particularly great, and Franky can slap Big Orange flat with one punch.

But French did not underestimate his opponent at all.

Since the other party will let this cat fight, that is to say, this cat is not an ordinary color.

"So, let's get started, kitten." French aimed his manipulator at Big Tangerine.

Then, his wrist automatically opened and closed, revealing the muzzle, and with a 'bang', a bullet shot out of it.

Big Orange blinked, simply sat on the ground, and licked his paws.

Until the bullet was less than five centimeters away from it, Big Orange suddenly opened its mouth, and several sticky tentacles stretched out from it, wrapping Franky's bullet and pulling it into Big Tangerine's stomach pouch.

Then, the audience fell silent.

A drop of cold sweat broke out on Frankie's forehead: "This cat... What the hell is it...?"

Luffy and the others widened their eyes.

"Huh? That cat is a monster! Luffy shouted.

Choiba was so frightened that he quickly jumped into Solon's arms.

Nami looked nervous and said, "Sure enough, none of this group of people are good.

Usopp exclaimed, "Afraid of what? It's just a mutated cat.

Sanji was speechless, "When you say this, can your legs not shake?"

Usopp quippled, "I didn't have my legs shaking, I just, just stood for too long, a little numb in my legs... Yes, that's it!

Franky quickly adjusted his mentality: "Hehe, interesting, then try this trick again."

As he spoke, Franky's hair suddenly stood up, and before he could attack, Big Orange opened his mouth again, this time only stretched out a tentacle, directly slapped, Franky immediately raised his hand and grabbed the tentacle.

"Just a tentacle? Is it underestimating me? French chuckled.

Then Big Orange was so collected, Franky's whole person was pulled over, Big Orange opened his blood basin and bit Frankie's head.

"Huh? Wait a minute. Frankie immediately said, "Are you biting me like that?" You have bad breath... Let go of me. If I don't let go, I'm going to blow myself up.

Big Orange didn't plan to take care of this product at all, and Kaku spoke: "Don't think about it, even if you can blow yourself up, how much attack can it cause?" Big Orange's teeth are harder than Hailou Stone, you can't hurt him at all, admit defeat.

"Nope!" Frankie insisted, "Real men never admit defeat!" Big

Orange threw it to the ground, and then stretched out three more shots, and punched Franky hard.

Until you knock people unconscious.

In this battle, Franky lost his combat effectiveness, and Big Orange won.

Usopp and Solon quickly pulled French over.

Qioba immediately put on the tool and began to check: "The injury is not serious, it should be good to sleep, it seems that the opposite side is really just a point."

"Nope!" Nami was dissatisfied, "We've been losing, how can this work?" You have to win a round!

Luffy said impatiently, "Then I'll go."

"You wait." Yamaji spoke, "Miss Robin, can you?"

Robin said indifferently, "Yes." Then

, Robin and Xiaobai's battle began.

Robin had just crossed his hands over his chest.

Xiao Bai transformed into a hundred-meter-long big white dragon.

Nami and the others were shocked again.

Luffy's eyes lit up, extremely excited: "Dragon! It's a dragon! How handsome!

Robin didn't say much, using his ability, he stretched out dozens of hands around Xiaobai's neck, and was about to forcibly press Xiaobai to the ground.

Xiao Bai directly took a bite of Long Yan with electric light, and burned the hand that Robin had created with his ability and disappeared.

A drop of cold sweat also broke out on Robin's forehead, and then he used his ability to create a huge giant hand that was more than thirty meters large, and slapped Xiao Bai with a slap.

Xiao Bai easily broke Robin's huge hand with one claw.

Xiao Bai yelled at Robin.

Looking at the behemoth in front of him, Robin took a deep breath, and then slowly lowered his hands: "I lost." "

Huh?" Nami was shocked, "Robin, why did you throw in the towel so quickly?

Robin turned and walked back, saying as he walked: "A battle with no chance of winning is useless to fight, it is better to end it early."

Yamaji comforted: "The other party is indeed a little strong, it's okay Sister Robin, look at me next." Then

, Sanji stepped on the moon step to the competition area.

Sanji's opponent is Lin Mo.

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