Lin Mo and Anilu sailed on the Great Route for nearly half a month, passing two nameless islands along the way.

Half of the treasure stolen from Perona was sold, and the materials for the two islands were purchased, and Lin Mona's system space with a huge space was almost full.

Of course, when buying things, Lin Mo didn't take Anilu with him, and even if Anilu was now his crew, he didn't plan to let this guy know too much.

When the spacecraft passed through a sea area with a section of train tracks floating under the surface, Lin Mo knew that the capital of seven waters was coming.

"What's that?" Anilu suddenly noticed a large frog covered in scars, wearing a loincloth, swimming on the surface of the sea not far away.

Lin Mo glanced at the frog and said casually, "It's just a sumo frog that challenges the sea train every day."

"Sea train? What is that? Anilu looked confused, completely unaware of what Lin Mo was talking about.

But there is one thing he admires very much, Lin Mo this guy looks young, not only has strong strength, but also knows a lot of things....

The so-called sea train is a kind of train that travels on the sea, and the sea railway tracks laid along the capital of seven waters and other surrounding islands were built by Tom, a shipbuilder of the seven islands of water, and his two apprentices in ten years.

Sea trains will make sounds that are annoying to sea kings, and the rails can float on the sea without being affected by storms or waves, so people who ride sea trains do not have to worry about being attacked by sea kings, even if it is windy and rainy, sea trains can travel normally.

Tom the shipbuilder is a friend of the former One Piece King Roger, who once used the treasure tree Adam as wood to build a pirate ship for Roger.

However, after Roger's execution, Tom was brought to the trial for the crime of building a ship for One Piece, and during the trial, he explained the design and concept of the sea train to the presiding judge, so that the judge changed the trial, delayed the execution time, and gave him time to build the sea train.

After fourteen years of construction, Tom finally laid the sea train 'Smoking Tom' on the tracks.

Because of the opening of the sea train, Tom's merits were greater, and when he was about to be pardoned by the death penalty, he was framed by the commander at the time, and finally he was taken to a place called Siyifa Island and executed.

Judging from the current point in time, Tom died two or three years ago, and his two apprentices, one of whom remained in the capital of seven waters, and the other was seriously injured because he could not accept Tom's death sentence and went to stop the water train carrying Tom to Siyifa Island, and should still be treating and reforming himself on other islands.

And this big frog who comes to challenge the collision of the sea train every day is called Yokozuna, originally Tom's pet, because he can't accept the death of Tom and Franky, Franky is the little apprentice who was hit by Tom, but Yokozuma thinks he is dead, so he will come to hit the sea train every day, thus making himself all over the scales and scars all over his body.

Anilu's question, Lin Mo did not want to answer, because it was difficult to explain it clearly, so he simply did not say it.

In the face of Lin Mo's coldness, Anilu had long been accustomed to the time when he came down from the empty island, so he didn't continue to ask.

Because he knew that if he annoyed Lin Mo, it would be a fat beating....

"That frog came over, huh? What is it going to do? Anilu just finished.

Yokozuna had already pounced on the ship, looking like he was about to crash into it....

Before Lin Mo could say anything, Anilu had already thrown an electric shock.

Yokozuna, who was instantly incapacitated by electricity, fell into the sea.

"Hmph! Dare to hit my spaceship! Don't measure yourself, die. Anilu snorted coldly.

Lin Mo: "..."

However, Yokozuna's muscles have long been trained when he hits the water train for so many years, and his physical strength is still okay, and this electric shock from Anilu will not be able to kill it.

The main Anilu blow is only a few million volts.

"It's actually alive, heh, the physique of the blue ocean creatures is unexpectedly good..." Anilu said disdainfully, "Even if your life falls into the sea, next time, it will not be as simple as corona!"

Lin Mo was too lazy to listen to Anilu talking to himself there, and said speechlessly: "Let's go."

"Good." Anilu answered and immediately controlled the spaceship to continue flying.

Soon, in the direction of the sea track, two white fields floating on the sea appeared, each equipped with two ascending stairs connected to a small flyover, a street lamp on a smaller field, and a house on the other slightly larger field.

"Is there actually someone living here?" Anilu said strangely.

When their spaceship was about to fly under the small overpass, a bloated, uniformed woman with a high hat on her head, a yellow-green explosive head with two pigtails, and a bottle of wine in her hand, named Cocoro, came out drunk.

"Huh? Are you train robbers? Hehehe..."

said Cocoluo drunkenly, not forgetting to take another sip of wine after asking.

"Huh, bandit? Are you kidding. Anilu said disdainfully.

"Hehe, not a bandit, then who are you?" Cocoro continued to ask.

"What kind of person..." Anilu recalled that he had heard others chatting on several nameless islands, all about what One Piece, One Piece and so on, couldn't help but point to Lin Mo and spoke, "He, but the man who wants to become the travel king."

Lin Mo almost couldn't resist beating Anilu.

When did this guy become so easy to talk to someone?

"Traveler?" Cocoluo was stunned, and then laughed, "Hahahaha, you guys are really interesting." So where are you going next? Food town Butch? The carnival town of San Phew? Or the capital of seven waters?

On the way, Lin Mo told Anilu where he was going, so Anilu had an impression, so he asked, "Do you know the capital of seven waters?"

"Yes." Kekoro took another sip of wine and continued, "That's a good place, it's a city with a very developed shipbuilding industry, shipbuilding technology is the first in the world, and almost all the ships built are for the world's dignitaries, it's powerful!" That's where the world's strongest ship builders and shipbuilders gather.

"Sounds good." Anilu looked at Lin Mo, even a little expectant, "Then let's go there and repair the ship first, and then find a powerful shipwright to get on board!" "

Huh? Is your ship broken? Then I will recommend you personally. With that, Kokoro entered the house, took out a piece of paper and handed it over, "Give it to a man named Iceberg, and ask him to help you repair your ship, the capital of seven waters is very large, don't get lost." "

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