The capital of seven waters, inside a barbecue restaurant.

Lin Mo ordered a table full of grilled meat, several altars of spirits, and a bottle of apple juice, and the two of them ate happily with Anilu.

Although he had just had lunch half an hour earlier.

Whoever calls people now is the time to grow a body, the appetite is quite good.

Just when the two were about to eat, at the door of the barbecue restaurant, a familiar voice sounded again.

Spandam appeared again, full of confidence to the table where Lin Mo and Anilu were, pointed his nostrils towards Lin Mo, and said proudly: "Bastard boy, anyone who dares to touch my CP9, you just wait to go to jail!" Lin

Mo: "..."

Anilu said speechlessly: "This can be found, the dog's nose is really spiritual."

Spandam was stunned, and realized that Anilu was talking about his dog, and trembled with anger: "Very good, it's the first time I've seen you two guys who don't know how to lift, hmph, bark, whatever you call it, anyway, the good days of the two of you are coming to an end soon!"

At this time, outside the barbecue restaurant, a lazy voice suddenly sounded.

"Who's looking for me?" The green pheasant appeared at the door of the barbecue restaurant, and saw that Lin Mo was also here, and did not say anything more.

Spandam quickly came to the green pheasant, pointed at Lin Mo and Anilu, and said indignantly: "General Green Pheasant, they killed my subordinates just now!"

The green pheasant scratched his head and asked strangely: "Who are you?" The

corners of Spandam's mouth twitched slightly, and he immediately said excitedly: "I am Spandam, the chief of CP9, and my father is Spandam." Speaking

of Spandyne, the green pheasant remembered that more than ten years ago, he launched the Golden Phone Worm to open the demon slaughter order, destroying an island full of historians: "Oh, Spandyne, what does that have to do with me?" "

The Demon Slaughter Order is formed by the naval headquarters authorized by the world government to carry out indiscriminate and destructive attacks on the area that sends the signal, and is used to completely eliminate the military activities of things and people in a region that threatens the world government's rule.

"Eh?" Spandam was stunned, "The people of CP9 have been killed, don't you care?"

The green pheasant scratched his head and said with a look of disgust: "The CP9 matter is not under my control, besides, I am on vacation now, what problem do you have to go directly to your father, what are you looking for me for?" The

corners of Spandam's mouth twitched even more.

Anilu couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Yahahahaha, laugh at me, what is this guy who is afraid of death doing here?" Did you sing for us?

Lin Mo chuckled.

Even the few sailors who were forced to follow to protect Spandam couldn't help but cover their mouths and snicker.

Spandam was trembling with anger, his face was blue and red, and now he was eager to dig a hole in the ground and get into it immediately.

"Abominable!" Spandam clenched his fists and said without dying, "General Qingheasant, you are a general, even if you are on vacation, and you encounter your own people who have been attacked, don't you help?"

The green pheasant glanced at the sailors who followed Spandam and asked strangely: "It's really strange, it seems that no one has been attacked here."

"It's my CP9 person!"

Qing Pheasant doesn't want to care about this mess, not to mention that this matter has something to do with Lin Mo, Lin Mo is not a person who will mess around when he punched a ticket, he also had a contact with Lin Mo, naturally he also knows Lin Mo's nature, so Lin Mo will kill people inexplicably, in his opinion, it is a bit ridiculous, but since this guy insists on saying that Lin Mo killed someone, then look at the corpse first and then say, "Where are your people?"

Seeing that the green pheasant seemed to be moved by him, Spandam said excitedly: "It's in that little alley!" "

Oh, then you go and bring people here." As he spoke, the green pheasant sat down directly at the table where Lin Mo and Anilu were, "Spandam is it, give you fifteen minutes."

Spandam immediately nodded and shouted sharply to the few sailors beside him: "Why are you still stunned?" Don't hurry up and find someone!

"Yes, sir."

"Huh, okay, go find someone."

All the sailors answered with extreme reluctance.

After they went out, Anilu looked at Lin Mo and asked, "That instigator just now called this person a general, is he a naval admiral?"

Lin Mo nodded lightly.

Anilu's originally relaxed face froze for a moment.

The last time I met the yellow ape, coupled with the psychological shadow of Karp, Anilu is now a little empty as long as he meets the admiral.

The green pheasant held his side face with one hand, glanced at Anilu, and then at Lin Mo, and finally fell his gaze on Lin Mo, and asked lazily: "This guy is your crew?"

Lin Mo nodded and replied, "Hmm."

"Oh, I thought you'd travel alone all the time." The green pheasant is still that lazy look, Lin Mo can't accept the crew, and it has little to do with him.

"Hey, shouldn't you really help that stubborn bag deal with me and Lin Mo?" Anilu stared at the pheasant nervously and asked directly.

The green pheasant waved his other hand, and said with some reluctance: "I don't want to work overtime, this Spandam is just as annoying as his father, you two, really killed the CP9 people?"

Anilu was silent and did not speak.

Lin Mo continued to eat the barbecue, and said while eating: "Kill, what?"

Anilu looked at Lin Mo with an indifferent expression in surprise.

Even the green pheasant's eyes had a hint of surprise, but it quickly returned to its original state: "Oh hey, it's troublesome now, CP9 is a secret spy agency directly under the world government, you kill their people, then I have to do it with you, huh, really, just hit the remnants of life?" What deep hatred must be a killer? Lin

Mo finished eating the barbecue in his hand, took a sip of wine, wiped the corners of his mouth, and said disapprovingly: "If people don't offend me, I don't offend, Anilu, the next sentence."

Anilu was stunned, he didn't expect Lin Mo to suddenly cue him, hesitated, and said with some uncertainty: "If anyone offends me, I will kill him?" "

Almost." Lin Mo looked at the green pheasant with an indifferent expression, "I'm just like you, there is no need to fight, too lazy to fight." Of

course, if the other party really wants to make a move, Lin Mo is not afraid of him.

"Hmm..." The green pheasant didn't want to do it, although this time he came to the capital of Qishui on a business trip, if he really fought with Lin Mo, let Karp know, it is estimated that he will inevitably be sprayed.

"Otherwise, I'll just go." The green pheasant suddenly thought of a crooked idea, "The CP9 matter, let them solve it themselves." Lin

Mo: "...,"

Anilu was speechless: "As a naval admiral, is it appropriate to say such things?"

The green pheasant said indifferently: "Originally, CP9 would not be under my control, otherwise, who would be in a while, Spandham moved the corpses of his subordinates over, Lin Mo, you pretend to fight me, and then I pretend that I can't beat you, how about you take the opportunity to escape?" Lin

Mo: "..."If

he didn't know the character of the green pheasant, Lin Mo would want to complain about him.

Anilu's mood at the moment is that he wants to laugh but can't laugh.

As soon as the pheasant finished speaking, Spandam returned, empty-handed....

Looking at his dejected look, the green pheasant asked expressionlessly, "What about the corpse?"

Spandam said with an ugly face, "I don't know... It should have been in that alley, but the body was missing. Suddenly

thinking of something, Spandam immediately pointed to Lin Mo and said with great certainty: "They must have disposed of the body when I left that alley!" General Qingheasant, you can't spare them lightly! Anilu

snorted coldly speechlessly: "Hmph, joke, we didn't..." Before Anilu

finished speaking, the green pheasant suddenly raised his hand to let him not speak, and then stared at Spandam and continued: "So, there is no corpse?

Spandam nodded his head with an ugly face.

The pheasant just happened to be worried for no reason, and now there is!

"Without a corpse, it cannot be proved that they killed your men." The green pheasant looked at the group of sailors behind Spandam and asked again, "Did you see Spandam's men being killed by Lin Mo?"

Several of the group of sailors were stunned, and two of them nodded.

The pheasant tilted its head and stared at them.

Frightened, they immediately shook their heads again.

Spandam glanced back at them and saw that they were all shaking their heads and angrily: "Bastard! Didn't you all watch Gabra being killed by that big man with lightning? Dare to say nonsense with his eyes open in front of the general!

"Hey, Spandam, don't be so them." Qing Pheasant waved his hand and said, "Anyway, without a corpse, it can't be proved that Lin Mo and his crew really killed people, so be it, I should go take a nap."

Spandam: "...,"

Spandam couldn't help but get angry: "What kind of nap?" You're a admiral! I'm the head of CP9, why do you believe they don't believe me? "

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