Seeing that Iceberg was not bad, and he also sent him several cases of wine, Lin Mo cooperated and agreed to his dinner.

However, before that, he had to go to Dock One to see what the spaceship was transformed into.

When he came to Dock No. 1, he saw that it was parked on the water's edge, with a chicken head decoration on the bow, two more wings on both sides of the boat, and the propellers on both sides of the ship were transferred to the back of the wings, and the hull was still a normal boat.

Lin Mo was silent....

"Hahaha, how's it going? This ship is not bad, right? On the shore, the old boatman in charge of transforming the boat said with a smile.

Anilu walked out of the cabin of the spaceship with an unhappy look: "Damn, you give me to immediately change the ship to the previous appearance now!" Otherwise, I will give you a taste of God's sanctions!" "

Huh? Not satisfied? The old boatman touched the back of his head and muttered, "I thought that young people nowadays like this type of boat." Anilu

noticed Lin Mo, and immediately flashed, turned into thunder and lightning, appeared in front of Lin Mo, pointed to the childlike ship, and spoke: "Look, can this be tolerated?"

Lin Mo's gaze turned to the old shipwright, and asked indifferently: "How long will it take to change it again?" The

old shipwright estimated it and replied: "Change it now, it can be completed tomorrow, this ship is not big, it is not difficult to change the appearance..."

Lin Mo said directly, "The bells and whistles are gone, just change it to an ordinary style."

"That... All right. The old shipwright couldn't say, turned his gaze, saw two people carrying wood in the dock, and immediately stopped them, "Harry, Kaku, you two come down."

Then the two men who were stopped put down the wood in their hands and jumped out of the low fence next to it.

"What's wrong?" The middle-aged man named Harry asked strangely.

The old shipwright pointed to Lin Mo's boat and said, "The appearance of this ship will be changed again, changed to an ordinary style, you and Kaku will stop today's work first, and give priority to transforming them."

Harry nodded.

Kaku looked at Lin Mo, smiled at him and waved his hand, as if to say hello.

Lin Mo glanced at him, not bothering to pay attention.

Anilu glanced at Harry and Kaku and said disdainfully, "Just the two of them? Can it be remodeled in one day? I remember this guy with a long nose who is new here.

"Don't worry." The old shipwright smiled and said, "Harry is a veteran with ten years of experience as a shipbuilder, although Kaku is a newcomer, he has a strong learning ability, and in just a few days, he has already learned the basic shipsmith work, the two of them, no problem."

Anilu looked at Lin Mo and asked him to make a decision.

Lin Mo didn't care, and said casually: "Okay, tomorrow morning we will come to get the boat."

After speaking, he turned and walked back.

Anilu immediately followed, still a little impatient and asked, "Are we really not here to recruit a shipwright to board the ship?"

Lin Mo said decisively: "Don't recruit." Anilu

was extremely depressed in his heart, and was silent and did not speak again.

That night, Lin Mo took Anilu to the iceberg for dinner, and on the way back to the hotel, a fire suddenly lit up not far away.

"Eh? That seems to be the direction of Dock One... No, I'll have to check it out! Anilu looked in the direction of the fire, frowned slightly, and immediately turned into lightning and rushed over.

If something happened to the spaceship, he couldn't get a second ship that could fly, and when he was on the empty island, this ship took his men a long time to build.

Lin Mo watched Anilu go away, thought about it, and followed.

When he arrived at Dock No. 1, the people inside the dock were busy putting out the fire.

"Damn, there are always pirates who come to make trouble lately, and they almost burned the factory!"

"It's good that Luki and Kaku are there, otherwise the dock would be finished, I really didn't expect that the two of them were so good."

"Yes, thanks to them, well, don't say it, hurry up and put out the fire."

The shipbuilders in the dock hurriedly accelerated the speed of transporting water.

Fortunately, the most important thing in the capital of seven waters is water, and the fire extinguishing work was done smoothly, and it didn't take long for the fire to be extinguished.

Lin Mo directly found where the spacecraft was.

Because of the fire, the spacecraft was also affected and burned in half.

Kaku is disposing of the burned part.

Sensing Lin Mo's breath, Kaku looked back and said with a smile: "Hahaha, it's okay, all the burned are some replaceable wooden boards, which did not affect the keel at the bottom of the ship, and it is repaired quickly, but it may not be delivered until noon tomorrow."

Lin Mo looked at him silently and asked, "What about Anilu?"

"That tall man, he went after the pirates who burned the dock, saying that he wanted to kill those who burned the ship." Kaku continued to do the work at hand, and said while tinkering, "Your ship, the internal structure is really fine, the old man was shocked when he looked closely today, but there are several operating gears that are loose, which may affect the ship in the future, so the old man reinforced all the gears."

Lin Mo stared at Kaku in silence.

Although he knew that Kaku had a strong learning ability, he didn't expect that this guy actually had research and understanding of such delicate things as gears.

"Hahaha, you shouldn't blame the old man, right?" Kaku asked with a big laugh.

Lin Mo said lightly: "No." At

this time, Anilu returned.

Although he easily killed the pirates who set fire to the ship, he was still angry in his heart.

"Abominable! Too cheap for those ignorant fools! Anilu said angrily.

Lin Mo glanced at him and said indifferently: "Gone." Anilu

glanced at Kaku, who was repairing the ship, and couldn't help but complain to Lin Mo: "Look, the ships are burned like this, what if there is a similar situation in the future?" You and I can't repair ships, I still think it's better to accept a shipbuilder on board..." Lin

Mo: "..."

This guy, who has been nagging, is not annoying."

It has to be a shipwright.

Okay, that's up to you.

Lin Mo pointed to Kaku, who was busy, and spoke, "Before noon tomorrow, if you can get him to go with us willingly, I will leave him as a shipwright." "

Huh?" Anilu was shocked, "You really promised the shipwright?"

Lin Mo nodded silently.

Anilu glanced at Kaku and said a little dissatisfied: "Can't you take a better craft?" He's still a newcomer to the factory..."

Lin Mo was too lazy to talk nonsense with Anilu, and left first by himself.

Kaku was sent by CP9 to be an undercover agent in the capital of seven waters, and it is not so easy to pry him, or rather, it is basically impossible.

Anyway, Lin Mo doesn't quite believe that Anilu can get Dingkaku, since Anilu has to be a shipbuilder, well, then give him an impossible goal.

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