Listening to the system's prompt tone, Lin Mo was silent again....

At the moment, his mood is a little complicated.

All of them in CP9 have undergone hellish devil training beyond the limits of the human body, almost everyone is proficient in the Six Styles, and since they can remember, they have been indoctrinated with the idea of dying for the government.

It can be said that CP9 people are equivalent to a group of loyal killers raised by the government.

It is not so easy to get the CP9 people to defect.

Lin Mo originally thought that Kaku would not agree to Anilu's request to board the ship even if he died.

But now....

That guy actually said yes!

He didn't believe that Anilu really had that much charm to talk about Kaku.

So, there is only one situation left, Kaku is on board with a mission in mind.

And the content of the task, Lin Mo can roughly guess.

Forget it....

Lin Mo was too lazy to think about anything more, since he promised Anilu, naturally he would not break his word.

Since Kaku is going to board the ship, make the most of it.

The people of CP9 have at least one point, and Lin Mo is quite satisfied, that is, they will not be sloppy about what they should do during their undercover years, otherwise Luqi and Kaku will not become famous shipbuilders with a high reputation in the capital of seven waters.

It's just that now, he has slightly changed the fate of Kaku, who was supposed to be the bearer of Dock One.

This side of Ani Road.

After Kaku said that he was willing to board the ship, Anilu took the thunder dragon back in time.

"Hmph! If you dare to deceive me, let you taste the sanction of God!" Anilu said unpleasantly.

Kaku waved his hand and said, "Since the old man agreed, naturally he will not break his word, by the way, when do you plan to leave the capital of seven waters?"

"Tomorrow at the earliest." When to go, Anilu is not sure, it depends on Lin Mo's mood.

Kaku didn't know much about the origin of Lin Mo and Anilu, so he asked, "So, your identity shouldn't be a pirate, right?" "

Huh." Anilu sneered, "It's ridiculous! What is a pirate? Lin Mo is a man who wants to become a travel king! Kaku

: "..."

Traveler? What is this....

"Okay." Kaku smiled and nodded, "Then I'll see you at noon tomorrow, the old man will go back and clean up first... Then patch up the ship as soon as possible.

"Long-nosed boy, you better not play any tricks!"

"Hahaha, don't worry, the old man has already figured it out, he won't run anymore, it's a good thing to be able to travel with someone as strong as you." Kaku laughed heartily.

After that, Anilu returned to the hotel.

And Kaku, found Luki and explained to him about his change of task.

Lucy didn't care, even if Kaku left him alone undercover, he was confident that he could complete the mission.


Lin Mo got up early.

He returned the rented Blue to the Blue rental house, and then began to fish leisurely again on the outer coast of the Seven Waters Capital.

"Lin Mo, I succeeded!" Anilu instantly appeared beside Lin Mo and said in a good mood.

Lin Mo replied lightly 'Oh'.

Seeing that he didn't seem to care at all, Anilu couldn't help but be depressed: "Aren't you surprised?"

Lin Mo glanced at him speechlessly: What is there to be surprised about?

"Forget it." Anilu shrugged his shoulders and felt better again, "Yahahahaha, now, my status is not the lowest on the ship!" Lin

Mo: "..."You

just show up at that point."

"So when are we leaving? Will you leave today when the ship is repaired? Anilu asked.

Lin Mo shook his head: "Wait a minute." Anilu

: "?

"That's right." Suddenly thinking of something, Anilu suddenly became serious again, "You people in the blue ocean are also too terrible, besides you and the navy, that long-nosed guy can actually touch me?" How the hell did you do it?

Lin Mo said lightly: "Armed color." "

Armed color?" Anilu was stunned, "What is that?" I remember that the lieutenant general named Karp also said, what is my heart network

..." Lin Mo: "..."

Lin Mo was speechless: "Go and ask Kaku." The

corners of Anilu's mouth twitched slightly: "That guy knows this?"

Lin Mo nodded lightly.

Anilu was silent for a moment, didn't ask anything more, and really went to Dock No. 1 to find Kaku.

Now, Lin Mo has discovered another advantage of Kaku on the ship, and if there is any problem with Anilu in the future, let him ask Kaku....

Dock One.

Anilu suddenly appeared on the same spaceship that had been remodeled and repaired.

The original chicken head and wings are gone, and the style of the boat has been changed to a featureless ordinary model, and if you don't fly and sail in the sea, you don't know that you think it is an ordinary fisherman's family boat.

Kaku saw Anilu coming, held a stack of books, jumped onto the deck of the spaceship, and said with a smile: "Why did you come alone?" What about Lin Mo?

"Leave him alone." Anilu glanced at the book in Kaku's hand, "This is your luggage?"

Kaku smiled and said: "Hahaha, of course not, these books were asked by the old man to the old shipbuilders in the dock, since the old man decided to be the shipwrights on your ship, the craft naturally cannot be left behind, these books are used to learn by themselves." "

Oh." Anilu answered casually, and then pulled the topic into the right track, "You were able to hit me yesterday, did you use an armed color?" "

Hmm... You don't know the color of arms? Kaku asked a little strangely.

Anilu nodded.

Kaku put the book into the cabin first, then touched his nose and continued: "Then do you know the color of seeing and smelling and the color of overlords? Anilu

looked confused: "I have heard of it, and Old Man Kapuna said that my heart network is to see and smell... What is the overlord color?

Kaku stared at Anilu with some surprise: "Do you know Lieutenant General Karp?"

Anilu said casually: "I met it once, Lin Mo seems to know the old man of Kapuna."

Kaku was silent for a short while, then quickly returned to his original state and said with a smile: "Hahaha, Lieutenant General Karp is a big man, I didn't expect you to know each other." "

Big shot?" Anilu looked puzzled.

Kaku said with a smile: "That's right, Vice Admiral Karp is a naval hero, his strength can be regarded as a top-level figure in the navy, I heard that he has turned down several opportunities to be promoted to general." "

What?" Anilu was shocked, "That old man has the strength of a general?

Kaku said strangely: "Yes, so to speak, even if he fights with the current admiral of the navy, he will never fall behind, maybe it is better."

"Wait!" Anilu suddenly realized a serious problem, "What about the other hundreds of vice admirals in this world?" Are they all the same strength as Karp?

Kaku was stunned, and then laughed: "Hahaha, you are really interesting, where are there so many lieutenant generals in this world?" The headquarters plus the localities add up to only a few dozen. The old man also said just now that Lieutenant General Karp is a special case, and his strength has long exceeded Lieutenant General by several levels. Anilu

: "..."

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