After sailing at sea for nearly half a month, an island with many giant trees growing and many large bubbles floating around the giant trees appeared in the line of sight of Lin Mo and others.

Chambord Islands, arrived!

This is a red earth continent in the middle of the Great Shipping Route, made up of many large trees, the roots of which serve as the ground, and bubbles naturally form islands from the ground.

Kaku looked at the Chambordi Islands not far away in surprise, a little confused: "It's really here..."

Anilu laughed loudly, "I said a long time ago, Lin Mo is not an ordinary person, with Lin Mo here, what do you want to break the record pointer?" He is the personal record pointer. As

soon as Anilu finished speaking, Lin Mo jumped up directly and struck an iron fist and punched a big bag on his head.

"Poof." Kaku couldn't help but sneer.

Anilu glared angrily at Kaku and struck directly with a lightning strike.

Kaku immediately bounced and easily jumped onto the top of the ship.

Anilu's lightning strike shattered the guardrail behind Kaku where he was standing just now....

"Can't you take care of this ship?" Kaku stood on the top of the ship and said speechlessly, "Look how long it has been, the spaceship is full of patches, such a good ship white spoiled for you..."

Anilu said and continued to punch Kaku.

"Okay." Lin Mo looked at Anilu indifferently.

These two are too noisy... Fight every day, what is there to fight....

Anilu instantly stopped and said dissatisfied: "It's all Kaku guy who is provoking, I'm just defending!"

"What legitimate defense? It's all you who do it first, and then the old man is beaten, okay! Kaku said with a smile.

Anilu gave him a blank look: "You shut up for me!"

Kaku was too lazy to talk more nonsense with him, looked at Lin Mo, and spoke: "The old man of Chambordi has been here once, and the technology of a shipyard here is not bad, although this spaceship is slightly injured, the old man still thinks it is better to drive the ship over first and put it there to rest well, just so that the old man can also go to seek advice and improve the shipsmith skills of the old man."

"Yes." Lin Mo didn't think there was anything wrong with Kaku's opinion, "You go with Anilu."

"Wait!" Anilu said dissatisfied, "Aren't you going with us?"

Lin Mo shook his head, then looked at Kaku and spoke, "You stare at Anilu." "

The Chambord Islands are the only way to the New World, so there are many pirates, merchants and bounty hunters gathered here, not only that, but also the nobility of the world, which is where the inhabitants of the Holy Land of Mariejoa frequent.

The Holy Land of Marie Joa is the headquarters of the World Government, just at the peak of the Red Earth continent behind the Chambord Islands.

And those so-called world nobles who live in the Holy Land of Marie Joa, also known as Draco, are the descendants of the 20 kings who established the world government 800 years ago, and consider themselves "descendants of the Creator", because they regard themselves as noble and disdain to breathe the same air as ordinary people and wear bubble hoods.

Draco likes to treat people of other races as slaves. Enjoy all privileges. Once offended, the admiral of the Navy headquarters must be dispatched for protection.

Therefore, even if the Draco has a bad character, it is legal to abuse his power to do all kinds of evil and domineering acts in the Chambord Islands.

Lin Mo naturally knew about the Draco, but Anilu didn't know, and with Anilu's temper, it was easy to cause trouble in Chambord.

He wasn't here to fight with Draco or the Navy...

Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Lin Mo didn't want to stare at Anilu by himself, and it happened that Kaku knew something about Chambord, so he let Kaku stare at it.

Kaku guessed Lin Mo's intentions, and shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "Okay, the old man will stare at him, provided that he can listen to the old man..."

Lin Mo glanced at Anilu.

Anilu said irritably, "Staring at me? Why? Is it because you are afraid that I will get into trouble? Hey, don't you believe me that much? Big deal, I'll keep a low profile.

Lin Mo: "..."

Can you be low-key as a flamboyant guy?"

Lin Mo was too lazy to talk more nonsense with him: "You guys go to the shipyard first, and before I go to find you, I will listen to Kaku about everything."

"Wait! What does Kakuta mean to learn shipsmith skills? Why should I stay in the shipyard too?

"That's it." Lin Mo no longer gave Anilu more opportunities to refute, jumped directly onto the deck guardrail, stepped on the moon steps, and rushed to the Chambordi Islands not far away.

The corners of Anilu's mouth twitched slightly.

Kaku couldn't help but laugh: "Hahaha, Lin Mo has spoken, what do you say?"

Anilu snorted coldly unpleasantly: "Hmph! Bastard has a long nose, don't be proud too early! "

Hahaha." Kaku pointed to a giant tree marked with the number forty-four on the outer edge of the Chambord Islands and said, "We entered from the forty-four." With

a look of reluctance on his face, Anilu still controlled the spacecraft to fly towards the location of the giant tree marked with the word forty-four.

When the spacecraft approached the Chambord Islands and saw that the so-called islands in front of him were all land connected by giant trees with roots exposed on the sea, Anilu asked with a slight surprise: "This is also an island?"

Kaku nodded and said: "Yes, the Chambordi Islands are composed of the world's largest mangrove, the Yarchiman mangrove forest, there are a total of seventy-nine trees here, and the trees and trees form the island, and each numbered tree is surrounded by towns and various facilities, which is why the Chambord Islands are called archipelagos." Anilu

turned his gaze and noticed bubbles coming out of the turf around the roots of the tree, and when one of the bubbles floated in front of him, he poked it with a golden stick, but it didn't break!

"Well, what's going on with these bubbles?" Anilu looked at Kaku and asked.

"The roots of the Yarchman mangrove secrete a natural resin that expands with the respiration of the roots to form bubbles, which are not so easy to break, but only suitable in the climatic range of the Yarchiman mangrove, once the bubbles are out of the climatic domain of the Chambord Islands, the resin components will spontaneously burst because they cannot fully exert their power."

"Oh, so it is." Anilu touched his chin and said in a light tone, "It seems that this island is quite interesting." Suddenly

thinking of something, Kaku continued: "By the way, there is something that the old man must tell you in advance, there are many world nobles gathered here in Chambord, although those world nobles generally do not go to places like shipyards, if you are really unlucky to meet, no matter what happens, you have to pretend not to see it, and definitely do not conflict with the world nobles!" "

Huh?" Anilu looked disdainful, "World noble? What is that? Is it expensive to have me? "

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