Inside the huge dining hall.

This is the moment.

Most of the diners stopped.

Look lively.

Focus on Yamaji, who is arguing with customers.

The gorgeously dressed woman looked around.

Seeing that everyone was looking at them, he pouted, and suddenly he had a flash of light, and he fell half of the fried rice left on his plate to the ground in front of Sanji.

Sanji's eyes widened.

The woman also stepped on the fried rice on the ground twice, and then said with a bad smile: "Aren't you not used to others wasting food?" How about you just eat the fried rice that fell on the ground? Anyway, I also spent money, just as I invited you, you're welcome. "

You..." Yamaji shivered with anger.

"Oops." The woman pretended to be surprised and said, "Why, do you only play tricks?" It's really disappointing to say one thing and do another, in the future, don't ask others to do what you can't do! The

woman's words caused some people around to laugh.

There were also a few people who felt that she had gone too far, but did not stop her.

Yamaji stared at the dirty-soaked fried rice on the ground, his clenched fists loosened and clenched, and then loosened and clenched.

Finally, Sanji took a deep breath and asked, "If I eat fried rice on the ground, you will eat all the rice on the table."

The woman squinted her eyes slightly, and stepped on the fried rice on the ground a few more times.

"Okay." The woman sneered, "As long as you eat the fried rice on the ground, I will eat all the rice on the table!"

"Well, that's what you said."

After speaking, Yamaji squatted on the ground, picked up the dirty fried rice with his hands, and really stuffed it into his mouth and ate it.

"Mom, is that guy a fool?" The woman's son pointed at Yamaji with a spoon and laughed, "Hahaha, actually ate fried rice on the ground, is he a beggar?" Hahaha..."

at this time.

Some customers around couldn't help but talk.

"What kind of person, actually bullying a child like this."

"Isn't it, did you really eat it? I thought he was joking.

"Hey, the woman over there, everyone has eaten fried rice on the ground, you should fulfill your promise and eat the food on the table, right?"

"That's it, it's almost time to eat the food on the table."

The woman clenched her teeth, listened to the discussions of other customers around her, and couldn't help but get up, wanting to leave here directly with her son.

"Isn't it? Obviously promised the child, but broke his word, it was too bad.

"It's just, her son is still here, what a bad example."

"Eat quickly, people's children eat the rice that you trample on, as long as you eat the food on the table, you will earn it."

Everyone's talk constantly stimulated the woman's ears.

Feminine no, she looked at Yamaji, who was still lying on the ground eating the fried rice that she had trampled on.

Clenched teeth.

Immediately grabbed the fried rice that was poured on the table by his son, ate all of them in a few bites, and then took his son's hand, walked out quickly, muttering as he went: "What a broken restaurant, stinky little ghost, you wait for me!" "

The other side.

Lin Mo ordered the two appetizers he ordered, and observed the situation on Sanji's side while drinking.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, Yamaji did not need to argue with that woman because of such a small matter.

There is no need to really pick up fried rice that is already dirty on the ground.

If Yamaji really ignores this, it will not be Yamaji.

After all, spoiling food and beating women were the most unbearable things for him.

Therefore, Sanji's behavior was within Lin Mo's expectations.


Carrying a large tray full of desserts, Paddy came out of the back kitchen with a grin and saw the situation on Sanji's side.

His face suddenly sank.

Hurry up and send Karp's dessert over.

Then he came behind Yamaji, grabbed Yamaji's back collar, and picked it up.

The mother and son who wasted food before are gone.

Patrick didn't know exactly what was going on between Sanji and the guest.

But seeing a stall of dirty-grained fried rice on the ground, and a grain of rice still stained at the corner of Yamaji's mouth, he probably guessed the situation.

"Let go of me, bastard Piedy!"

Sanji struggled.

Only nine years old, he is far less than the strong Padi in terms of physical height and strength.

So, no matter how much he struggled, he couldn't break Patrick's hand that grabbed him by the collar.

Patrick's other hand directly hammered Yamaji's head: "Stinky little ghost! You must be arguing with the guests again! How many guests have you been angry with this month, do you know how much money we are going to make less because of your mess!

Sanji was not convinced: "Money money, you know money, can money fill your stomach?"

Padi punched Yamaji on the head with another punch: "Isn't opening a restaurant just to make money?" Where do you go to buy cooking ingredients without money? A sucker!

Pai Di taught Sanji while carrying him to the back kitchen: "You little imp who can't do anything with mixed eating and drinking, give me a good wash!"

"Verbose! You stinky cook! "

Huh? You guy who wants to be a smelly cook, you don't have the right to say I'm a smelly cook!

Lin Mo silently watched as Paddy carried Sanji into the back kitchen.

He came here to complete the check-in progress task.

Obviously, Bharati is just a dining ship for guests, and there is no possibility of a guest room for guests.

Unless, he stays here to work....

After thinking about it, Lin Mo denied his idea.

It is impossible to work part-time, and it is impossible for him to work for others in this life.

Another way is to talk to Balati's captain and chef Jep.

Take on previous experience in Frost Moon Village.

Maybe talk to Jepp and trigger the check-in progress task.

Thinking of this, Lin Mo ate the last bite of the dish on the plate in front of him and drank the last sip of wine in the wine gourd.

He was about to get up and go upstairs to find Jep.


Karp next to him suddenly threw a donut at him.

Lin Mo turned sideways, raised his hand to easily grab the donut thrown by Karp, and looked at him speechlessly.

"Hahaha." Kapu laughed, "Good skills, Lin Mo little ghost, do you want to consider joining the navy?" "


This inexplicably invited him to join the Navy.

So casual?

"Nope!" Lin Mo directly refused, and threw back the doughnut that Karp threw to him.

Karp laughed and caught the donut that Lin Mo threw back, and then took a bite: "It's illegal to waste and waste food in Bharati."

Lin Mo was speechless.

Obviously you threw the donut over first, okay!

Karp continued to laugh: "Hahaha, little ghost, don't rush to make a decision first, and then think about it." "

As a lieutenant general whose strength is above the general, don't look at Karp usually has no seriousness, in fact, his vision of people is quite vicious.

In fact, from the first time he saw Lin Mo, he noticed that this taciturn little devil was not simple.

One of the opportunities that made him completely impressed by Lin Mo was the wine Lin Mo drank.

Although it didn't smell strong, the unique smell mixed with a faint cherry blossom fragrance and some special grains made him sure that this little devil had definitely been to the Ichishin Dojo of Frost Moon Village.

Kapu had previously visited Frost Moon Village on official business, and he had spent two days at the Isshin Dojo, and Koshiro had served him to drink this wine made with special techniques and materials.

When he left, Karp asked Koshiro for this wine, but Koshiro refused to give him an extra small jug.

And now, this little devil actually has this wine in a gourd.

It can be seen that Koshiro is quite optimistic about this child.

Another thing that impressed Karp was a small sailing ship for one or two people parked outside.

The style of the sailboat, but unique to the windmill village, he recognized it at a glance.

That's why he asked Lin Mo if he came alone in Bharati.

When Lin Mo admitted that he came here alone.

It also basically shows that the small sailboat is his.

Thinking about the previous call with the redhead, the redhead said that he had met a little ghost who might stir up the world in the future.

Looking at it now, nine times out of ten, this kid in front of you is right!

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