It is Saab that the Navy is now chasing.

As soon as he listened to their descriptions, Lin Mo knew.

As for what the drinker who came to report the letter said that the navy caught two cadres of the revolutionary army, Lin Mo also roughly guessed that it was Ivankov and Lightning.

With his knowledge of the world, it was time for Ivankov and Lightning to be captured and locked up in the city....

So, the current situation, nothing to be surprised by, all expected.

The navy who came in to search heard the drinker's report and immediately exited the tavern and chased southeast of the town.

Lin Mo drank the last sip of wine in the wine glass in his hand, and after paying the wine money, he left the tavern.

When passing a tailor's shop, a head popped out from behind the shop and whispered to him: "Xiao Lin, over here."

Lin Mo: "..."

Am I familiar with you?"

Lin Mo didn't intend to ignore him and continued to walk forward.

Saab looked left and right, saw that there was no navy, and immediately trotted out from behind the tailor's shop and caught up with Lin Mo: "Ivan and Lightning were caught..." Lin Mo

was speechless: I know....

"I have to save them! If the opponent is just these ordinary navies, I still have a way to deal with them, but I just saw the Admiral Yellow Ape..." Speaking of this, Saab couldn't help but clench the water pipe in his hand.

Although Ivan is usually hip-hop and does not have a positive type, his strength is still very strong.

Coupled with the ability of lightning, it was not difficult for the two of them to escape from under the nose of the navy, but they were still caught.

Saab, who did not know the truth, naturally thought that Ivan and Lightning were caught in order to cover the escape of other comrades, leaving behind to resist the general Yellow Ape.

Lin Mo also didn't know about the phone conversation between Long and Ivankov, originally thought that Ivankov and Lightning were deliberately caught in the city because of a special mission, but now seeing Saab like this, it seems to be really an accident....

"Are you sure you can save them?" Lin Mo asked.

Saab glanced at him, smiled dryly and shook his head: "I'm not sure, now I can't beat the yellow ape at all." If you can't beat it, you can only outwit it, Lin Mo, you already know the identities of me and Ivan, right?

Lin Mo continued to walk forward indifferently.

Without speaking, Saab took him as acquiescence and continued: "Ivan and I came to Chambord this time to save the captured companions, originally the people have been rescued, we should also leave here immediately, maybe because of my reasons, Ivan and Lightning were caught, in any case, even if the hope is small, I will try, maybe it will succeed." "

So what?

Lin Mo turned his head to look at him.

Sabo grinned: "I want to trouble you with one thing, I am not too sure that I can rescue them, if it fails, if you meet my fellow members of the revolutionary army, please help me tell them, let them leave us alone, go back to the base first, please."

After speaking, Saab smiled and waved at Lin Mo, then grabbed his water pipe weapon and ran forward.

Lin Mo looked at Saab, who had already run away, with some surprise.

Just because Saab didn't bother him to help save people, Lin Mo's impression of this guy was a little better....

Since that's the case, help him once.

Thinking of this, Lin Mo went around to the back of a nearby house, and with a move of his mind, he summoned the shadow doppelganger.

"Boss, I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss it very much~" As soon as the shadow doppelganger appeared, he said hello to Lin Mo.

Lin Mo asked indifferently, "What skill did you get this time?" The

shadow avatar felt the situation in his body and grinned: "Running must be a special move, it's still so-so."

Lin Mo nodded lightly: "Okay, give you a task, track Saab, and take him to run when there is danger."

"Boss, when did you become so kind?" The shadow doppelganger asked with a nose picked.

Lin Mo directly punched and punched a big bag on the head of the shadow doppelganger.

"Really, you're too violent to yourself, okay, I know, you're going to be dead." The shadow avatar did not run away with an instant, because he knew that in front of the body, he had no way to run.

Lin Mo was speechless: "Do what I let you do, don't cause me trouble!"

"Okay, got it, got it!" The shadow doppelganger stretched out his hand to Lin Mo again and said with a smile, "Give money." Lin

Mo: "..."

What if I go like this and get discovered?" Others don't know you, yellow apes can know, boss, you don't want me to be discovered by yellow apes, and then cause trouble to yourself, right? "

The head of the shadow doppelganger is the Tao.

Lin Mo almost believed it.

However, after thinking about it, he still took out a bag of Bailey to the shadow doppelganger: "Women's clothing is not allowed."

"Received! Don't worry, boss, I'm not a woman! The

shadow doppelganger stood up straight, grabbed the money bag in Lin Mo's hand, and ran away with a puff of smoke.

Although this shadow avatar is relatively skinny, at least the tasks given to him can be completed smoothly.

If it weren't for Lin Mo not wanting to do it himself, he wouldn't have summoned the shadow doppelganger to come out.

The shadow doppelganger took Lin Mo's money, entered a clothing store nearby, used the fastest speed, chose a more casual set of women's clothing, and then bought a mask to wear, and then followed Saab's breath and chased over.

However, to the surprise of the shadow doppelganger, he was discovered by Saab not long after he followed Saab.

After following Saab through an alley, he turned a corner and disappeared from the target.

The shadow doppelganger was surprised, and Sabo's voice came from behind him: "Who are you?" Why track me?

"I'm not following you." The shadow doppelganger turned to face Saab, lowered his voice, and said softly, "People just happened to go along with you." "

By the way?" Saab didn't believe it, "You've followed me a few streets, who are you?"

"People are just ordinary people, oh, it's really annoying, I hate it when people misunderstand me, hum!" Angry! "

Eh?" Saab looked confused.

The shadow avatar immediately stepped on small broken steps and ran....

Saab took two steps forward, thought about it, or forget it, didn't think much more, and went out through the other exit of the alley.

Not long after he left, the shadow doppelganger reappeared, and couldn't help but mutter, "Is my tracking technology too bad?" This can actually be discovered..."

After that, Saab purposefully circled around the area one to twenty-nine, and then hid not far in front of the prison house where Ivankov and Lightning were held, waiting for the opportunity.

Until the evening.

A group of navy racks Ivankov and Lightning, who were handcuffed with Hailou stone, came out of the prison room.

Saab has long explored the situation around here, and now there are only a dozen people who are detaining Ivankov and Lightning, and the yellow ape is not here, and the probability of saving them is very high!

Without much thought, Saab immediately waved the water pipe in his hand, and without saying a word, directly rushed towards Ivankov and Lightning, and quickly rushed over.

"Huh? How did Saab come? Ivankov noticed Saab, who was rushing towards him in the distance, and was surprised.

The navy, which seized them, immediately took up arms, and before they could do anything, they were beaten to the ground by Saab's manipulation.

"Sure enough, the people of the revolutionary army came to save people!"

"Don't be afraid of him, the yellow ape general is around, this kid can't run!"

The navy did not panic in the slightest, even if the weapons were dropped, they did not mess up.

"Give me back my companion!" Saab frowned slightly, knocking out all the navies that stood in front of him.

Then came to Ivankov and Lightning, and was preparing to take them away.

"Saab, leave us alone, go back quickly!" Ivankov said with an ugly face.

Saab insisted, "No, I can't leave you guys behind!" "

Stupid!" Ivankov had a headache and said, "Didn't you see our comrades? Obedient, go find them, bring them back, leave me and Lightning alone, the yellow ape is nearby, if he finds you, you won't be able to run!

As soon as Ivankov finished speaking, from the darkness not far away, a slender figure gradually walked out: "Ouch, it seems that someone is calling the name of the old man."

"Oops!" Ivankov's face changed suddenly.

Lightning immediately shouted at Saab, "Run! At

this time, a figure suddenly appeared, and before Saab could react, he grabbed his hand and slipped away....

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