Kaku's words almost didn't make Anilu angry.

Silently getting up, Anilu pointed out of the cabin with an indifferent expression, and said in an indifferent tone: "Long nose, you go out with me, I have something to say to you." "

Kaku is not so stupid, just about to refuse.

Lin Mo pushed a few plates of the dish in front of him to Anilu.

"That's not going to work." Kaku pushed back, "If it doesn't suit my taste, I can learn other cuisines, and you have to eat them all." "

Lin Mo:"..."

"From now on, your three meals a day must be arranged by the old man, and they cannot be wasted." Kaku saw that Lin Mo was going to get the wine, and directly snatched the wine bottle on the table, "It's okay to drink, eat all the food and drink it."

"I see you're really looking for death." Anilu said unpleasantly, "You even dare to manage Lin Mo now, right?"

Kaku shrugged and said, "The old man does not dare to care about you, but there are some principles that must be observed, and the old man is doing this for your health, if you don't even eat well, you will suffer in the future." When you can't do it before, you don't eat it if you don't eat it, even if the old man's cooking skills are not top-notch, at least you can swallow it, right?

Anilu was really angry: "So, for the sake of my body, you will give me grass?"

Kaku laughed loudly: "Hahaha, this is not grass, it is a wild vegetable unique to this island, after leaving, you can't eat it if you want, besides, it's not all wild vegetables, the old man also put meat in it, right?"

Anilu picked up a pitiful piece of meat in one of the plates of wild vegetables and said angrily, "That's it? Who are you fooling! "

He now seriously suspects that Kaku is targeting him.

"Okay." Lin Mo was too lazy to listen to his two arguments, "Anilu, sit down."

Anilu sat back with a displeased face.

The corners of Kaku's mouth were slightly hooked, and he pushed the wild vegetables in front of Anilu, and said with a smile: "There are not enough ingredients in the refrigerator, so there are not enough meat dishes, if you want to eat meat, tomorrow you go to hunt some wild game back, as much as you want to eat, the old man will make as much as you want, so it's always okay, right?"

"Hmph! That's pretty much it. Anilu snorted coldly, didn't say anything more, and began to grill rice.

Lin Mo also cooperated and ate.

Kaku smiled and shook his head, he had almost touched the personalities and habits of Anilu and Lin Mo.

Anilu is a very arrogant and narcissistic person, he is quite confident in his strength, and there is nothing disgusting, whether it is a man or a woman, old or young, this guy can get his hands on it. On the surface, he seems to be a very difficult person to get along with, but in fact, he is as naïve as a child and easily angry, but in the same way, it is very easy to coax....

And Lin Mo, it seems that he has few words, and he likes to look at his mood when doing things, and he is very indifferent to anyone, as if he is an emotionless robot, through this period of understanding, Kaku found that Lin Mo this guy is indifferent on the surface and does not care about anyone, in fact, he is a tsundere who is hard and soft on his own mouth and will not show emotions. If you want to deal with such a person, it is actually very simple, as long as you are always good to him and let him completely let down his guard.

Therefore, for the undercover mission given to him by Spandam, Kaku is quite confident that he can successfully complete it, after all, he is quite a patient person.

Thinking of this, when Kaku was about to start eating, he just picked up the bowl, but was stunned to find that Lin Mo and Anilu had actually eaten all the dishes....

This speed is absolute....

"Huh? Don't you keep a little for your husband? Kaku asked with a smile.

Anilu picked up the apple juice on the table and sneered: "I was in a daze when I ate, I deserved no food."

Lin Mo took the bottle of wine that Kaku had snatched again, didn't say anything more, and went directly to his room.

"You two are too harsh on the old man." Kaku said helplessly, "Really, the old man is your free nanny on this boat..."

Anilu said with a lazy look, "It's impossible for others to get on the boat, you don't know how hard I worked to get Lin Mo's guy who couldn't get into the boat to agree to recruit a shipwright." "

Eh?" Kaku was stunned.

Anilu looked at the already dark sky outside, and without much thought, he walked out.

Seeing this, Kaku didn't care about putting away the dishes and chopsticks, and followed out: "It's almost dark, where are you going?" Don't cause any more trouble.

"Bastard has a long nose, you can't trust me so much?" Anilu said unpleasantly, "Can you take a walk after dinner and catch a few wild game in the forest by the way?"

"Then you wait for the old man, and the old man will go with you."

"Am I a child? Still need you to watch?

"The old man is not at ease, after all, you are a person who is not light, heavy and measured."

"Bastard has a long nose, I see you don't fight for a day, itchy all over, right!" Anilu is filled with electricity, which is especially conspicuous in this dark night.

At this time, a small female voice suddenly came: "Wow, that's amazing!" Xiaolan

held a pile of food, standing on the shore in front of the spaceship, her eyes shining as she looked at the whole body full of electricity, and in this dark night, she looked like a god Anilu.

"Huh?" Anilu turned his head to look at Xiaolan, his face full of disdain, "It's really not a small guts, I actually dare to come over." "

In fact, when Xiaolan began to come to the side of the spaceship, Anilu had already noticed it with the help of seeing and hearing it, but Xiaolan was just an ordinary little girl, there was no threat at all, and he didn't pay attention to it.

"Huh? Did you know I would come over? Xiaolan asked in surprise.

Anilu said disdainfully: "I know from the time you left the town full of women."

"Wow!" Xiao Lan said excitedly, "Really? You are amazing, I adore you so much!

Anilu smiled proudly: "Even if you have vision, Ben Thor forgives you for your ignorance and recklessness." "

Thor?" Xiao Lan was stunned, and then asked excitedly, "Are you really a god?" So are you omniscient and omnipotent? "

Ahhh Anilu laughed, "Of course!

Kaku came to the side of Anilu, looked at Xiaolan, who looked like a lost girl on the coast, and said with a headache: "Don't lie to the little girl..." Anilu

gave him a blank look: "What is the matter with you?"

"That omniscient Lord Thor, can you answer me a question?" Xiaolan asked expectantly.

Anilu enjoyed Xiaolan's adoration very much, hooked the corners of his mouth slightly, and waved his hand: "Okay, if you have any questions, ask."

Xiaolan couldn't wait to ask: "Can you tell me the difference between men and women?" Anilu

: "?

Kaku: "..."

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