'Didi! Guide Yamaji and get the worship of Yamaji, check-in progress +20%, current total progress is 40%, reward teleportation level +1, current teleportation level is Lv2. Not

long after Lin Mo left, the system's prompt sound in his mind sounded.

More comprehensive information about instantaneous steps was also integrated into his mind, and the whole body felt a lot lighter.

"It seems that Sanji's understanding is still very good." Lin Mo said that he was quite satisfied.

But what is the situation with that worship?

Why is it also counted in progress tasks?

This point Lin Mo is very puzzling.

However, the results are good.


Lin Mo had already arrived at the deck of the back door of the second floor of Bharati.

The warm sun shone on his body, warm, making him a little sleepy.

"Take a nap." Lin Mo took out a recliner placed in the system space, lay down comfortably, and squinted his eyes to take a nap.

He had only been asleep for a few minutes.

Not far away.

A pirate ship with an unknown pirate flag is slowly approaching.

When Bharati entered the range of that pirate ship.

The turret, which was fixed to the ship, was immediately ignited.

Just listen to a few 'bangs'.

Several shells were shot menacingly at Bharati.

This group of pirates is trying to sneak up on Bharati.

So it was an attack from behind Bharati.

The sound of the cannonball woke up Lin Mo, who had just slept.

He opened his eyes with a slight frown.

The first thing Lin Mo saw was the black cannonball that was getting closer and closer to him.

Without saying a word.

Lin Mo immediately got up from the deckchair, jumped up from the deck, and kicked all those shells into the sea with Yekai.

Fall onto deck.

Lin Mo stared expressionlessly at the pirate ship hundreds of meters away, disturbing his sleep.

Without hesitation, he pulled out the Toya Lake on his waist and smashed it towards the pirate ship with one blow.

Then hang the sword back on his waist and go back to the recliner to lie down, the moment he closed his eyes.

The pirate ship suddenly cracked a flat cut from it, turned into two halves at once, and slowly sank to the bottom of the sea.

There were many wailing and screams on the sea.

Soon, everything returned to calm.

"Liar, deceive..." Sanji originally wanted to thank Lin Mo, because Lin Mo's words just now untied the knot in his heart.

When he chased in the direction where Lin Mo had just been.

But he happened to see Lin Mo's behavior of kicking cannonballs and taking a wooden sword to split a pirate ship through the air.

He was so frightened that he didn't dare to step forward to find Lin Mo.

Secretly swallowing his spit, Sanji slowly moved his feet and stepped back.

Retreating, he trotted up.

In his mind, he had always been about Lin Mo kicking the shells just now.

The more I think about it, the more excited I become.

I couldn't help but kick myself in the foot.

"Lin Mo, that guy is so powerful! Obviously about my age... No, I can't waste any more time!

With that, he went outside Jep's door.

See that Yamaji is here again.

Jepp said angrily, "Have all the dishes in the kitchen been washed?"

Yamaji Dragon Tooth smiled and said, "Stinky old man, I have decided, I want to learn leg skills from you!" Jepp

was stunned, and then laughed: "Hahaha, you still want to learn my leg skills?" Stop being delusional! Do your job.

"I'll do my job!" Yamaji said seriously, "I will also learn cooking well, and if you have more time, you will teach me leg skills!"

Jepp looked at Sanji stunned.

Why is this kid different from when he came over more than half an hour ago?

It seems, got the hang of it?

Zhepu frowned slightly and said, "I didn't plan to teach you cooking.

Yamaji laughed and said: "It's okay, anyway, I work in the kitchen every day, if you don't teach, I'll steal my own learning, I'm no longer the same Yamaji I used to be, smelly old man, you wait for me, I will soon surpass you, whether it is cooking or leg skills."

"Hahaha, just you? I see that you will never surpass me in this life and obediently do your chores.

"Whatever you say, anyway, what I decide, no one can change my mind!"

After speaking, Yamaji ran away with a puff of smoke.

Jepp's face, which was still smiling just now, immediately regained its calm.

Yamaji that kid... Who said something to him?

Certainly not Patrick, these big bosses.

And in addition to Patrick and his Jeep, there was another person he had just given privileges.

Jepp narrowed his eyes slightly.

It can't really be that kid....

The other side.

Lin Momei slept for more than an hour, and the first thing he did when he woke up was to pick up the wine gourd.

The wine gourd is empty.

When he left Frost Moon Village before, he specially went to the tavern to buy a lot of wine.

But it was almost eight days at sea.

Every day except for drinking and sleeping, occasionally beating the sea king who can't help but attack him.

The stock is also left with two special aging wines sent by Koshiro.

Thought about it.

He still stopped thinking about drinking the wine given by Koshiro.


Retract the chair back into the system space.

Lin Mo yawned, smelled the faint aroma of wine in the air, and came to the door of a room on the second floor dedicated to storing alcohol.

Just then, Yamaji came out of it holding a bottle of wine.

When opening the door.

I saw Lin Mo outside.

Yamaji couldn't help but be stunned.

"Ah, that, what are you doing here?" Sanji asked hurriedly.

Lin Mo's eyes fixed on the wine bottle held by Sanji: "This, how much?" "

Well, five Baileys, don't you want to drink a bar?" Sanji asked cautiously.

Lin Mo said indifferently: "Hmm."

"Then this bottle is for you, I'll go get another bottle." Yamaji smiled and shoved the wine he was holding into Lin Mo's hand.

Lin Mo: "?

"It's okay." Sanji said without care, "In the future, if you want to drink, tell me, let's come here together, you go in and drink, I'll give you the wind."

Lin Mo smiled.

This kid is very good at things.

Yamaji's kindness, he received it by heart.

But he's not the kind of person who eats overlord meals.

Lin Mo touched his pocket.

He took out a money bag with a hundred Bailey and threw it to Yamaji.

Sanji hurriedly continued: "Hey? What are you? "

Wine money."

After speaking, Lin Mo directly opened the wine stopper and drank the bottle.

Taste ok.

He then poured the rest of the wine into his own wine gourd.

Returned the empty bottle to Yamaji.

Preparing to leave.

Sanji hurriedly asked, "Where are you going?" "

Hunting." Lin Mo said lightly.

Sanji was stunned, and remembered that more than an hour ago, when he saw Lin Mo kicking the shells, he suddenly became excited again, and quickly followed and went downstairs with Lin Mo.

As he walked, he asked, "Are you going to fight pirates?" Just now, I saw you kicking flying cannonballs with your feet, and cutting off pirate ships with a wooden sword, you are so powerful, Lin Mo, can you tell me, when did you start practicing leg skills?

Lin Mo: "..."This

question seems a little familiar....

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