Because he figured it out, Kaku is not as nervous as before.

Seeing his death-like look, the redhead couldn't help but laugh and said, "Hahaha, it turns out that you are really a person from the world government." "


The redhead continued: "Listen to Anilu, you are a ship on the capital of seven waters, the capital of seven waters is really a good place, what a nostalgia, the Oro Jackson was born there." When I have the opportunity, I really want to visit the capital of seven waters again. "

The Oro Jackson, the main ship of Roger's Pirates, was made by Tom, the fishman who lives in the capital of seven waters and has the title of 'legendary shipbuilder', and is made of the treasure tree Adam.

This is the legendary One Piece's ship, and Kaku naturally knows it.

It's just that he doesn't understand why the redhead would suddenly mention this.

The red-haired dragon tooth smiled and said, "Speaking of the capital of seven waters, I think of Mr. Tom, and you, as a person of the world government, can't go to the capital of seven waters to be a shipwright for no reason, so the purpose of your visit to the capital of seven waters is to get something, right?"

Kaku was silent and did not speak.

The redhead continued: "As far as I know, there is really the same thing related to the capital of seven waters, and it is related to Mr. Tom, so you went to the capital of seven waters to work as a shipwright to get close to the iceberg and get what you want from him, right?"

Kaku swallowed uneasily.

The redhead was right, the purpose of their trip to the Capital of Seven Waters was to get the 'Hades' blueprint.

This is a top-secret mission, and the only people who know it are the relevant personnel within CP9 and the commander who gave the order.

Once the content of their mission is leaked, the consequences are unimaginable.

No, even if they die, they can't let the redhead mess up their plans!

Thinking of this, Kakugan smiled and said, "What do you say?" Why can't the old man understand? In fact, the old man was sent to the capital of seven waters to get on Lin Mo's ship, and the old man's task was to gain Lin Mo's trust, nothing more. "

Oh? Is it? The redhead stared at Kaku suspiciously.

Kaku nodded and replied, "That's right, it's true!" "

Hahaha, Xiaoka, you're still too young." The redhead smiled and patted Kaku's shoulder, "Explanation is a cover-up, do you really think that with your acting skills, you can fool my eyes?" If I'm not mistaken, you're out on an undercover mission for the first time, right? "

Er... This..."It's really...

"Well, I want to think about it." The redhead touched his chin and thought, and in just a few seconds, his right hand clenched a fist, knocked his left palm, and suddenly realized, "Remember, the world government seems to have a secret spy organization, it seems that the people in this organization are killers, Xiaoka, you are CP9 people, right?"

"Aren't you going to kill the old man?" Kaku couldn't stand it, this feeling of being completely seen through was too uncomfortable, "Since you want to do it, don't talk nonsense, if you don't do it, the old man can do it himself."

With that, Kaku drew his two knives and pressed the blades close to his throat.

The redhead struck a blade and hit Kaku's wrist with quick accuracy.

Kaku's hand loosened in pain, and the two knives in his hand fell to the ground.

"It's really breathless." The redhead smiled and said, "If you are caught, you will commit suicide, and your life is so worthless?"

"Obviously you said you wanted to kill the old man, and now you are preventing the old man from committing suicide, what do you want to do?" Kaku asked with a serious look.

The redhead waved his hand, "When did I say I was going to kill you?"

Kaku was stunned: "Didn't you choose for the old man?"

"Yes. It's just a choice, no matter which one you choose, I won't kill you. "

Eh?" Kaku was stunned.

The redhead smiled and said, "No matter what, you are also Lin Mo's crew, and it shouldn't be me who wants to deal with you."

"So, you're going to hand over the old man to Lin Mo for disposal?" Kaku asked with an ugly face.

"Nope." The redhead shook his head and said, "Today's incident, I can treat it as if nothing happened, you can also continue to go undercover on Lin Mo's boat, but don't forget that your little tail has been grabbed by me, if you don't want to expose yourself, you'd better do what I say." Don't look at Lin Mo's appearance of not caring about anything, his mind is even I can't understand, not to mention you, a fledgling brat, if you want to gain his trust, you still have a long way to go, so before gaining Lin Mo's trust, you should stay on his ship and take care of his life.

The redhead's words made Kaku confused.

For some reason, he always felt that if he agreed to the redhead's request, he would embark on a never-ending road of no return....

But now, he had no other choice.

After a moment of silence, Kaku asked with an ugly face: "Why help the old man?" Aren't you and Lin Mo friends?

The redhead shrugged, "I'm not helping you, Lin Mo's kid is not someone who will take care of himself, even if he is thrown into a bunch of peers now, saying that he is twelve years old, there are people who believe him." By the way, you take this.

With that, the redhead handed a phone bug to Kaku.

Kaku took it with mixed feelings.

The redhead smiled and said, "This phone worm can contact me, you take it, don't give that guy from Anilu a yoshi, if this phone bug dies, I will have a headache."

Kaku nodded silently.

The redhead waved his hand and said, "Okay, you go back to rest, don't worry about Hawkeye, he's not a nosy person."

"So, I'm leaving?" Kaku asked hesitantly.

"Let's go."

Then, immediately took the phone bug and ran.

After feeling that Kaku ran away, the redhead turned his head to look in the direction of the dense forest on the other side, and spoke: "Everyone is gone, don't you come out?"

Then, a small figure, from the direction the redhead looked, came out of the darkness.

When the face of the person came, it appeared under the hazy moonlight.

The red-haired dragon tooth smiled: "Sure enough, I grew up and knew that I cared about people, hahaha... Did I just do okay? "

It was Lin Mo who came.

Lin Mo walked towards the redhead with an indifferent expression, and said as he walked: "General."

"It's really harsh, you." As soon as the words changed, the redhead continued, "You already know about Xiaoka?

Lin Mo replied lightly: "Hmm."

"Since you know he's undercover, why stay around?"

"None of your business."

"Huh? I'm sad when you say that. Having said that, the redhead didn't look sad at all, "It seems that Xiaoka's behavior is under your control, but I'm very surprised, you actually came with you for an undercover agent, are you worried that me or Hawkeye will kill him?"

Lin Mo: "..."

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