It's obviously just a simple dinner.

But the atmosphere was filled with joy by Marko and his group.

It was as if a banquet was being held.

Gulp meat, drink alcohol, laugh loudly and laugh.

Not long after, they even sang together the fine wine of Binks that almost every pirate sings.

Even Bharati's cooks, seeing that they were not busy now, joined in.

As for Lin Mo.

It's as if you're not in the same world as them.

Calm face.

Eat and drink quietly alone.

I still think about the sinking of my ship.

It seems that you have to find a way to get a new boat.

Otherwise, you can't go to sea.


Marco came to the table where Lin Mo was with a glass of wine and smiled: "Lin Mo, have a drink together?"

Lin Mo didn't raise his head and picked up the wine bottle directly.

Marko took the initiative to touch Lin Mo's bottle without care.

Watching Lin Mo take a big sip of wine from the bottle.

Marko drank all the wine in his glass, and then laughed: "Hahaha, I can't see it, you drink so well, when I am your age, I can only drink drinks."

Lin Mo ignored him.

Marko simply sat down opposite Lin Mo, stared at him with a smile, and asked, "You're not from this restaurant, are you?"

Lin Mo snorted casually and continued to grill rice.

Jepp and Sanji came down from upstairs together.

Seeing Marko and Lin Mo sitting at the same table, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

Without much thought, he asked Sanji to deliver a plate of meat to Lin Mo's table.

"Bharati hasn't been so happy in a long time." Sanji put the plate of meat in his hand in front of Lin Mo and said with a grin.

Lin Mo glanced at him and did not speak.

Jepp also walked over, looked at Marko, who was staring at Lin Mo, and asked, "You are Marko, the captain of the team of white-bearded pirates, the immortal bird, right?"

Marko withdrew his gaze, looked at Zhepu, and smiled: "That's right, I didn't expect that there were actually people who knew me in the East China Sea." Jepp

smiled and continued, "Aren't you supposed to be with Whitebeard on the main ship of the Whitebeard Pirates? How did you bring people to the East China Sea yourself? Performing tasks? "

Well, a small task, I'll go back in a few days."

"By the way, today's restaurant matter, thank you."

"Hehe, it's not me who you want to thank." Marko's gaze shifted to Lin Mo again.

Jepp followed Marko's line of sight and couldn't help but be stunned: "You mean, it was Lin Mo who solved Creek them?"

Marko smiled and said, "Without even blinking an eye, it only took two blows to kill that guy who was covered in weapons, what an amazing child."

"What? Two-hit? Jepp was surprised, "Crick has fifteen pirate groups under him, it can be seen that his strength is not weak, and he actually killed him in two hits?" This..."

"Really." Marco continued, "Lin Mo, do you have a place you want to go next?

Lin Mo still didn't answer his question.

Jepp answered for him, "He's a traveler." "

Traveler?" Marko was slightly surprised, "Alone? "

Hmm." Lin Mo finished the last bite of the dish, wiped his mouth, and answered indifferently.

Marko hooked his mouth and smiled: "Isn't it alone to travel alone on this vast sea?" Do you want to consider joining the Whitebeard Pirates? "

Nope." Lin Mo got up.

He didn't want to stay here anymore.

This lively atmosphere is not suitable for him.

He was ready to go upstairs to sleep.

Looked at.

Marko immediately stopped him: "Your ship has sunk, and you can't go anywhere without it." You may be more afraid of our identity as pirates, in fact, pirates are also divided into many kinds, our white-bearded pirate group is different from ordinary pirate groups, daddy is the broadest heart in the world, he can tolerate everything, treat us as his son, his family, believe me, as long as you have seen daddy, you will definitely like daddy. "

Nope." Lin Mo directly refused, "I'm just a traveler, I don't need a home, I don't need family and bonds, I understand your kindness, nothing else, I'll leave."

After speaking, Lin Mo continued to walk forward.

In my mind, the system prompts sound.

'Didi! Reject the invitation of the immortal bird Marko, the check-in progress is +10%, the current total progress is 80%, the reward is +1 for the domineering level, and the current domineering level is Lv3. '


Lin Mo couldn't help but pause.

Although others do not feel that his appearance has improved.

But he himself can clearly find that he can feel the breathing of everyone within the last few hundred meters and even the breath of fish swimming in the water!

It's just their heartbeat, he can't feel it yet.

Seeing that Lin Mo suddenly stopped, Zhepu asked strangely, "What's wrong, little ghost?" "

When I came back to my senses, something suddenly came to mind.

Lin Mo looked back at Jepp and asked, "Does Crick have a bounty?"

Jepp said unsurely: "He has just emerged in the East China Sea, the bounty is not much, it seems to be only a few million Baileys, what's wrong?"

"His body is still outside." Lin Mo said indifferently, "The bounty belongs to you, give me a boat." I

was stunned.

Jepp couldn't help but laugh: "Take a few million Baileys for a small boat, you are really generous enough."

"Money doesn't matter to me." After speaking, Lin Mo turned around and continued to walk upstairs.

Sanji hesitated slightly, and immediately trotted after him.

"Hey." Marko said with pity, "Is it really that I Marko is not attractive enough?" I can't even figure it out a little ghost. "

Haha." Zhepu said with a smile, "Lin Mo's little devil has a very strange temper, not only you, he even directly rejected me and Karp's invitation." "

Huh? Karp? Marko was surprised, "You're talking about the Vice Admiral, that Iron Fist Karp?"

"That's right." Zhepu nodded and said, "That guy from Kapu also pestered Lin Mo for two days, how did he not say that Lin Mo was moved, and he left this morning." It's good that you guys came at night, otherwise if you meet the Kapu guy, you'll be in trouble.

Marko was silent and did not speak again, and his gaze couldn't help but turn to the spiral staircase where Lin Mo's shadow had long been gone.

Without much thought, I got up.

Walk towards the outside of the restaurant.

Jepp looked at his back, and the corners of his mouth outlined a smile of expectation: "Even the solicitation of naval heroes and the strongest pirate group can be so calmly refused, Lin Mo, what will be your future?"

Marco returned to the ship alone.

Immediately used the phone bug to call the Moby Dick, the main ship of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Soon, the call was connected.

"Give the phone to Daddy, quick!" Marko spoke eagerly.

Frightened the person who answered the phone, he quickly sent the phone worm to the white-bearded Edward Newgate, who was drinking with the crew.

Whitebeard picked up the phone and asked, "What's wrong with Marko?" Are you in trouble in the East China Sea?

Marco smiled and said, "Daddy, I met a wonderful little ghost." "

Amazing little ghost?" Whitebeard said strangely, "What's so bad?"

"With only two swords, he easily killed a pirate with fifteen pirate ships in the East China Sea."

"Oh, it's really good."

"Not only that." Marko continued, "He also turned down a solicitation from naval hero Karp.

"What? Karp? Whitebeard was slightly surprised, "The navy wants to recruit that little ghost?

"That's right, we missed with Karp, didn't face him head-on, and listening to the owner of this sea restaurant, Karp pestered that little ghost for two days without touching him."

"The Karp guy is definitely not someone who would do such a boring thing." Whitebeard pondered and continued, "What's that little ghost called? How old is it?

"His name is Lin Mo, he should be about ten years old."

Whitebeard exclaimed: "What! Only ten years old? "

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