The town of Rogue is the closest town to the entrance to the Great Passage.


The town gathers a lot of bounty criminals who want to go on the Great Route.

Where there are bounty criminals, especially where there are a large number of bounty criminals, there will be bounty hunters.

Smog has been stationed in Rogue since his transfer.

Every three to five, a bounty hunter will come to him with a bounty offender to sign and receive the bounty.

Generally, bounty hunters bring two or three bounty criminals over.

But what is the situation now?

"Ah, Smogg, you're back!" A naval soldier hurriedly ran over and reported, "Shangxiao, these are bounty criminals, we have already checked them!" "

Huh? These are all bounty criminals?

Smog was stunned.

The gaze was immediately attracted by Lin Mo, who was leaning against the internal wall of the office and was drinking.

It's that little ghost!

Smog frowned.

Bypassing the pile of people piled in the middle of the office, he walked towards Lin Mo.

"Little ghost, you caught all these guys?"

Lin Mo put down the wine gourd, looked at Smog indifferently, and nodded indifferently.

Although only half of it was caught by him.

If you say it directly, I am afraid that it will arouse the suspicion of the smoker man.

Smogg narrowed his eyes slightly: "You are a bounty hunter?"

"I'm a traveler."

"Traveler?" Smogg didn't believe it, "Travelers need to catch so many bounty criminals?" Are you so short of money?

Lin Mo let out a 'hmm' without denying.

Although there are still doubts about Lin Mo's identity.

However, there is one thing that Smogg can be sure of.

This imp should not be a pirate.

"Hey, how much do these guys' bounty add up?" Smogg glanced at the sailor standing in the doorway.

The navy soldier immediately straightened up and reported: "Report, a total of 4.55 million Bailey!" "

Register all these guys."

"Report! Already registered!

Smogg: "Bring

me the list and sign it." "

Sailor: "Yes, on Xiao!"

With that, the navy soldier immediately handed over the bounty slip that had been recorded long ago.

Smog signed the name directly, and then handed the list to Lin Mo.

Lin Mo took it unceremoniously.

The purpose has been achieved, it is time to withdraw!

When he was ready to leave.

Smogg stopped him: "I still have something to ask you, what's your name?"

Lin Mo was speechless: "Lin Mo." "


"Ten years old."

"Huh? Ten years old? Smog was slightly stunned and continued to ask, "When did you start practicing armed colors?"

Lin Mo stared at him speechlessly: "Less than a month." "

What?" Smog was stunned, and then laughed, "Haha, don't you make drafts when you lie?" It has only been a month of training for armament, and it is absolutely impossible to do such a thing as catching bullets with bare hands.

Lin Mo was too lazy to explain.


Outside the office.

A lazy voice suddenly came in.

"Shh How did you pile up so many people? The pheasant appeared at the door.

When he saw that Lin Mo was also in Smogg's office, he couldn't help scratching his head: "Hey? Is it really coming?

"What's really coming?" Smogg asked strangely.

The green pheasant waved his hand: "It's nothing, it's not an important matter."

"So, what the hell are you here to do in Roguetown?" Smogg asked speechlessly.

"Can't you come if you're okay? Just passing by here, I just stopped by to see you.

"It's just right." Smogg chewed on his cigar and continued, "In a few days it will be Roger's death day, there will definitely be many pirates who admire Roger to pay homage to him, if you are okay, stay here to help catch the pirates."

The green pheasant looked disgusted: "I'm not here to catch pirates, this is your job, you catch it yourself."

Smogg was speechless: "You are also a navy, isn't it your obligation to catch pirates?" "

Ahhh, what a hassle." The green pheasant scratched his head, not motivated at all, "I'm just walking through here, a few little pirates, you can catch it yourself."

Smogg: "

You're a general of the main department, is it appropriate to say such a thing?"

"You really haven't changed at all." The green pheasant waved his hand and said, "Forget it, since you said so, I will reluctantly help you this time."

"What's the grudgings to help me this time?" Smogg's forehead bruised and burst, "You are also a navy, catching pirates is what you should do!"

"Okay, okay, I see, don't be angry, what about this little ghost?" Qing Pheasant pointed to Lin Mo who was walking towards the door and asked.

Smogg's eyes narrowed slightly.

Suddenly, his lower body turned into a cloud of smoke.

Brush appeared at the door and stopped Lin Mo again.

Smog is a natural Devil Fruit Smoke Fruit powerhouse, and can rely on the fruit's ability to elementally turn into smoke.

His smoke can also materialize and be used to trap enemies.

Although his ability looks very troublesome.

In the pirate world, it is not a brilliant one in nature.

It can be seen from the fact that after he chased Luffy to the Great Voyage in the future, he never won a fight with anyone.

"Lin Mo, wait until I finish asking before you leave." Smog blocked in front of Lin Mo and said with a solemn expression.

Lin Mo: "...

" Smogg: "You're not from Rogue Town, are you?" Although

Lin Mo didn't want to talk to him more, if he didn't cooperate, it would be very troublesome to be entangled by this guy.

After thinking about it, he nodded.

Smogg continued, "Where are you from? "

Windmill Village."

"Huh? Windmill Village? It's a little familiar..." Smogg thought for a moment, but didn't remember.

Instead, the green pheasant, touched his chin, and gave him a wake-up call: "Is it Karp's hometown?"

Smogg said excitedly: "Yes! The windmill village is indeed the hometown of Lieutenant General Karp, since you are from the windmill village, do you know Lieutenant General Karp? "

Although, Lin Mo does know Karp.

And just a few days ago dumped the old dog skin plaster from Bharati.

But to tell the truth, I'm afraid I will be asked by the smoker man.

Without much thought, Lin Mo shook his head and said, "I've heard it, I haven't seen it."

"Haven't seen it? Are you sure? Smogg asked suspiciously.


The green pheasant suddenly sat cross-legged on the ground.

Smogg looked at him speechlessly, "What are you doing?"

"Tired of standing, sit down." The green pheasant waved his hand and said, "Leave me alone, you guys continue." "

It was disrupted at once.

Smogg had a headache and said, "Forget it, little ghost, let me ask you one last thing, you said you are a traveler, so where do you plan to go next?"

Lin Mo said without hesitation: "Great Route."

Smog was stunned: "Are you planning to go alone?"

Lin Mo: "Hmm.

"Do you know where the Great Route is? Little ghosts like you are also looking for death when they go.

"Smogg, you're saying something serious." The green pheasant held his side face with one hand, tilted his head, and said expressionlessly, "Maybe this little devil can really make a name for himself on the Great Voyage."

"What fame can a traveler make?" After all, he was only a ten-year-old. Smogg stared at Lin Mo and insisted, "Since you are going to the Great Passage, then fight with me once, if you win, I will not hinder you again, if you lose, join the navy." "

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