As Gu Yina, who can be easily defeated even by adults, she naturally does not believe that her strength will be weaker than a foreigner, or even younger than her.

Therefore, she has to prove to Koshiro that she is the strongest!

And Lin Mo was not the kind of person who was easily instigated, and his purpose in coming here was not to fight.

In the face of Gu Yina's invitation to fight, he was speechless.

Koishiro slightly composed his face, a little displeased: "Gu Yina, enough!" Put the sword down!

"Father!" Gu Yina said angrily, "I want to prove to you that girls can also become Jianhao and become the number one in the world!" Since you think he is better than me, well, then I will defeat him! "

This kid." Koshiro rubbed his temples with a headache, and turned to look at Lin Mo, who was speechless, "Sorry to make you laugh, in fact, Gu Yina just doesn't admit defeat, and there is no malice." "

It's okay." Lin Mo shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

Being so challenged to maintain peace of mind, Koshiro firmed up his thoughts even more, this kid is really not ordinary.

But Gu Yina was already determined to challenge Lin Mo, and if she let Gu Yina's child suffer a little, it might not be a bad thing for her.

Thinking of this, Koshiro spoke, "In that case, Lin Mo, you should accept Gu Yina's challenge." Of course, I won't let you try it in vain.

Koshiro looked at Gu Yina: "Since you insist on challenging Lin Mo, then at the expense of the Hedao Yi script, if you lose, the Hedao Yi text will belong to Lin Mo." "

Hedao Yiwen is a famous knife that is one of the twenty-one works of the Great Quick Dao.

Lin Mo naturally knew.

What surprised him was that Koshiro would actually use a famous sword as a reward for a sword fight between children...

Gu Yina was incredulous: "Father, the word "Dao" but..."

Koshiro cut off Gu Yina's words, "This is the price of risk that you insist on challenging Lin Mo. If you're afraid of losing, give up the challenge. "

Only fear of these two words cannot appear in the heart of a qualified swordsman.

Especially when this kind of emotion is on the verge of battle, the consequences are very terrible.

Gu Yina looked at Lin Mo, her eyes full of disobedience and anger: "I won't lose, I want to challenge you!" Lin

Mo actually didn't want to accept this inexplicable challenge, even if there was a famous knife reward, he didn't care.

Seeing that Lin Mo had no intention of fighting, Genshiro smiled and said, "If you win, not only can you get the Hedao text, but you can also get the ten altars brewed with special techniques, which have been sealed for nearly ten years."

Lin Mo's eyes moved slightly: "Twenty altars."

"I only have fifteen altars, and I can give them all."


See that Lin Mo agreed to Gu Yina's challenge.

The children of the dojo, including Solon, immediately sat around skillfully.

"Come on Gu Yina, you are the most powerful person in the dojo, rush over and kill him!"

"That's it, let this foreigner see how powerful our dojo is!"

"Yes, just like you usually do with Solon, knock that guy down with a sword!"

Solon: "..."

Hey!" Solon glared disapprovingly at someone who cheered Guina on, "Do you kid owe a beating?" Cheer for Guina, don't get me involved! "

Dojo Center.

"Okay, everyone be quiet." Koshiro spoke, "Gu Yina, Lin Mo, get ready to start."

Lin Mo walked towards the sword bucket placed in the corner of the dojo and randomly drew a bamboo sword from it.

For this level of competition, he did not intend to use Lake Toya.

According to the rules of the Isshin Dojo, to challenge swordsmanship is to salute the altar and the opponent.

After a set of processes.

The two stood opposite each other.

Gu Yina held a bamboo sword in her hand, facing Lin Mo with a solemn expression: "I won't lose!" "

Come on." Lin Mo said indifferently.

"Hah!" Gu Yina immediately rushed towards Lin Mo quickly, the bamboo sword in her hand slashed in the air, towards Lin Mo's face, several heavy blows in a row, extremely fast, extremely powerful, each blow contained her resentful emotions.

But every blow was easily blocked by Lin Mo.

Seeing that she couldn't break the opponent's defense, Gu Yina slightly changed the angle of the blade, from bottom to top, from left to right, drawing a beautiful arc, trying to hit the bamboo sword in Lin Mo's hand.

Just when Lin Mo seemed to be ready to continue to block this move, Gu Yina suddenly took a turn, turned around and quickly appeared behind Lin Mo, raised her sword again, and slashed towards him with all her might.

Indeed, Gu Yina's sword skills are not bad compared to most people.

But in Lin Mo's opinion, he still owes the fire, the speed is too slow, and there are many loopholes.

Let's do it quickly.

He didn't want to waste too much time here.

Without much thought, Lin Mo turned around directly, and in Gu Yina's slightly surprised look, he knocked the bamboo sword he was holding in his hand away with one blow.

Gu Yina only felt a pain in her wrist, and the bamboo sword in her hand had fallen to the floor two meters away.

From the beginning to the end of the game, it only takes a few seconds.

After a short silence, the audience was in an uproar.

"Lie, lie! Guina actually lost?

"How is this possible! How could Guina lose?

"She is someone who even adults can defeat, how can she lose to a foreigner?"

"Oh my God, who the hell is that guy..."

Koshiro glanced at Gu Yina, who was lost at the moment, and immediately announced the result of the competition: "One point, Lin Mosheng."

Lin Mo threw the bamboo sword in his hand back into the sword bucket.

Gu Yina, who came back to her senses, picked up the bamboo sword that had fallen on the ground and said loudly: "No, I won't lose, come again!" I won't give you the word Hedo!

"Gu Yina, you have already lost!" Koshiro reprimanded Gu Yina in public in a rare heavy tone, "No matter how many times you compete, you can't win Lin Mo." The gap between you and him, can't you see it yourself?

"Nope!" With tears in her eyes, Gu Yina clenched her fists and ran out of the dojo unacceptably.

"Hey, Guina!" Seeing this, Solon hurriedly chased him out.

"This girl..." Koshiro shook his head with a headache, then looked at the other children, "This is the end of today's practice, let's go back and rest."

"Yes, teacher!" The children got up and saluted Koshiro, then left the dojo in a row.

After the children left, Koshiro looked at Lin Mo: "Come with me."

Lin Mo nodded lightly.

Follow Koshiro to the tea room in the backyard of the dojo.

The two sat opposite each other.

On the tea table in front of him is a pot of freshly brewed tea and a pot of pure and fragrant wine.

Koshiro handed Lin Mo a knife that had just been taken out of the warehouse, the handle and scabbard were white, and it looked simple and simple, but it was actually hidden deeply: "From now on, this knife is yours." "

This is the word of Wado Yi.

Lin Mo took it unceremoniously and hung it on his waist with Toyaku.

Then, the two of them took the teacup and wine glass in front of them and took a sip together.

Not to mention, the aging taste mentioned by Koshiro is not bad, although it is not very strong, it has a clear and mellow cherry blossom smell, which is refreshing.

Lin Mo liked it very much.

"How?" Koshiro smiled and said, "The brewing process of this sake has been passed down from a very special place, and you can't buy such sake outside. "

Not bad." Lin Mo nodded in affirmation.

Right at this moment.

'Didi! Talk to Koshiro and check in with +10%, the current total progress is 30%, the reward swordsmanship level is +1, and the current swordsmanship level is Lv3. At

the moment when the sword skill level was raised to L3, the momentum around Lin Mo's entire body suddenly became fierce.

With him as the center, an invisible sword intent spread, but it was fleeting.

Lin Mo's eyes flickered a look of surprise.

The reason why he was willing to have a drink with Koshiro was just that he felt that the other party was not bad, and it was slightly meaningful.

Unexpectedly, this unintentional move actually completed the check-in progress by mistake.

It was a real surprise.

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