Rayleigh this guy... Will you die with a few words?

Lin Mo glanced at him speechlessly.

The tavern owner was stunned, and then exclaimed, "Yes! How did I not expect it! Lin Mo, you... Who are you? Why did the Admiral invite you personally? "

Why? Lin Mo also wanted to know why.

Obviously, he has refused countless times, and he still invites one after another with a dead face.

Are all of them so thick-skinned?

Fortunately, the pheasant is lazy and gave up after being rejected once.

If he met a few more guys like Karp, he would have to die of annoyance.

Lin Mo did not answer the tavern owner's question and continued to drink silently.

Reilly couldn't help but laugh and said, "Haha, your state of mind is indeed suitable for sword training, maybe you will become the youngest sword master in the world." "

Not interested." Lin Mo was speechless.

Reilly continued: "Fame is not something you say no, you say you are not interested, when your strength reaches a certain level, everyone will put the strongest label on you, and then even if you don't want to be a sword hao, you can't help it." "


The so-called strongest, not your own casual talk can be calculated, when your strength exceeds people's expectations, beyond the so-called strongest people, everyone will naturally label you the strongest, this is not a matter of you yourself can decide whether to have this label, but others recognize your strength after directly pasted on you.

That's why Lin Mo felt annoyed.

He doesn't need these labels.

I don't want to deal with people, and I don't want to fight with people.

He would rather be a little transparent, hide in the crowd and silently complete the check-in task, see the scenery of the world, and drink all the world's fine wine, it is enough.

But he will always meet some very troublesome guys....

Lin Mo drank the last sip of wine in the bottle, wiped the wine stains at the corners of his mouth, and spoke: "Whatever, the label or something, it doesn't matter, as long as it doesn't hinder me, it's okay."

"It's really open-minded." Reilly smiled and said, "Sure enough, you are different from everyone I have met, many adults can't do you like this, Lin Mo, are you really just a child?"

Lin Mo glanced at him and chuckled, "Ten years old, thank you." "

Hahaha." Renly laughed, "A good ten-year-old, you're really interesting." The

tavern owner looked at the two men in confusion.

Reilly looked at him and said, "Boss, bring a few more bottles of wine, I will not get drunk with Lin Mo tonight, hahaha." "

Oh, okay." The tavern owner nodded, and immediately took down the bottles of wine placed on the wine cabinet one by one, and piled them on the bar counter in front of Lin Mo and Renly.

That night, Lin Mo and Renly both really drank and almost vomited, and they didn't tell who had the better amount of alcohol to win or lose.

Since Lin Mo came to the pirate world, he almost got drunk for the first time.

Under the leadership of the tavern owner, Lin Mo came to the guest room arranged for him by the boss.

Just ready to fall asleep.

In my mind, the system's tone sounded again.

'Didi! Fight with Pluto Rayleigh, check-in progress +10%, current total progress is 70%.

Stunned, Lin Mo couldn't help but laugh.

Fighting with Renly can trigger progress tasks, he really didn't expect it.

Although there is no reward, it is earned.

Without further thought, Lin Mo closed his eyes and slept.

A few days after that.

Lin Mo went to the town to wander around casually, and then slept in the place where he had found an excellent nap before.

The pheasant also eyed the place, and the two often worked together, one lying on the recliner, the other standing and sleeping together.

Renly's words, during the day, occasionally go to catch a few bounty criminals to let the tavern owner take to the naval base to exchange the bounty, and then continue to gamble with the bounty, and in just a few days, he single-handedly made the bankrupt casino completely operate normally.

In the evening, Lin Mo drank happily with Rayleigh and the two of them in the tavern.

As he said before, Smogg would go to Roger's Tavern several times a day, and he really caught some famous pirates who sneaked ashore.

As for Bartolomeo, he followed Lin Mo almost every day.

It has to be said that this guy's tracking skills are indeed a little better than Solon's.

Even so, even if that guy hid farther away, he still couldn't hide from Lin Mo's fifth-level sighting.

Until the day of Roger's death.

Early in the morning, Renly asked the tavern owner for two bottles of rum and took Lin Mo out.

Lin Mo didn't want to go or go.

But thinking that maybe it would trigger the check-in task, I followed out.

The sky outside was overcast and it was drizzling.

Renly held a black umbrella and walked side by side with Lin Mo.

Soon the two came to an alley on the edge of the central square.

Because of the weather, there is very little traffic in the square.

Although not a single navy saw it.

Both Lin Mo and Renly could feel that a large number of navies were hiding in ambush in the surrounding buildings.

As soon as a suspicious person approaches Roger's execution table, he is arrested.

"It seems that it is not easy to go to the execution table." Reilly looked at the execution table that was only more than two hundred meters away and sighed, "When Roger was executed, I didn't come, do you want to know why?"

Lin Mo was silent and did not speak.

Actually, he wasn't very interested.

Reilly glanced at him and said with a smile: "I guess you don't want to know, hehe, if I was present at the time, even if he would blame me, I would definitely be unable to resist trying to save that stupid bastard."

"So." Lin Mo pointed to the two bottles of wine that Renly was holding in his arm and asked, "What are you going to do with it?"

Reilly hadn't answered yet.

Suddenly, a huge explosion came from the direction of the main street.

Suddenly, there was a scream in the square.

Originally, there was very little traffic, but this is good, and the people in the square ran out.

"Oops, it's really unlucky." Reilly said with a smile, "Originally, I wanted to wait for more people to mess around, but now if I pass, I will directly become a living target for the Navy, hahaha."

Lin Mo glanced at him speechlessly.

Your strength, will you still be afraid of the most useless bullets in the pirate world?

Lin Mo turned his gaze to the main street where the explosion occurred, and at this moment it was wrapped in billowing smoke.

When the smoke cleared, there was no one on the main street except for a large hole blown open on the ground into the central square.

It was as if the bomb had appeared out of thin air and had been detonated.

In a certain building.

Smog chewed his cigar, used his binoculars to pay attention to the situation on the other side of the main street, and found that after the smoke cleared, no one actually appeared, and his brows couldn't help but twist into Sichuan characters.

At this time, a naval soldier came to report: "Report, there are two suspicious people at the mouth of the alley in the southwest direction."

Smogg immediately turned his binoculars to the direction the sailors had said.

Sure enough, at the entrance of an alley, under a black umbrella, two people, one big and one small, were standing.

The tall man couldn't see clearly with a hood, but the short one, Smogg could see it very clearly.

"Lin Mo?" Smogg frowned slightly, "What is he doing here?" Also, the person next to him doesn't look like the owner of Roger's Tavern, who the hell is..."

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