Don't look at the sea surface, the fortress buildings belonging to the Advance City are quite grand, and this is only the tip of the iceberg exposed by the Advance City.

The whole of the propulsion castle is actually a huge tower-like structure submerged in the sea, and its foundation is on the bottom of the sea.

Moreover, there are six floors in the city, and each floor holds prisoners of different ranks.

The layer exposed on the surface of the sea, that is, where Lin Mo and Karp are now coming in, is not counted in the next six layers because it is not locked up as a prisoner.

On this level of the sea, there is an iron fence after entering the gate, and behind it is the place where the offender is "baptized" and tortured before entering prison (the so-called baptism is to throw the prisoner into 100 degrees of water for sterilization), other offices, rooms for officials or special people to check their belongings before entering the prison, and a large elevator that leads to the prison director's room on the fourth basement floor.

Down the sea, it can be regarded as the first layer of the advancing city, the Red Lotus Hell.

The crimes of the prisoners imprisoned in the Red Lotus Hell are not so serious, the prisoners in captivity can not beat the blue orangutan, there is a large area like a forest outside the cell, the tree is a "sword tree" with leaves as sharp as a blade, the grass is a "needle grass" that can pierce the human body like a needle, and the prisoners will run back and forth because of the pursuit of poisonous spiders and jailers, and finally be directly tortured by the blood cut by these leaves and grass.

The second layer of the Red Lotus Hell is the Beast Hell, and the Beast Hell is placed on this floor of a variety of different fierce beast monsters, including chicken snakes, human-faced lions, poisonous scorpions, etc., the boss is the Sphinx, and the prisoners on this floor know that they will become the food of the beasts sooner or later, and they don't even have the strength to be afraid.

Further down the third layer is the hunger hell, the hunger hell is basically holding vicious criminals with a reward of more than 5000W, but the heat coming up from the lower scorching hell makes this layer extremely hot, coupled with the torture of the water and hunger strike, the prisoners are already half-dead.

Further down the fourth floor is the Scorching Hell, the office of Magellan, the warden of the Great Prison, is on this floor, in addition to the kitchen and granary, the temperature on the whole floor is very high, like a huge iron pot, full of boiling pools of blood and a sea of fire, the third to fourth floors can jump directly from the exhaust port in the middle, but if the foothold is not right, it is not as simple as scalding. Prisoners are burned to disinfect this layer before entering prison.

The fifth floor of the Advance City is the Extreme Cold Hell, this floor is holding prisoners with a bounty of more than 100 million, the prisoners on this floor are in an environment cooler than the large freezer, the body is severely frostbitten until death, and there are a large number of "military wolves" raised in the forest of the Extreme Cold Hell, which is more violent than the huge beasts on the second layer. It is worth mentioning that this layer is not equipped with any phone bugs due to the low temperature.

Finally, the sixth layer, infinite hell, people who can be locked up in infinite hell, are some very powerful characters, the prisoners on this layer are near-legendary figures, the end is either death penalty or life imprisonment, because the prisoners on this layer do a lot of evil, do some events beyond the degree of cruelty are covered up by the government, even the newspapers deliberately conceal.

Of course, before someone came, there were indeed only six floors in the city, but now, there is an extra five-point five-layer that everyone does not know, the newcomer shemale paradise!

That's right, shemale paradise!

And the person who created this layer under Magellan's nose was a floor created by Murray, one of the four commanders of the revolutionary army, with the ability to push fruits.

This is the secret paradise of prisoners (area 5.5) that can only be reached by crossing the "impossible road" after entering the sewer of the big prison, and there are many unknown entrances such as the needle mountain on the first floor, the lair of the beast on the second level, the sea of fire on the fourth floor, and the pile of dead people on the fifth floor.... Many lost prisoners will enter the paradise by chance through these entrances, and the "devil invitation" rumored outside that makes many prisoners mysteriously disappear is just a pretense.

The 'queen' who now rules the rookie shemale paradise is none other than Ivankov, the shemale king who was previously captured in the city.

In short, at this point in time, there are still many characters with various identities in the city, Lin Mo has no way to guess how many people this progress task will be related to, the only thing he can be sure of, most likely has something to do with Magellan, otherwise why did the system send him so many anti-poison pills before?

Another point is that he can judge who else this progress task can be related to through the landing reward, after all, with so much check-in experience, the landing reward of the general landing check-in location is more or less related to those characters who will 'help' him complete the progress task.

When Lin Mo's feet just touched the ground on the surface of the sea of the advancing city, the system's prompt sound sounded in his mind.

'Didi! Congratulations to the host for arriving at the grab location to advance the city, the check-in progress is +10%, the current total progress is 10%, the reward color level is +1, and the current seeing color level is Lv10.

Then, tens of thousands of voices flooded into Lin Mo's mind in an instant.

Lin Mo didn't have any psychological preparation at all, and the feeling that his brain was about to explode made his whole person bad.

The previous time he saw the color improvement, this feeling lasted for several seconds, this time it lasted longer, and the voice in his head became more and more loud, making him not stand firmly at once, and the whole person almost fell.

Karp noticed that something was wrong with Lin Mo, and grabbed Lin Mo's arm at the moment when Lin Mo was about to fall.

"Little ghost, what's wrong with you?" Karp asked in surprise, "Why are you sweating so much all of a sudden?"

Lin Mo wanted to say something, but just moved the corner of his mouth, as if he had touched a certain pain nerve in his body again, and almost didn't faint for him.

"Hey, there's a medic here." Karp saw that Lin Mo's state was very poor, and immediately shouted at Domino.

Domino glanced at Lin Mo, just picked up the walkie-talkie, and wanted to call someone over, but before the words could be spoken, all the discomfort in Lin Mo's body had dissipated.

"I'm okay." Lin Mo withdrew his arm from Karp's hand.

Karp looked at Lin Mo with a slight frown, seeing that Lin Mo's complexion was indeed much better than just now, after thinking about it, he couldn't help but ask: "You little ghost, tell me honestly, do you have any disease?" Lin

Mo: "..." Lin

Mo said indifferently: "No, I'm healthy."

Karp didn't believe it: "The state you just made is not like the symptoms of a healthy person." Suddenly

thinking of something, Karp said in shock: "Could it be that you are willing to come to the city alone in order not to affect your crew?" Little ghost, you've really grown a lot..."

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