Beast Hell is just like its name, this floor is placed with a variety of fierce beast monsters, including chickens and snakes, human-faced lions, poisonous scorpions, etc., and the prisoners on this floor know that they will become food for the beasts sooner or later, and they don't even have the strength to be afraid.

And the boss of these beasts is a huge human-faced lion named Sphinx.

Although this human-faced lion seems to be a not very intelligent lion in Lin Mumu's impression, if it encounters it, it will delay a little time.

Therefore, she let Marko fly directly in the air, deliberately avoiding the Sphinx, and after looking for a few laps on the second floor, she finally found the secret passage hidden by Ivankov on this floor.

"Hmm, there is actually a passage." Walking in the passage, Marko asked thoughtfully, "Lin Mumu, how did you know that there is a passage here?"

Lin Mumu waved his hand casually: "How do I know, is this important?" The most important thing now is not to save my brother?

"That's true, but you're a little too familiar with this city, as if you grew up here."

"No, no, no, you're wrong." Lin Mumu smiled and said, "If I say that this is my second time here, do you believe it?" Hahaha..."

Marko: "..."Forget

it." Marko was too lazy to continue asking, and directly changed the topic, "Are you sure that this passage can directly lead to the fifth floor?"

"This passage is just one of the secret passages hidden in the Advance City, and there are many passages connected to this one, and if we want to go to the fifth floor, we have to find someone to help."

"Huh? Who to find?

"Hehe, you'll know in a moment."

With those words, Lin Mumu and Marko came to a wooden door with a dazzling light shining inside.

Lin Mumu pushed open the door without hesitation.

The people inside were about to give a warm welcome, and when they looked at the people, the faces of most of them changed.

Especially Ivankov, who was dancing on the bar.

"Eh... Am I blinded? Ivankov stared at Lin Mumu, immediately raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, and then looked, and saw Lin Mumu was smiling and waving hello to him, Ivankov was so shocked that he retreated again and again, until he 'banged' against the wall behind the bar and stopped, "Huh? You, why are you back?

Lin Mumu said with a grin: "Little Ivan, long time no see~

" The corners of Ivankov's mouth twitched wildly: "What are you going to do?"

Just after asking, Ivankov suddenly thought of something, and couldn't help but widen his big eyes and asked in surprise: "You shouldn't have come back for your brother, right?" "

It's not bad, you found it, since you know, then take us to the fifth floor."

"Ahem, it's not that I don't want to take you..." Ivankov said with a heavy face, "Although I didn't see the battle between your brother and Magellan and Yu no Hiryu, I heard that the fight between them was very fierce, and all three of them were seriously injured, especially Lin Mo, who woke up after being in a coma for a long time, and he is now not on the fifth floor, but in the infirmary on the fourth floor." "

Infirmary?" Lin Mumu said directly, "Then you can take us to the infirmary."

"That's not going to work." Ivankov continued, "If there were only the gang in the infirmary, I wouldn't have a problem taking you, but now, do you know who is there?"

Lin Mumu said casually: "Karp?

"Yes, that's right, that's him!" Before the words were finished, Ivankov's eyes staring at Lin Mumu immediately appeared full of incredulity, "Huh? How do you know it's Karp? And actually not surprised at all? "

What's so surprising about that." Lin Mumu shrugged and said, "What virtue Kapu has, I know very well, it's okay, you just take us there."

"Wait, wait, wait!" Ivankov rushed to Lin Mumu with a brisk stride, glanced at her, and then focused his attention on Marko, touching his chin and looking Marko up and down, left and right, "Just the two of you, you still want to take people away from under Karp?" This little brother looks a little familiar, I seem to have seen you somewhere... What's your name? "

Me." Marko smiled, "My name is Marko."

"Oh, Marko, sounds more familiar." Ivankov was thinking.

A hairstyle resembles the "plum blossom" in playing cards, the left half orange and the right half white hair, and the clothes worn on the body are also left half orange and right half white. There was a lightning scar from the forehead to the right eye, and he often held a wine glass in his left hand, named Imazuna, a man nicknamed Lightning, who leaned into Ivankov's ear and said expressionlessly: "He is the captain of a team under Whitebeard, the immortal bird Marko."

"Immortal Marko? Whitebeard? Alas! I remember! Frightened, Ivankov took two steps back, "Hee-hop! Isn't it, even Whitebeard is coming?

"Daddy originally wanted to come." Marco said helplessly, "But when we saw that Lin Mo was about to be executed, the location was too far away from the city to be rushed in a week, so Dad sent me over." The purpose of Lin Mumu and I coming here is not to fight, just to save people, save people, we will leave immediately, as Lin Mumu said just now, you take us to Lin Mo's infirmary, and the next thing, we can solve it ourselves. "

Well, this..." Ivankov glanced at Lightning.

Lightning shook his head.

Ivankov pondered for a while before reluctantly responding: "Well, since you all said so... I really didn't expect that Lin Mo, this kid, actually had such a good relationship with Whitebeard, but it's a pity that I still have a task here, otherwise I can help you a little more.

"My brother, I know a lot of people, not just whitebeards." Lin Mumu said with a grin, "In addition to Whitebeard, my brother also has a good relationship with the leader of the revolutionary army. Marco

: "! "

Ivankov: "Σ(⊙▽⊙"!

"What did you say?" Ivankov asked loudly, "Who did you just say?"

Lin Mumu replied indifferently: "Dragon, you should be very familiar."

"First... The first chief, the chief? Lin Mo he and the leader, have a good relationship? Ivankov's face was full of disbelief.

"Don't you believe it?" Lin Mumu continued, "Saab is here, you still don't believe it? "

Eh? Saab? He came too? What about others? With that, Ivankov looked around.

"Don't look for it." Marko continued, "We didn't bring him here, and now he's probably on an island some distance from here. "

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