Marianou also stopped, glanced back, and then replied with a look of indifference: "I don't know, it has nothing to do with us anyway, let's go." "

“en... You have a point. Mr.3 didn't bother to think about anything more, and continued to walk forward.

After that, Lin Mo found a stall selling camels.

The vendor owner saw that Lin Mo looked like an illiterate child, and thought that he could slaughter it, so he rubbed his hands and asked with a smile: "Guest, do you want to buy a camel?"

Lin Mo nodded lightly.

The vendor owner immediately led a camel that looked very strong, but had a lazy look on his eyes, and then introduced: "This is the best one in this store, very suitable for you to use in the desert for long-distance travel, see that you are the first time to come, I will give you a cheaper one, usually an ordinary camel costs almost 60,000 Bailey, a better one costs 80,000 to 100,000, like this special camel, how to go up 200,000, I, today I will give you a six-fold discount, how about 120,000?" I'm already losing money.

Lin Mo: "..."

Although, 120,000 is really nothing for Lin Mo, but after all, when he came to Alabastan before, he bought a camel once, and the price of that camel at that time was only 50,000.

Although the camel looked a lot smaller than this one at that time, the camel's eyes were shining, so in comparison, this seemingly strong camel looked a lot sicker.

Lin Mo really didn't know much about what kind of camel was particularly good, but according to his own feelings, this one was not bad.

"Don't." Lin Mo expressionlessly rejected the vendor owner's recommendation, then looked at the cage where the camel was held behind the vendor owner, casually pointed to a camel that looked thin but had godly eyes, and said, "I want that."

The vendor owner looked back, his face couldn't help but stiffen, and then said a little impatiently: "I won't give you a discount when you buy other camels, that's only a good camel on the middle side, 150,000."

Lin Mo:

"..."150,000... Pretty.

"One hundred thousand." Lin Mo said directly.

The vendor owner was stunned, and said a little unhappy: "You can only buy a special average camel for 100,000, and add more."

Lin Mo insisted, "One hundred thousand."

The vendor owner looked embarrassed, hesitated for a while, and then seemed to have made some difficult decision, gritted his teeth and replied: "Okay, 100,000 is 100,000, sold to you!"

Then, Lin Mo took out the money, bought the camel smoothly, and was about to leave directly, following the direction that the passerby had given him just now, and went directly to Albana.

A woman wearing a cowboy hat who had just bought a newspaper from a newsstand appeared in front of her.

"Huh? Lin Mo? As soon as the woman saw Lin Mo, she recognized him at first glance.

Lin Mo: "..."

"Your bounty has gone up again." The woman continued without noticing, "Your bounty has risen to two billion, Anilu is 800 million, Kaku is 400 million, and there is another one named Xiaobai, which has actually risen to 1.8 billion. "

Oh." Lin Mo replied casually and walked directly past the woman.

This woman is the current Klockdahl's partner, the future Luffy's crew, Nicole Robin.

Robin watched Lin Mo leave with a smile, couldn't help touching his chin, and said to himself in a light tone: "This time, what are you coming to Alabastan for?"

"That, what you just said, is it Lin Mo?" At this time, the owner of the newsstand next to him asked a little nervously.

Robin, on the other hand, looked indifferent and replied, "Well, yes." The

newspaper kiosk owner's face changed suddenly, and his forehead began to sweat: "Lin Mo and his group have come to Alabastan?" God, they are a serious threat to the very existence of the world, what are they doing in Alabastan? It's terrible, you have to contact the Kingdom Guard immediately!

After speaking, the owner of the kiosk did not care to continue to look at the stall, and quickly rushed out, shouting while running: "It's not good, Lin Mo and his group have come to Alabastan, everyone be careful, but don't conflict with them!" Soon

, the news of Lin Mo's arrival spread throughout the streets of the rainy land.

For a while, the originally peaceful rainy land suddenly became chaotic because of Lin Mo's news.

Robin read the newspaper in place, estimating that the time was almost up, before calling Klockdar.

At this time, Klockdar was smoking a cigar in his office.

Seeing Robin calling, he naturally answered it.

Robin's voice immediately came out of it: "Mr·0, Lin Mo, they are here." Hearing

this, Klockdar paused for a moment, then frowned slightly and asked, "Where is he?"

Robin replied with a smile: "I appeared in the rain just now, and now I'm gone, do I need to follow him?"

After a moment of silence, Klockdar was not at all chaotic, but said very calmly: "Don't worry about him, as long as he doesn't come to hinder me, just let him go."

"Good." After Robin answered, he hung up the phone, turned his gaze to the direction Lin Mo left, and touched his chin thoughtfully.

The turmoil in the rainy land, Lin Mo felt it before leaving the rainy land, but he did not pay attention to it, directly mounted the camel and thought about the direction of Albana.

Along the way, he encountered several attacks by desert lizards and man-eating flowers, all of which were easily solved by him.

After passing through a small town covered in yellow sand that had been completely reduced to ruins, a white figure flew in the air, and in the blink of an eye, a man wearing an Arabesque turban, his eyes were individually painted with dark purple four-pointed star makeup, wearing a white robe, with many black quadrangular patterns on the robe and turban, and two orange necklaces. The tall man with long brown hair blocked Lin Mo's path.

The person who came was the deputy captain of the Arabastan Kingdom Guard, the bird fruit ability who had had several contacts with Lin Mo before, Bell.

"You really came." Bell stared at Lin Mo with a heavy face and continued, "Lin Mo, can you tell me what your purpose is in choosing to come to Alabastan at this time?"

Lin Mo was too lazy to take care of him, and drove a camel to walk by.

Bell immediately transformed into a falcon form, took off, followed Lin Mo, and said while flying: "I have no malice towards you, you are Princess Vivi's benefactor, that is, my Bell's benefactor, if it is not a last resort, I don't want to do something to you, so, please tell me the truth, what is the purpose of your coming here?"

Lin Mo: "..."

Travel." Lin Mo was a little annoyed and replied casually.

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