It was late that evening.

After the four of Lin Mo simply ate a hearty empty island fish meal, the spacecraft advanced for dozens of minutes.

A beautiful landscape, with two huge vines on one side that also towered into the clouds, and a large cloud island surrounded by several buildings nurtured by island clouds, first appeared within the sensing range of Anilu.

"Almost there!" Anilu asked a little excitedly, "I saw Angel Island, Captain, do we go directly to Apayado, or do we take one night at Angel Island first?"

Kaku asked curiously, "Angel Island?" Are there angels on it? What do angels look like? Does it look good?

Anilu directly ignored Kaku's question and chased Lin Mo and asked, "I remember that there seems to be an old face of yours on Angel Island, right?" It's hard to come back, don't you go to see people?

Lin Mo: "..."

This guy, is there some misunderstanding of the word good old friend..."

Without thinking much, Lin Mo jumped up directly and punched, smashing Anilu's face, and instantly knocked it out.

Anilu 'slammed' into the wall of the cabin, and then slid down to the deck in embarrassment.

"Damn, what are you all about smoking? Hit me for what? Anilu jumped up from the deck in annoyance.

Lin Mo said indifferently: "First, I don't have a good old friend. Second, Cornise was only slightly more familiar to me than a stranger. Thirdly, I'm going to beat you up, no reason is needed! Anilu

: "..."

Kaku looked like a melon-eating crowd, gloating next to him watching the battle.

Although he was very curious and interested in the girl named Coniss that Lin Mo said, he would not hide his mouth like Anilu.

"Captain." Kaku asked cautiously, "So do we go to Angel Island first or to Apayado first?"

Lin Mo glanced at the sky that was about to get dark, and then spoke, "Go to Angel Island first."

"I know!" Anilu couldn't help but mutter.

Lin Mo glanced at him.

Anilu quickly dodged, hid on the lookout, cursed and cursed in his mouth and accelerated the output, controlled the spaceship, advanced at high speed, and arrived at his destination, Angel Island, in less than five minutes.

Stop off the coast of Angel Island.

In addition to Xiao Bai, who fell asleep again, Lin Mo, Anilu and Kaku jumped directly from the spaceship.

I stepped on the soft cloud beach with the soles of my feet.

Kaku said excitedly, "Why is this land so soft?"

Anilu sneered: "The empty island does not have the dirt and sand of your Qinghai, and all the land you see is made of special cloud processing."

"Uh-huh, so it is." Kaku looked around curiously, then pointed to the flowers and trees around Yuntan and continued to ask, "So, what about those plants?" Is it also made of the cloud?

Anilu gave Kaku a blank look like an idiot: "That's just an ordinary plant, hmph, what a short-sighted guy."

Kaku said angrily: "You are a native of Empty Island, and the old man is coming to Empty Island for the first time, isn't it normal to know less about this place than you?"

As he spoke, Kaku noticed something similar to a pumpkin under one of the trees.

It seems to be fruit falling from a tree.

Without much thought, he ran over, picked one up, shook it, heard the sound of liquid flowing inside, Kaku looked at Lin Mo and Anilu with excitement, and continued: "This thing looks like a pumpkin, but it contains liquid, can it be eaten?" It looks like it can be eaten.

As he spoke, Kaku knocked down the pumpkin-like fruit, and when he heard the sound of 'Bang Bang Bang', Kaku wondered, "Why is the skin of this thing so hard?" It sounds like metal..."

Anilu said he didn't want to take Kaku.

Lin Mo didn't want to pay attention to him either.

Nai He Kaku was excited like a child, directly picked up two of these fruits, and jumped in front of Lin Mo: "Captain, you wait for the old man, the old man goes to find something to cut this thing open, this thing must be delicious." Seeing

that Kaku was about to run back to the spaceship to find tools, Lin Mo glanced at Anilu.

Anilu shouted at Kaku: "Hey, stupid long-nosed, you give me back!" This thing is called coconut fruit, which is similar to Qinghai coconut, and it must be opened from the middle. "

Open in the middle?" Kaku was stunned.

Anilu flashed, appeared in front of Kaku, directly took a coconut fruit, and then raised his right hand, flashed an electric light between his index fingers, and poked directly in the center of the coconut fruit pattern, which opened a small opening very easily.

"And one more." Kaku placed another coconut fruit in front of Anilu.

Anilu glanced at him in disgust, and then poked again, opening the coconut fruit in Kaku's hand.

"Hmm... The shape of this coconut fruit is not very suitable for drinking directly, so the old man goes to get a straw.

Kaku just finished.

Lin Mo was like a trick, and took out three straws at once.

This operation made Kaku and Anilu cry and laugh.

Kaku: "Captain, why do you still carry this thing with you?" Anilu

: "Hahahaha, laugh at Ben Thor, shouldn't you suck the bar in your wine gourd with a straw behind our backs when we don't know?" Hahaha.

Lin Mo punched another backhand and once again knocked Anilu out.

Of course, before Anilu flew out, Lin Mo took the coconut fruit in his hand, and then one by one with Kaku, inserted the straw into the small mouth of the coconut fruit, and drank it beautifully.

"This taste is more mellow than coconut water." Suddenly thinking of something, Kaku was a little eager to try, "If you use this coconut fruit juice to cook coconut chicken, it must taste very good, Captain, when we go back, bring more of this coconut fruit back, right?"

Lin Mo replied casually, "Okay, just watch and do it."

Kaku was in a good mood and continued to suck the coconut fruit.

At this time, from his rear, a large pure white cloud quickly flew in.

Kaku immediately dodged to the side, and the cloud fell on the position where he had just stood.

However, Kaku had just gained a foothold, and Anilu's 'swoosh' appeared in front of him, and directly smashed the cloud in his hand that had been formed into a large mass by him, and smashed his head on Kaku's head at close range.

"Ben Thor has long seen you unfavorably, and today, Ben Thunder God will let you know who is the number three person on the ship!" Yahaha! "

Kaku was smashed in the face of the cloud, this cloud is as soft as cotton, even if it is smashed, there is no threat at all.

But being hit by this cargo really made Kaku unhappy, so he put down the coconut fruit in his hand, immediately picked up a cloud from the ground, and also smashed it towards Anilu.

Anilu dodged and avoided safely.

Not to be outdone, Kaku continued to chase him and fight.

Anilu fought back.

For a time, on this cloud beach, clouds were flying everywhere.

"Childish." Lin Mo was too lazy to care about these two goods, holding the coconut fruit in his hand, ready to go to the only more prosperous street on this empty island, 'Lovely Avenue'.

However, before he could take a few steps, a flying cloud hit the back of his head.

In an instant, Lin Mo froze, and as soon as he turned around, another cloud flew over and gently hit his face.

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