Lin Mo originally expected to stay on the empty island for no more than a week.

Well now....

He seems to have dug a hole for himself

But the words have already been spoken, Lin Mo is not a person who does not believe in words.

Moreover, Cornice's request did not hurt him, and he could drink wine for two months....

"Good." Without thinking about anything more, Lin Mo answered indifferently.

Cornise happily poured him another drink.

At this time, a huge roar suddenly came from the downstairs of Cornice's house.

Before Cornis and her father Paiga could react to what had happened, the door that had not been completely closed on the second floor was kicked open from the outside.

Since everything on the empty island, whether it was furniture or houses, was made of special cloud processing, after the door was kicked off, it hit the opposite wall and fell lightly to the ground.

Then, Xiaobai's tall figure appeared in the doorway where the door was gone.

"Ah, who are you? How did I break the door of my house. Paiga immediately picked up the door that was kicked by Xiaobai, and said with some headache, "I don't have any installed tools in my hand now, alas, really, young people now, why is the anger so big."

"Father, he should be Lin Mo's crew." Seeing that Xiaobai did not have the characteristics that most empty island people would have, Connis naturally thought that this person should be a companion from Qinghai with Lin Mo.

As she said that, Connice glanced at Lin Mo cautiously.

Lin Mo shifted his gaze to Xiaobai, and before he entered the door, he said indifferently: "Apologize."

Then, Xiaobai did not hesitate at all, and obediently said to Paiga in an indifferent tone: "I'm sorry."

Paiga was stunned, then touched his head, and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay, I'll buy the tools on the street, hahaha, since you are Lin Mo's friend, it's also a guest of my house, just sit down, I'll go out."

After speaking, Paiga put the cloud gate on the wall next to him and leaned against it, and was about to go out.

Connis immediately spoke, "Father, when you come back, buy more vegetables by the way, so that I don't have to go out again."

"Good." Paiga answered and left, and when he went downstairs and looked at the first floor gate that had also been knocked away, he couldn't help but sigh.

"That, please sit down, you're welcome at my house, you are Lin Mo's friend, that is my Conis's friend." Cornice smiled and greeted Xiaobai, "My name is Connice, what is your name?"

However, Xiaobai didn't plan to ignore her at all, directly ignored Cornice's overtures, came to Lin Mo with his own care, and asked in a flat tone: "Master, I'm awake."

Lin Mo didn't say anything yet.

Cornis asked in surprise, "Why did he call you master?" Is your relationship a master and servant? Lin

Mo: "..."Like

Anilu, call me captain." Lin Mo glanced at Xiaobai.

Xiao Bai nodded and replied, "Good master."

Lin Mo:

"..."This guy... Is it intentional?

It seems that he used to let Xiaobai change his name, but this product is the head iron does not change....

After a moment of silence, Lin Mo continued: "Or you are the same as Lin Mumu, you can call me the boss."

"Well, got it, master."

Lin Mo: "..."

Hahaha, it's really fun." Conys covered her mouth and smiled, "Lin Mo, your companion is really an interesting person. However, he looks unapproachable, but he listens to you. Lin

Mo: "..."

The system sent, can you disobey?

Except, of course, certain three guys.

At this time, outside Conis's house, a familiar voice suddenly came.

"Captain, are you inside?" As a refreshing voice fell, a person wearing a black cap, who had changed into a simple overalls, suddenly appeared on the balcony outside the living room on the second floor.

"Huh? How did you... This is the second floor, how did you get up? Cornis asked in surprise.

The visitor walked into the living room from outside the balcony, and greeted Cornis with a smile: "Hello."

Cornis glanced at Lin Mo again, and then gently replied: "Hello..." "

The old man's name is Kaku, and he is an ordinary shipwright on Captain Lin Mo's ship." Kaku introduced himself.

"Ah, my name is Cornice." Cornis immediately replied, "Please sit casually, you are welcome in my house." "

Hahaha, then the old man is not welcome." Kaku smiled and sat down on the sofa opposite Lin Mo.

However, just a few seconds after he sat down, a bolt of lightning flashed in from outside, and Anilu appeared instantly, and a lightning strike with his backhand slashed towards Kaku.

Kaku flipped directly forward and turned over to Lin Mo's side.

With a loud 'bang', Anilu's lightning strike instantly smashed the sofa where Kaku was sitting, and by the way, the floor under the sofa was also broken a large opening, through which you can directly see the first floor.

"Bastard has a long nose! Why did you recover faster than Ben Thor? Obviously, Ben Thor is usually beaten the most, how can the resilience be worse than you! Anilu struck Kaku with another lightning strike in annoyance.

This time, Kaku did not hide again.

Lin Mo frowned slightly.

At the moment when Anilu's lightning strike flew over, Xiaobai immediately turned his left hand into a dragon claw, grabbed the lightning strike thrown by Anilu, and crushed him directly in front of Anilu.

Under such general circumstances, things that can be seen but have no entity, ordinary people can't grasp it at all, and Xiaobai in human form can't do it, this lightning strike can't cause much damage to him in human form, but after dragonization, he can easily catch this lightning strike.

It can be said that the combat effectiveness of the little white form is far worse than that of the dragon form, whether it is defense power or other indicators.

"Okay." Lin Mo said a little unhappily, "If you mess around again, I'll beat you seriously."

Lin Mo said this, Anilu stopped, although he didn't make another move, but his mouth was still broken: "Obviously, the long nose provoked me first, every time I was scolded, it was me who was beaten, why?" Ben Thor is unwilling!

Xiaobai glanced at him indifferently: "What did you say?"

Anilu immediately changed: "No, I didn't say anything..."

Kaku laughed loudly, "You guy, in front of the captain and Xiaobai, it's really too joyful, no, laugh at me, hahahaha." Anilu

: "!

"Abominable!" Anilu's forehead was bruised, "Bastard has a long nose, dare to go out with me to fight!" "

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