The consequences that Lin Mo said, without him explicitly speaking, Anilu had already roughly guessed what it was.

No matter how much Anilu resisted in his heart, under Lin Mo's 'intimidation', he could only bite the bullet.

"Drink it!" Anilu said with an ugly face, "Ben Thor usually doesn't drink, doesn't mean he won't drink, you wait and see!"

"Good." Lin Mo indifferently continued to pour himself a glass of Conix's wine, drank the wine in the cup in one sip, and then poured all the remaining wine in the bottle into his wine gourd, and there were some that could not be poured in, he drank it directly, and then got up from the sofa and said in a relaxed tone: "Go, go out and go around." Seeing

that Lin Mo was leaving, Anilu picked up a banana from the fruit plate on the coffee table, picked up the skin, followed lazily, and said while eating: "What kind of seafood wine, can it be delicious?" You have to let me drink it first, you want me to test the poison for you, what a vicious captain.

Lin Mo

: "..." Connise immediately followed him and said as she walked: "My father has drunk it, the taste is okay, it should not be as bad as you think."

Anilu didn't believe it: "If you dare to lie to me, don't blame Ben Thor for being unkind."

When Anilu said this, he frightened Cornis again: "I, eh, this... I haven't drunk it, but everyone who has drunk it says it's okay, the reputation of that store has always been very good, and I'm not sure if it will suit your taste... Lin Mo likes to drink so much, he should have drunk all kinds of wine, I think, it should be in line with Lin Mo's taste.

"Huh, huh?" Anilu sneered and asked, "Since you said that many people say that this wine is delicious, why haven't you drunk it?"

Speaking of this, Connise couldn't help but smile helplessly: "I also tried to taste the taste, but the wine smelled strange, I didn't like that taste, so I didn't taste it, but everyone said that the taste smelled strange, but it tasted unexpectedly delicious." "

Strange? What strange smell? Anilu asked strangely.

Conys shook her head and said, "I don't know how to describe it, it's a little pungent, it's not very smelly, you guys will know it when you get to that store." Lin

Mo did not participate in the conversation between Anilu and Cornisse the whole time.

There is nothing to say either.

When the three of them appeared on the lovely avenue, they attracted the attention of many Angel Island residents.

"That person looks familiar, has he been to Angel Island before?"

"I look familiar to him, but I can't remember who it is for a while."

"Well, I look familiar, there are few outsiders on our island... Oh oh oh, I remember, wasn't there a kid who came a few years ago? It's the kid who lived on the island of the gods for a few years, do you remember?

"I also remembered that he would come to our island once or twice a month, what was his name?" It seems to be called Lin or something.

"By the way, it's Lin Mo! That kid has grown a lot taller.

"Hey, boy, you haven't been to Angel Island for a long time, where have you been in recent years?" Who is that big tall man next to you? Your friends?

Everyone talked about it, and after drawing conclusions, many people began to greet Lin Mo enthusiastically.

Lin Mo was not a person who liked to socialize, and as soon as others greeted him, he didn't want to pay attention to them.

Anilu had an expression on his face that others owed him millions, and replied with disdain: "What's the noise?" If you make any more noise, shut you up forever!

"Who's that?" Bad temper.

"Forget it, that person doesn't look very easy to mess with, let's not cause trouble."

"Really, what kind of fierce, let's say hello to Lin Mo, what does it matter to you?"

The residents of the surrounding Angel Island talked about it again.

Connis thought of Anilu easily breaking her sofa and floor in her house, for fear that Anilu would really do something to the surrounding residents if she was unhappy, so, with cold sweat on her forehead, she immediately ran to the front, smiled awkwardly and mediated: "Don't say anything, Lin Mo, they just came back from Qinghai today, they haven't rested all the way, maybe they are too tired, so the mood is more irritable, everyone bear more, okay?" Just don't stimulate each other. "

Huh." Anilu snorted coldly in disdain, and was about to go back, Lin Mo looked over, and his words that came to his mouth swallowed back at once.

Seeing that everyone did not speak again, Connis was slightly relieved, and then smiled at Lin Mo and Anilu, and continued: "I will go to that wine shop immediately, I hope I will not disappoint you."

After that, led by Cornice, the three soon arrived in an ordinary liquor store.

As soon as he entered the door, Lin Mo smelled a not good smell, similar to rotten fruit mixed with alcohol, left for a long time, emitting a pungent smell.

"Boss, I want to buy two bottles of seafood wine." Cornis smiled and came to the front desk of the liquor store.

The owner of this shop is a middle-aged man with shoulder-length hair, but not much care, looks messy, and has oily hair, as if he has not washed his hair for more than ten days.

"Oh, Cornice, did you buy wine for your father?" The owner of the liquor store looked like he hadn't woken up and asked with a yawn.

Conix looked at Lin Mohe and Anilu, who looked disgusted, and continued: "Today is not to help my father buy wine, but to buy it for them, boss, you just came from other empty islands a few years ago, you don't know them yet, they are from Qinghai."

"Hey, Ben Thunder God is not from Qinghai." Anilu said dissatisfied, "Ben Thor is also an empty islander!" "

Huh? This one... Sorry, I forgot. Cornis smiled sheepishly.

The owner of the liquor shop didn't care where Lin Mo and Anilu came from, so he naturally took two bottles of black liquid from the wine rack behind him and put them on the counter: "It's still the old price."

Conys nodded, then took out her small and cute little wallet, took out some currency for the empty island, and consciously handed it to the owner of the liquor store.

Then, she took the two bottles of wine and handed them to Lin Mo and Anilu one bottle.

Taking the wine, Lin Mo directly opened the stopper, and before he could smell it closely, a strong pungent putrid smell came out of the bottle.

Lin Mo: "..."Are

you sure this thing can be drunk?"

Lin Mo stared at the black liquid in the bottle speechlessly, anyway, he didn't want to drink it at all.

Anilu also opened the stopper of his bottle, and the smell made him frown: "Isn't this the smell of corpses decomposing?" Is this thing wine? I think you're trying to poison us!" "

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