"No need." Xiao Bai couldn't wait that long, and then looked at Lin Mo and asked if he could go to the empty sea to forage.

Lin Mo said indifferently: "There are no special circumstances, don't eat raw."

"Good master." After Xiao Bai answered, he got up directly, walked to the balcony, and without saying a word, immediately jumped off the balcony.

After Xiao Bai left Conis's house, he did not immediately go to Kukai, but spared a large circle and forcibly pulled out Kaku, who was choosing shells at the shell shop.

"Xiaobai, what are you doing?" Kaku asked with a smile.

Xiaobai replied indifferently: "Foraging."

Kaku looked confused: "Eh? What do you forage for and bring your old husband for?

Xiao Bai continued: "The master said, don't eat raw.


"..."He seemed to understand why Xiao Bai did this...

A few days after that.

Lin Mo and his party did not live in Connice's house.

After all, there were four of them, and Connies only had two empty rooms in the house.

But every day at mealtime, Lin Mo would take his three crew members to Conis's house to eat and drink.

And the residents of Lovely Avenue are also more and more familiar with Lin Mo and his group.

Kaku, in particular, became acquainted with most of the people of Angel Island in just a few days.

But strangely, the owner of the seafood liquor seller has not returned since he went to the island of God, where Ganfort is located.

And in front of his shop, there will be many people waiting to open the door to buy wine every day, but after waiting for a few days without waiting for the owner to come back, some residents of Angel Island couldn't help it, so they directly smashed open the door of the liquor store and went in to get the wine themselves.

But they didn't take it for nothing, and the money they should pay was put on the counter in the liquor store.

Until another half a month passed, the owner of the liquor store still did not return, and there was no movement at all on the island of God, which made those addicted guys even more irritable.

A good wife and husband, who was originally very docile, began to go crazy against his family in a blink of an eye.

There are still few people who have a seizure at the beginning, but the longer the time drags on, the more excessive these violent and crazy people are, and even they all begin to move against neighbors and passers-by, even the police of Angel Island, the people of the white beret force intervened to mediate and stop it, did not play any role.

At this time, the people of Angel Island were worried.

Anilu has long discovered the situation outside, it can be said that since the first person began to be violent and crazy, he has already discovered, but other people's affairs have nothing to do with him, so he has no intention of caring or helping anyone at all.

But Conys's father, Paigea, also began to slowly change during this time.

The image of the original good old man gradually became irritable, and he would even scold Connis at every turn.

Because Paiga drank the so-called seafood wine later than others, and he didn't drink much, he also had a seizure much later than the others.

"Father, calm down." Cornish saw that Paiga was frantically using a hammer to smash a shell pot for no reason, and was still knocking, and couldn't help but go over and try to stop him.

However, Paiga pushed her hand and pushed Conse out fiercely, and roared in a bad tone: "Get away!"

Cornis was pushed and stumbled.

At this time, Lin Mo brought a certain three people to rub rice again.

But as soon as they entered the door, they saw the scene of Paiga pushing Cornis.

Lin Mo glanced at Kaku.

After Kaku agreed, he immediately stepped forward to help Conys up, and then looked at Paigea, who was still knocking on the pot, frowned slightly, and walked over to him.

"Uncle Paigea, what are you doing?" Kaku just approached and just asked.

Paiga turned back with red eyes and smashed a hammer at Kaku.

Kaku immediately dodged away, and then grabbed the wrist of Paigea's hand holding the hammer, and with a force, Paiga let go of the pain, and the hammer fell to the ground.

But this did not make Paiga stop, and without saying a word, Paiga directly bit Kaku's hand that grabbed his wrist.

"Cornice, your father is crazy." Kaku immediately slapped his palm over, slapped Paigaya's face away.

But Paiga kept his saliva as if he didn't know the pain, and immediately bit Kaku again.

Kaku sighed helplessly, and then slapped hard at a certain acupuncture point on the back of Paigaya's neck.

If it were a normal situation, ordinary people would faint immediately if they were patted like this.

But for some reason, Kaku's shot did not have any effect on Paigea.

"...," Kaku, "isn't it..."

Lin Mo called Anilu.

Anilu moved his hands and feet, with a defiant smile on the corner of his mouth, and then raised his hand a little, and a current 'boom' gushed out, and almost hit Paiga fiercely.

Strangely speaking, this Pai Geya was electrocuted and actually fainted immediately.

"Father!" Cornis trotted over worriedly.

Kaku carried Paiga to the sofa and looked at Anilu a little strangely: "Silly big man, with the experience of the old man, the electric shock you used just now should not exceed 500,000 volts."

Anilu said lazily: "It's only used 50,000, this old guy is too useless."

"Fifty thousand words should not cause him much harm." Kaku touched his chin and thought, "The old man didn't knock the wrong acupuncture point just now, but Uncle Paigaya didn't react at all, he didn't even feel pain, but he was electrified, and he fainted immediately, this... It's kind of weird.

Kaku just finished.

Paigea, who had just laid down, suddenly sobered up.

Cornise's eyes were red and waiting next to her, and Paiga sat up from the sofa with a sore body, touched the back of her head, and asked strangely: "Hey? What's wrong with me? It's as if the bones in the whole body are about to fall apart... Cornis, what's wrong with you? Why did you cry?

"I'm okay Father." Cornis asked with some concern, "Father, are you all right?"

Paiga asked strangely, "What can I do?"

"But you've been weird since the day before yesterday, just now, you..." Before she could finish speaking, Cornis stopped abruptly and did not continue.

Although Paiga didn't know what Connis was talking about, it shouldn't be a good thing to look at Conys's appearance.

"Alas, did I do something to hurt you and hurt Lin Mo?" Paiga asked with some reproach.

Cornice shook her head and smiled, "It's okay, father, it's all right." "

Paigaya's state, Lin Mo and several people can see it all.

Is it normal to be charged one second or 'mad dog state' the next second?

So, thunder, is it the right way to lift their madness?

Thinking of this, Lin Mo suddenly realized something, immediately looked at Anilu, and spoke: "You can immediately check the situation on the other side of Apayado with your sights and smells now."

Anilu looked puzzled and asked, "Are you okay to tell me what is going on over there?"

Having said that, he expanded his range of sights at the same time, and soon the picture of Apayado's side appeared in Anilu's consciousness.

When he saw that the people on the side of Apayado were frantically fighting each other, and the scene was chaotic for a while, not only the Sandians and the people of the temple were fighting, but even the people inside the Sandians themselves and inside the temple were fighting....

Several rows of black lines couldn't help but appear on Anilu's forehead: "What are these people doing?" Crazy..."

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