After Lin Mo entered the jungle of Green Island, he didn't notice anything wrong at first.

It wasn't until he went deeper and deeper into this jungle, and after the originally quiet and dead surroundings suddenly appeared Chongmin birds, he suddenly realized something, and immediately said that what he saw and heard was released.

And the result.

Based on the time he entered the island, he should not be far from the coast now.

But after his sights and smells covered out, the coast that should have existed disappeared! In its place is an endless, dense jungle!

Moreover, within the scope of his sight, he actually found a relatively prosperous town, and in the center of this town, there was a gorgeous palace...

This is... Hallucination?

Lin Mo frowned slightly.

Although he guessed that this might be an 'illusion' phenomenon, most likely related to his mission on this island, after thinking about it, he decided to turn back and find Anilu first.

However, no matter how he went, it was strange that he was able to get around that bustling town.

As if trapped in an infinite loop of ghosts hitting the wall, Lin Mo even directly used force and went straight out.

But the result was still the same, he still spared it back.

But the road he paved still exists....

After a moment of silence, Lin Mo immediately asked, "System, what's going on on this island?"

However, the system did not respond as if it had not detected his voice.

Lin Mo: "..."Could

it be that this system is also on the way?"

Without much thought, Lin Mo continued: "How many tasks does this island have? "

At this point, the sound of the system comes.

'Didi! In addition to the landing progress, there are currently five progress tasks that account for 18% each of the Green's Island that need to be completed by the host.

Lin Mo: "..."

Good fellow, isn't this able to detect his voice....

This little broken island actually has five tasks....

Maybe to get out of this 'ghost wall', you have to complete a task here.

Thinking of this, Lin Mo continued to ask: "Check me the specific details of a task." "

'Didi! Since the percentages of the five progress tasks are exactly the same, the system will randomly select one of the five progress tasks...''

Didi! After successfully extracting and clearing the candy house plot, the host will complete a progress task that accounts for fifteen percent. Lin

Mo: "! "

Candy House plot?

What is it?

"System, explain." Lin Mo asked directly.

This time, the system answered his questions.

'Didi! The host is currently in a random fairytale world on Green Island and must clear the current world before leaving. Lin

Mo: "! "

It's actually a Grimm's fairy tale!

No wonder Lin Mo thought the name of this island was very strange at first, and it seemed that he had heard it somewhere.

Now that the system reminded him of this, he reacted immediately.

But the problem is, Grimm's fairy tales, he hasn't read them at all... However, he still knew some of the familiar stories in that fairy tale, such as Snow White and Cinderella.

But what the system extracted for him just now was a story that he didn't know the plot at all.

How to play this?

The main thing is that he simply does not know what the system says to clear the level, how to clear it.

Is it helping the protagonist in the story, fulfilling the other person's wish, or something else?

Anyway, with Lin Mo's understanding of this system, it is definitely not so simple to clear the customs.

After a moment of silence, Lin Mo continued, "How do I clear the customs?" "

This time, the system was silent again.

Lin Mo asked again: "Which story am I in now?" "

'Didi! The fairytale world where the host is currently located is the world of Snow White. Lin

Mo: "! "

Snow White....

This story, he really knows....

Simply put, this is the story of the beautiful Snow White who is put to death many times by her stepmother's jealousy, and finally gets a new life with the help of seven dwarfs and princes.

Although Lin Mo knows the content of the story, but... How do you clear this thing?

Is it to help Snow White finish off her stepmother?

Is it really that simple?

Or do you want to do the opposite, helping that stepmother kill Snow White?

After being silent for a while, Lin Mo really couldn't guess what tasks this system would arrange.

Anyway, if you want to go out, you must find a way to solve the problem here, so let's first go and see what the key characters in this story are doing now.

Without thinking much about it, Lin Mo took a step and stepped directly into the town.

The other side.

After Kaku entered the jungle of Green Island, he encountered the same problem as Lin Mo.

He also quickly discovered that something was wrong, and like Lin Mo, he wanted to turn back.

But the result can be imagined, he is just like Lin Mo, no matter how spared he is in this jungle, he can't get out, and he will return to the same place back

and forth.... He even climbed straight to the top of the tallest tree to see what was going on here, and as a result, he saw a lush jungle all around him, and a European-style metropolis that he could walk around and walk around.

Anyway, he can't even see the shadow of the sea....

"It seems that the stupid big man is really right."

Kaku jumped down from the top of the tree with a solemn face, although he didn't know what was going on here, but at the moment, it seemed that he had only one way to go, and that was to enter the city that he would always go back to, to inquire about the situation here, maybe the people who lived here would know something.

So Kaku immediately entered the city.

The buildings in the city are relatively simple European style, even on the wide streets, the clothes of those passers-by.

Therefore, Kaku, who was dressed in overalls and seemed to be a little out of place with the people around him, was disliked by many people as soon as he appeared.

"Who is that person?" It's the first time I've seen someone with such a long nose, is it a deformed child? Hahaha.

"Don't talk to him, the man looks very poor, maybe there is some disease in his body."

"Let's go, let's go, don't look at it, it's really shameful."

The voices of everyone's ridicule and disdain were heard by Kaku.

Kaku: "..."

Oh, the old man thinks, you guys have some serious illness....

It seems that it is a little difficult to find a passerby to ask about the situation normally.

Kaku continued walking, and as he passed a street corner, he saw a dirty beggar lying in front of a large rock basking in the sun.

Without thinking much about it, Kaku immediately walked to the beggar and asked with a smile: "Hello sir, the old man wants to ask what place is here, and how should the old man go to the beach?" The

beggar lying on the ground basking in the sun narrowed his eyes and glanced at Kaku, and then moved the empty bowl in front of him towards Kaku.

Kaku, of course, knew what the man wanted, so he took a handful of Bailey from his wallet and put it in the beggar's bowl.

The beggar glanced at Bailey, who did not know what it was to him, and directly overturned the bowl, and all of it fell out.

Kaku looked puzzled: "Don't you want to give you money?"

Only then did the beggar speak, and his voice was hoarse: "You are using this thing to fool me?" Can you at least scam me with money that looks like real money? Who do you look down on? Kaku

: "Could it

be that the currency here is not Bailey?"

Kaku picked up Bailey, who had been thrown all over the ground by the beggar, and then came out with a gold coin.

As soon as the beggar saw the gold coin in Kaku's hand, his eyes lit up, and he immediately came to his senses, and asked with a flattering face: "This gentleman, what question did you just ask?"

Kaku couldn't help but chuckle.

Sure enough, gold coins are good anywhere....

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