Anilu's intimidation almost scared the woman to death.

"No, don't." The woman cried embarrassed, "I don't want to die yet, in fact, I haven't been to the beach, but, but my husband has been, he has also taken his children, you can ask them to show you the way." Seeing

that the woman had thrown the pot on them, the two brothers and sisters, who were not yet ten years old, shrank in fear.

But in the current situation, if they do not follow this vicious stranger, then they will all die.

In order to protect his sister, the boy named Hansen plucked up his courage and took a step forward.

"I know the direction of the sea." Hansen's childish voice sounded, "I can take you, but please spare my stepmother and sister." "

Brother." The girl named Grete pulled the corner of Hansen's coat and whispered in fear, "Don't go."

Hansen gave her a non-worried smile back and continued, "I'm not going to have an accident, wait until I get back."

Anilu looked at Hansen with disdain, and asked amusedly: "Do you really know?"

Hansen nodded heavily.

Anilu flashed again, appeared in front of Hansen, and grabbed Hansen's back collar: "Well, if you dare to lie to me, I will let you know what is the end of deceiving God!" After

speaking, Anilu 'swooped', took Hansen, and left the leaky log cabin in an instant.

What Anilu enters is a fairytale world called Candy House.

The general story direction is that Hansen and Grete brothers and sisters were thrown in the big forest by their stepmother, and they got lost and came to the witch's candy house, were caught and almost eaten, and then with wit and courage, the two finally escaped the clutches

of the story If according to the normal plot, because of the poverty of the family, the father of the brothers and sisters will be instigated by the woman and throw them into the forest.

But the appearance of Anilu, before the story began, directly electrocuted this father....

Of course, he himself has not seen Grimm's fairy tales and is not clear about his current situation.

However, strangely.

How he goes around in this forest, he just can't get around, always spinning in place.

Now that he had a hostage in his hands, with Hansen's help, it took him an afternoon to actually reach the beach!

Looking at the calm sea in front of him, after releasing the sight, the fish hidden under the surface of the sea can be seen clearly, even the fish boats in the distance, and the people who are talking and laughing on the fishing boats, he can see clearly.

Everything seemed so calm and normal, but in Anilu's opinion, it was completely different.

"How is this possible!" The corners of Anilu's mouth twitched wildly, "The clothes of these people, the style of these boats, the types of fish in the sea, why has Ben Thor never seen it?" What the hell is going on here? Where the hell is Ben Thor now? Long-nosed, white, captain, where the hell are you!!

Hansen saw Anilu in that inexplicable anger, and was so frightened that he took half a step back.

Anilu suddenly turned his head and looked at Hansen viciously, and his tone was cold: "You tell Ben Thor, which sea area is this?" East Sea, West Sea, Hainan, North Sea, or the Great Route or the New World?

Hansen didn't understand Anilu's words at all, but for the sake of his own life, he answered him honestly: "I don't know where the Great Route and New World you are talking about, but in the case of the sea, this should be the Atlantic region." "

Atlantic?" Anilu had never heard the word, "So, this is the West Sea?"

Hansen nodded uncertainly: "It should be..."

Anilu's body exuded a strong murderous aura, "This can't be the West Sea!" The fish in the West Sea, Ben Thor has seen a lot when he was driving the spaceship, but now none of the fish in this sea have been seen by Ben Thunder God! Dare to lie to me? Bastard little ghost, I see you don't want to live!

"No, it's not." The boy was so frightened that he quickly explained, "I only came to the beach with my father once, and it was my father who told me that this is the Atlantic Ocean, and my father can't lie to me, really."

"You think then Ben Thor will believe you?" Anilu's body emitted a dense and terrifying current, "The end of deceiving God is death, stinky little devil, Ben Thor wants to sanction you!" Seeing

that Anilu was really angry, Hansen instinctively wanted to escape.

But when he thought of the speed at which Anilu took him from the wooden house to the sea, he completely gave up the idea of escaping.

Without daring to hesitate too much, Hansen hurriedly said with a serious look before Anilu made a move: "I really didn't lie to you, really, I can swear to heaven, Almighty Lord Thor, please forgive me." "

The other side.

After Kaku hired a carriage, except for basic rest, he traveled almost day and night, and finally reached a coast on the evening of the thirteenth day.

After getting off his horse and standing on the coast, looking at the endless blue sea, Kaku couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

This sea looks good, but why, he has such an unreal strange feeling?

At this time, the horseman driving the carriage said in a tired voice: "Employer, your expenses are only enough to go to the beach one way, then I will go to the nearby town to rest first."

Hearing this, Kaku glanced back at him, then smiled and nodded: "Okay, hard work."

The horseman waved his hand and responded: "It's actually nothing, you spent money, I naturally have to work hard, hehe, then I'll go first."

After that, the horseman drove the carriage and left the coast.

Kaku turned his gaze to the calm sea again, and was silent for a long time, and in order to test his conjecture, he crouched down and put his hand into the sea.

He is a Devil Fruit ability, and the sea water is his nemesis, even if he just puts his hand in the seawater, his hand will have some sense of detachment, but now.

He felt nothing but that cold touch!

Lifting his hand out of the seawater, Kaku touched his chin and thought, "Sure enough, this is not really 'seawater'..." But

it may also be his own illusion....

Hesitating, Kaku immediately took a few steps forward, and then a jump, 'poof' jumped into the sea, just like he hadn't eaten the devil fruit yet, he can actually swim freely in the sea now!

This strange phenomenon made Kaku completely understand that he was not in the real world he thought he was now.

But what should he do to get out of this 'false' world?

Kaku didn't know and didn't know what to do.

Just as he was thinking about what he was going to do next, Kaku had just swam forward not long ago and actually swam back to the shore!

Shocked to walk ashore, looking around without any change, Kaku couldn't help but frown: "Obviously the old man has been swimming forward just now, how can he turn back?" What's going on in this world? As

if expecting something, Kaku ignored his wet self and immediately ran towards the forest not far away.

After he entered the forest, only a few minutes after walking, a town that was already familiar to him appeared in front of him again.

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