Anilu could be sure that Hansen was just an ordinary child.

How could an ordinary person disappear from his field of vision in just a few minutes?

This is simply impossible, okay!

As if realizing something, Anilu lost his sleep, immediately came out of the wooden house, and chased in the direction where Hansen's breath finally appeared.

After a few seconds, a house made of candy and cookies appeared in his line of sight.

And Hansen's breath has appeared again!

It's in that candy house.

And I don't know that Hansen is alone, and there are three other people in the candy house.

It was Hansen's sister Grete and the stepmother of the brothers and sisters, as well as a richly dressed noble lady.

A house made of candy....

Can this thing live in people?

Anilu walked over with an indifferent look and kicked open the door without hesitation.


Inside the candy house.

The lady was smiling at the Hansen siblings and their stepmother.

Hear movement at the door.

Several people turned their heads to look at Anilu almost at the same time.

Hansen was better, his sister Grete and stepmother saw that it was Anilu, and their faces changed.

And the noble lady was obviously the first time she had seen a person who was nearly three meters tall.

In addition, Anilu himself is very strong, and this look can make the noble lady look bad.

Although this noble lady's eyesight is not particularly good, just from the blurred outline of Anilu, you can see that this person who sent it to the door by herself must be delicious.

That's right, in fact, this noble lady is a witch who likes to eat people.

"Heck, are you also a poor man who got lost in the forest?" The witch smiled and walked over to Anilu, "You must be very hungry, go and sit down, I'll bring you more delicious food."

Anilu glanced at the candy and cookies on the table where Hansen was sitting, and then said in disgust: "Ben Thor don't eat sugar, Ben Thor wants meat!" "

Meat?" The witch frowned slightly, and soon persuaded with a smile, "I only have candy and cookies now, so let's eat some first, it's not good to be hungry."


"..."It seems... This strange woman has a point.

Anilu looked reluctant: "That... Well, Ben Thor will go down first.

"Oh, okay, okay, are you called Thor?" It's a really peculiar name. With that, the witch smiled and led Anilu to Hansen's dining table.

Anilu sat down unceremoniously.

Grete approached Hansen with some trepidation.

Hansen shook his head at his sister, his eyes signaling that it was okay not to be afraid.

Anilu didn't bother to care about them, and directly picked up a cookie on the table and took a bite.

Not to mention, it did taste much better than he had imagined.

"Is it because you're so hungry?" Anilu said a little strangely, "Why didn't Ben Thor think cookies were so delicious before?" The

witch smiled and said: "My cookies and candies are all made of special materials, you can't eat them anywhere else, you all eat more, you're welcome."

Hansen and they saw that Anilu had begun to eat, and looked at each other, but they still could not resist the smell of sweet candy and biscuits in the air, and they couldn't resist eating together.

After eating for about an hour, several people, including Anilu, fell asleep on the table while eating.

When the witch saw that they were asleep, she immediately laughed badly, and then went to move a large cauldron and put it on the stove, added a large pot of water to the pot, and began to boil the water.

"That tall man, it must be delicious, ah, I haven't eaten meat for a long time, I can finally have a full meal, hee hee."

The witch was boiling water and looked over to Anilu.

Although she couldn't see clearly, she was very excited when she heard Anilu's even breathing: "Sleep, sleep, sleep at ease, this sleep, you will never wake up again, hee hee." "

The other side.

Kaku didn't stop Cinderella anymore.

Even watched Cinderella talk there with only one mouth, and then all kinds of things she needed appeared, and finally, in order to let her catch up with the dance, a seemingly ordinary pumpkin in the kitchen, as if by trick, actually directly turned into a pumpkin carriage....

Watching the pumpkin carriage go out with Cinderella, Kaku couldn't help but sigh: "This is really a strange world..."

After that, Kaku did not plan to go to the castle to have fun and watch others dance.

Prepare to walk around the town again to see if there are any places he missed.

As a result, as he walked, he went around the castle....

At first, Kaku didn't take this matter to heart until... When he came to this castle for the third time, he realized something.

It seemed that something had been forcibly guiding him here.

"Oh, interesting!" Kaku couldn't help but sneer, didn't say anything more, and after hiding his breath, he took advantage of the dark sky, avoided all the guards, and successfully blended into the dance hall in the castle.

Just as Kaku expected, the ball hall was full of well-dressed women wearing all kinds of beautiful dresses.

In addition to the surrounding guards, the only two men in the room were the king and prince of the country.

And the protagonists of this ball, namely the prince and Cinderella, are the focus of the audience at this moment, and the two are dancing in the center of the dance floor.

"It seems to be going well." Kaku stared thoughtfully at Cinderella and the prince.

But he didn't have long to look, when suddenly Cinderella's side stopped dancing with the prince, as if she was going back.

The prince wanted to send her, but was refused.

Originally, the prince had a good impression of Cinderella, and no one had rejected him since he was a child, and now Cinderella was more interested in him.

Therefore, Cinderella ran away, and the prince did not intend to leave it alone, he wanted to see where Cinderella lived and which family's money, so he kept following.

Of course, Cinderella also discovers that the prince is following her.

Kaku saw that Cinderella seemed to be very embarrassed, hesitated slightly, and followed the same, just when Cinderella left the castle and just turned into the surrounding streets, Kaku suddenly appeared, startling her.

"Ah! Mr. Kaku? Cinderella asked in amazement, "Why are you here?"

Kaku asked in a low voice, "Are you trying to get rid of that prince's stalk?"

Cinderella nodded slightly.

Kaku hooked the corner of his mouth and smiled: "I can help you."

Cinderella looked confused: "? Kaku

then grabbed Cinderella's arm and jumped directly onto the roof of a nearby house with ease.

"Yay!" Cinderella was startled again.

Kaku said confidently: "Don't worry, with the old man here, it is impossible for that prince to know where you live." Before

Cinderella could say anything, greeting the moonlight, Kaku took Cinderella back and forth on the rooftops of the night-shrouded town, and soon sent Cinderella home.

And the prince, when he followed Cinderella into the street, had completely disappeared Cinderella's figure, as if the beautiful person had disappeared out of thin air.

Green Island beach, spaceship.

When Xiao Bai woke up, it was dark.

Yawning and stretching, Xiao Bai got up from the deck, looked around, sniffed, and a big question mark appeared on his head: "What about the master?" "

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