Perona never imagined that she would have such a fulfilling and hardworking day....

Just a few minutes after resting, Kaku called her over again.

"You are a girl, it is still too dangerous to go to sea on your own at night. Therefore, the old man has already asked the captain's consent, today you can stay on the spaceship for one night, and leave tomorrow morning.

Perona just wanted to say that they were still a little human, but the words were not yet spoken.

Kaku continued: "But if you want to spend the night on the spaceship, it is not for you to live in vain, in contrast, you still have to help the old man with some work." "

Huh? What else is there to do? Perona asked with some despair.

Kaku smiled and said: "In fact, it is not a particularly heavy job, you go to the island with the old man, these days the old man found some fruits that only bear fruit in the middle of the night in the depths of the forest of this island, the old man has long wanted to pick some and save it, but there has been no time, just you helped the old man a lot today, the old man can now squeeze out some time to pick." The

corners of Perona's mouth twitched slightly, and her face was incredulous: "What is it, it takes midnight to bear fruit?" Since you found it a long time ago, why didn't you pick it when you found it?

"I picked it, but just to study the role of this fruit, it took a little time, and then I didn't have time to go again, this fruit is squeezed into juice and drunk, which can play a very powerful sleep aid, and occasionally the captain will lose sleep, just in case of emergency."

Perona: "..."But

people don't want to go." Perona muttered, "I'm exhausted to death after a day's work today, can't you go by yourself?"

"That's not going to work." Kaku insisted, "If you don't help, the captain won't agree to you staying one more night, let's go, we'll go early and return early."

With that, Kaku jumped onto the guardrail of the spaceship deck and stretched out his hand directly to Perona: "All of us on the ship don't need a rope ladder to get off the ship, so there is no such thing as a rope ladder on the ship, if you get off the ship yourself, you may fall and get hurt, and the old man will take you off the ship."

Perona: "[○・'Д ́・○]

" Perona whispered: "Can I not go?"

Kaku continued to smile and denied her: "No. "

Ahh, I hate you guys so much!" Perona scratched her head frantically, and had no choice, so she had to reach over.

After that, led by Kaku, the two dangled in the jungle of the island for nearly half an hour, and finally stopped in front of a meadow with large light blue flowers.

"Wow (#'O′)." Perona's eyes lit up, although she was very tired, but she couldn't resist this kind of object that looked gloomy and beautiful with cold colors, "It's so good-looking."

Kaku looked at the sky, hooked the corners of his mouth slightly, and estimated: "There is probably less than an hour, these flowers will bear fruit, before that, take a good rest." "

Good~" Perona opened her hand, just like a child, and ran happily into this large sea of flowers.

Kaku sat down next to him, took out the pen and notebook he had carried, and began to write in the bright moonlight.

Perona played by herself for a while, tired of playing, and saw that Kaku was writing, so she curiously leaned over: "Long nose, what are you writing?" "

Diary." Kaku said disapprovingly, "The captain and the guy from Anilu don't have the habit of keeping a diary, so wherever we go, what we have seen, and what experiences we have had, the old man is recording."

"You're really busy..." Perona asked with a wink, "Today is the two of us working, Lin Mo is alone, he is the captain, he can be lazy, but that Xiaobai and Anilu, neither of them work, if I don't help you today, won't you do all the work by yourself?"

Kaku said indifferently: "The old man has long been used to it, and besides, as long as the time is arranged reasonably, it can still be done."

"You did everything, and you didn't feel unbalanced at all?" Then you are too miserable.

"It's not as bad as you think." Kaku continued to write as he said, "The division of labor on our ship is still very clear, and all of them are indispensable. The captain is the backbone that unites us, and it can be said that without the captain, there would be no us. Xiaobai is the strongest fighting force on the ship, even if the old man and Anilu join forces, they can't beat him. Anilu's words, in fact, you don't look at him as if he has nothing to do every day, but the power of the entire spaceship is provided by him, and without him, this spaceship cannot operate normally.

After a pause, Kaku continued: "Look at things, you can't just look at the surface, just like our captain, usually he doesn't like to deal with people, seems to be unconcerned about anything, in fact, he doesn't care about the surface, we have followed the captain for so many years, although we didn't say anything, but everyone knows very well in their hearts, otherwise, we won't always be willing to follow the captain around."

"Che, I'm not interested in the relationship between you at all." Perona muttered, "Anyway, I'm leaving tomorrow morning, and it doesn't matter to me how you are..." "

Listen to Anilu, your purpose in finding us is to use us to find Doflamingo and avenge Moonlight Moria?" Kaku put away the finished notebook and shifted his gaze to Perona.

Perona didn't overdo it, and said dissatisfiedly: "I didn't say that I wanted to use your words, really, I told Lin Mo, how do you know..."

Kaku smiled and said: "That guy from Anilu is very strong, even if it is far away, he can hear the conversation between you and the captain."

"Hmph, Lin Mo rejected me anyway, and I have nothing to say more." Perona said unhappily, "Since you are not willing to take me in, then I will go to Doflamingo myself."

"You can't even beat the old man, what is the difference between going to Doflamingo yourself and looking for death?"

"My business, don't worry about you!"

"The old man didn't want to care, just thought that it was good that you had this determination to avenge Moonlight Moria, but your strength could not support your determination at all, knowing that it was useless to go, what were you thinking?"

"I..." Perona was immediately stunned by Kaku, and was silent for a long time before continuing, "Lord Moria is very good to me, he never let me do what I don't like to do, and he has always encouraged and supported my hobbies, moreover, when others bully me, he will teach me a lesson for those who do not measure up, I don't care what kind of person he is in the eyes of others, but in my eyes, he is the best person in the world." "

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