Luffy also avoided a few lightning strikes from Anilu, and was hit by the remaining lightning strikes.

Seeing that Luffy was hit, Anilu was ready for victory and was about to mock Luffy fiercely.

After the dazzling light dissipated, seeing that Luffy's whole person was like nothing except for his clothes being electrocuted, Anilu's eyes almost didn't pop out.

"This can't be!" Anilu asked in disbelief, "Little ghost, what the hell did you do?" Why was he struck by Ben Thor's thunderbolt, but nothing happened?

Faced with Anilu's doubts, Luffy raised his hand and scratched his face, and said with a confused look: "I didn't do anything..."

Something must have been wrong! Little ghost, you give me standing there and not moving! Anilu threw a few more lightning strikes in annoyance.

Luffy was very obedient, and really stood in place without moving a single bit.

Anilu's lightning strike hit Luffy again, but the result was the same as before, except for the damage to his clothes, he didn't cause any damage to Luffy.

When Lin Mo, Kaku and the others rushed over without hurry, they saw Anilu alone in that tantrum madness using various lightning strikes, hitting Luffy who was confused.

"Doesn't it work?" Kaku asked slightly surprised, "Silly big man, did you release water?"

"Abominable! No, Ben Thor didn't! This kid is so evil! Anilu said in annoyance, "Hundreds of thousands of volts, added to tens of millions of volts, how to fight, this kid is fine..."

Why? Perona frowned slightly and said, "Even if this kid's grandfather Karp comes and gets hit by so many lightning strikes, it can't be nothing, right?"

"What the hell is going on here?" Kaku looked at Lin Mo and couldn't help but ask, "Captain, you should know the reason, right?"

Lin Mo nodded lightly.

Of course he knew why.

"He is a rubber fruit ability." Lin Mo replied casually.

As soon as he spoke, he caught Luffy's attention, "Huh? You actually know me.

Kaku immediately understood what was going on: "So it is, the old man understands." Hey, silly big man, do you remember what the old man used to fend off your lightning strikes in the first place? Anilu

said with an unhappy face: "Rubber gloves, isn't that thing unable to resist lightning strikes with too high volts, have you revised it yourself?"

"Yes, that's right." Kaku hooked the corners of his mouth slightly and continued, "This kid is a rubber fruit ability, then his physique is different from ordinary people, if the old man thinks correctly, he is already a thorough rubber man, the whole body is rubber, can be immune to your lightning, it is also normal, no wonder the captain wants you to fight with this kid, it turns out to be like this." Anilu

: "...,"

Kaku said thoughtfully, "Don't let you use the golden hoop yet, the captain is exercising you." Anilu

: "! "

Exercise? Don't... Is it testing Ben Thor's ability to react to natural enemies?

Is there no way to defeat this kid, so he can't continue to stay on the ship? No, can't....

However, with Lin Mo's personality, maybe this is really a test for him.

Lin Mo: "..."

What exercise....

It's just that he doesn't want to do it himself.

Moreover, if according to the normal plot of One Piece, the premise is that Anilu is still on the empty island, will not be domineering, will not be physical, and has a small vision, then this guy will really take Luffy.

But now Anilu, under Kaku's training in the past few years, his physical skills are not so bad, in addition to the overlord color, he will also be armed color.

As for sight, this is Anilu's strong point.

Therefore, Lin Mo doesn't believe it, now Anilu can still take Luffy.

If this guy really can't even fifteen-year-old Luffy, it only means that this guy is really wasted....

Indeed, Lin Mo did promise Karp that he would meet Luffy, and by the way, let Luffy know how big the world is.

But he didn't say that he did it himself to let Luffy gain insight.

Although with what he knew about Luffy, according to the degree of stubbornness of this kid, even if he was crippled, it would be impossible to shake what he had already decided, but the form still had to go.


If in the worst case, Anilu really loses without fighting, then what about Kaku, just using the six styles that Kaku is good at, it is not a problem at all to abuse the current Luffy.

Anilu didn't expect to meet someone who was completely immune to his lightning again, coupled with Kaku's incitement.

He was already very annoyed, but now he is even more anxious.

"Damn, why are there so many annoying guys in Qinghai..." Anilu immediately used his ability to condense a thunder sword.

Lin Mo did say that he would not be allowed to use the golden hoop rod, but he did not say that he could not use other weapons, so it would be no problem to use the thunder sword!

Luffy saw that Anilu was menacing and pounced again, and the moment his sword slashed over, he immediately bounced away and landed on the big tree next to him.

"Whew, it's dangerous." Luffy hung like a monkey on the branches of a big tree.

Anilu immediately turned around, and with another sword, very roughly, cut off Luffy's hanging branch.

Luffy shifted his destination again the moment he cut it over, jumping onto another tree.

"Hehe, it seems that you are serious, then I am not polite, I am very strong." Luffy also came with energy, and when Anilu attacked him again, he jumped up in the air, stretched his hands back, and then used the reaction power when the rubber hand rubber stretched, like a bullet, quickly ejected towards Anilu to attack, "Rubber pistol!" In

the face of Luffy's attack, Anilu did not panic in the slightest.

Although his lightning attack was ineffective against Luffy, Luffy's attack also had no effect on him.

Luffy's rubber pistol directly penetrated Anilu's elemental body.

At the same time that Luffy fell from mid-air, Anilu had already flashed behind him, directly clenched the thunder sword in his hand, and slashed at Luffy's head.

"Stinky little ghost, Ben Thor will let you know now, what is the gap in strength! Coupled with Anilu's arrogant laughter, when the thunder sword was about to cut Luffy's head, the blade part of the sword was immediately covered with a layer of black armed color.

Then with a 'whoosh', the sword body of the thunder sword hit Luffy's head solidly, and instantly knocked it to the ground quickly, and with a loud 'bang', Luffy's half of his body was knocked into the ground.


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