Marko's words made Lin Mo, who was originally still in a state of indifference, couldn't help but be stunned.

The Devil Fruit he had left on Whitebeard's ship was the Burning Fruit.

And this burnt fruit, in the original pirate plot, was eaten by Ace before getting on Whitebeard's ship.

Although, with Lin Mo's understanding of the bond between Ace and Whitebeard, he also guessed that even if he hadn't eaten the Devil Fruit, Ace would meet Whitebeard by other coincidences, and then be moved to board the boat.

But how did he not expect it to be so fast?

It seems that Ace has only been at sea for more than a year....

What surprised Lin Mo the most was that this burnt fruit was actually eaten by Ace in the end.

I have to say that this coincidence is too coincidental, as if it is all destined.

Seeing that Lin Mo did not reply, Marco continued to ask, "Huh? Why don't you talk anymore?

Coming back to his senses, Lin Mo returned to his original indifference, and said indifferently: "What is given to you, it is yours, there is no need to report to me, so be it, goodbye."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Perona was next to her, blinking her big round eyes, looking at Lin Mo, and said with a little excitement: "Captain, is that the captain of the white-bearded ship just now, the immortal bird Marco?"

Lin Mo glanced at her and nodded casually.

Perona did not hide her excitement in the slightest, and screamed in shock: "Ahhhh~ It's really worthy of being the captain who can completely suppress the big fool of Anilu and Kaku-chan, although I am not familiar with Marko, but when Lord Moria was still there, he told me some things between the four emperors, the one named Marco is the captain of the first team on the Whitebeard ship, the strength is so strong, captain, you actually dare to talk to him like this, he has no temper, too strong, captain you are so tired ~"

Lin Mo: "..."Who

did this guy learn from kung fu..."

"You're idle?" Lin Mo asked to change the topic.

Perona immediately put away her emotions and asked a little nervously: "Captain, what are your orders?"

"Go back to yourself."

"Ah, good captain~"

Then, Perona of the soul body obediently returned to her body.

When she got up, Lin Mo threw the phone worm in her hand to her, and then explained: "Put the phone bug back, then take the medical box on the ship and go to Luffy to guard." "

Huh?" Perona asked in amazement, "Captain, are you asking me to treat that little ghost?" But I don't know how to heal, I just want to bandage it. "



Perona just exclaimed, Lin Mo had already stepped on the moon step and left the spaceship.

Perona, who was in a physical state, couldn't catch up with Lin Mo at all, so she had to pick it up on the edge of the guardrail, and after watching Lin Mo walk away, she sighed helplessly, held the phone worm that Lin Mo threw to her in both hands, trotted into the cabin, and found Kaku who was tinkering with something in the laboratory who didn't know what he was tinkering with.

"Kaku-chan, where is this phone bug?"

"There's a table by the door, just put it on it."

"Okay~" Perona obediently put the phone worm she was holding on the table that Kaku had told her to put it.

In addition to the one she had just placed, there were two small phone bugs on that table.

"Huh? Kaku-chan, who are these two phone bugs connected to? Perona asked curiously.

Kaku replied casually: "The one with the scar on the eye is the phone worm that contacted Mr. Redhead, and the other one with two rabbit ears is the phone worm that contacted Anilu's apprentice." "

Redhead? Wouldn't it be..."


"Ah this... Kaku-chan, our captain has a relationship with Whitebeard and redhead, is it good?

"Of course."

"Wow, that's awesome!"

"You have just been on the ship, you don't know something yet, and after a long period of contact, you will like the captain more and more, maybe one day when the captain recognizes you, you will be able to stay on the ship as a crew member."

"Hee-hee, this ah, wait until I avenge Lord Moria first." Perona replied with a grin, suddenly thought of something, and asked with some disbelief, "That fool in Anilu actually has an apprentice?"

"Well, it's the fur people, a very cute rabbit girl."

"Poof, rabbit?" Perona couldn't help but laugh and said, "It turns out that he is this fetish, haha, laughing at me to death."

"There are some things, you can't just look at the surface, you don't look at him always looking like a hanger, he is still very good to his apprentice." Kaku put down the work in his hand and looked back at Perona, "Still that sentence, your contact with us is still too short, there are indeed a lot of shortcomings in that guy in Anilu, but he has many advantages, maybe you can't find much now, if you can stay with your skills, you will know in the future." Seeing

that Kaku became serious, Perona waved her hand with an embarrassed smile: "Okay, okay, I know, the captain has arranged a new task for me, then I will withdraw first."

After finishing speaking, Perona quickly trotted out, picked up the medical kit placed in a cabinet in the kitchen, rushed to the deck, and before disembarking, she breathed a sigh of relief: "It's really dangerous... I thought that Kaku-chan and the guy from Anilu had a bad relationship, and sure enough, I thought wrong..."

At this time, Anilu, who was staying next to Luffy, suddenly rushed in the direction where Perona was, and shouted dissatisfiedly: "Hey, newcomer, what are you muttering there alone?"

Perona was as if she had been caught, covered in goosebumps, and quickly changed her words with a smile: "It's nothing, the captain asked me to guard that kid with a medical kit, I should not want that kid to die."

While saying, Perona climbed down the rope ladder from the spaceship, and after coming to Anilu, she looked at Luffy, who was covered in injuries, and couldn't help but frown, and continued to ask: "Then what are you going to do with this kid?"

Anilu said in annoyance: "What else can be done?" If I can't wake him up, can I kill him just like that? Then I will be beaten to death by Xiaobai..."

Xiaobai has nothing to beat you for? Anilu

said disdainfully: "Oh, a guy with long hair and short knowledge."

Perona: "..."On

the other side, in a tavern where a certain island is chartered.

At the long bar sat a row of people dressed very plainly.

Among them, only a teenager wearing a blue ceremonial costume, a hat with a pair of goggles, and blonde hair is more eye-catching.

This boy was none other than Saab, who had been assigned to the island on a revolutionary mission.

The two people next to Saab were chatting about the sky.

"Have you heard? A strong newcomer came to the Whitebeard ship, and the kid was in the newspapers.

"Huh? Are you sure? I haven't read the newspaper for a long time, what kind of person is that kid?

"I don't know the specifics, anyway, it's very strong, he seems to be called Ai or something... I kind of don't remember.

At this time, Saab suddenly spoke: "Ace, you are talking about Ace!"

"Ah, yes, yes! Alas? Saab, do you know this person?

"Of course." Saab said proudly, "Esta, it's my brother!"

When he said this, the comrades of the revolutionary army in the entire tavern were shocked.

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