The man who is trying to sell the special medicine he has just developed is the so-called quack doctor Shiruluk.

"Boss Polk, my special medicine absolutely works, you just try it, I don't charge you money." Shiruluk ran around with excitement on his face.

Compared with Kuleiha, who has super high medical skills but is expensive, although Shiruluk does not need money to treat people, his medical skills are simply a nightmare for the people of Magnetic Drum Island.

And what this guy likes to do the most is to study those messy special drugs.

Anyone who has taken the special medicine made by Shiluluk will not only not improve his condition, but also make his condition worse.

Therefore, the people of Magnetic Drum Island, even if they are sick without a doctor, they are not willing to risk letting Shiruluk treat them.

"Hey, don't run." Shiluluk chased Polk, and the two surrounded Lin Mo, Luo and Kureha, constantly chasing and running circles.

"What an idiot, hey..." Kureha laughed and continued to drink.

Luo and Lin Mo were both speechless.

Not far away, behind a certain pine tree.

The humanoid Qioba was lying there, looking at Lin Mo and them with longing and fear.

He wanted to go over, but he didn't dare.

Sensing Qiao Ba's gaze, Lin Mo turned his head to look at him.

When Qiao Ba saw Lin Mo coming over, he was so frightened that he stumbled and fell to the ground.

When he panicked and looked at Lin Mo again, seeing that the other party was still looking at him, he quickly jumped up from the ground, turned around in place twice, instinctively hid behind the pine tree again, and then quietly looked towards Lin Mo again.

Luo saw that Lin Mo seemed to have found something, followed his line of sight, and when he saw Qioba not far away, hiding behind a tree, a drop of cold sweat broke out on his forehead: "What is that guy doing?" Why only half of your face is covered by a tree, and the rest of your body is exposed? "

Huh!" Qioba heard Luo's voice and was startled, and then in front of Luo and Lin Mo, he slowly hid his exposed body outside the tree behind the tree, and then showed half of his face from behind the tree.


: "..." Luo was speechless: "So, what the hell is that guy doing?" We've all found him... Why even hide? By the way, he's the guy you've been looking for.

Luo looked at Lin Mo and asked.

Lin Mo smiled and said nothing.

At this time, Kureha and others also discovered Qioba.

Shiruluk and Kuleiha are okay.

But Polk, the owner of the hotel, saw Qioba, and an expression immediately appeared on his face that was even more frightened than when he met Shiluluk: "That guy... Is that guy the snow man from the town recently? Ah, are we being targeted by this monster?

As soon as Qioba heard the word monster, the fear and restlessness in his eyes immediately replaced the previous nervousness and caution.

Seeing that Qioba was not in a good state, Luo was about to ask Polk not to say anything.

Shiruluk took a step ahead of him and blocked in front of Choba: "Polk, don't say it, can't you see it, that kid is fragile now, he's not a monster!"

Polk was stunned.

Shiluluk immediately faced Joba and slowly walked towards him: "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

Chopa looked at Shiruluk blankly.

Suddenly, Shiruluk accidentally fell flat.

The suitcase in his hand fell to the floor, and as soon as it opened, a gun for anesthesia fell out of it.

As soon as Choiba saw the gun, he immediately spread his legs and ran towards the pine forest in shock.

Shiruluk quickly got up from the ground, not caring about his box, and chased in the direction where Qioba was running: "Don't run, it's just a gun for anesthesia, I have no malice towards you, really, I won't hurt you."

"I actually went after the snow man... Shiruluk is crazy! Polk looked ugly at Shiruluk's running back.

Kuleiha took a sip of wine and laughed: "Hehe

"Well, that weird man went after that guy, is that okay?" Luo looked at Lin Mo and asked.

Originally, he thought that Lin Mo would also chase after him.

Lin Mo chuckled: "It's okay. In

his memory, when Choiba and Shiruluk met, it should be another year or two.

But even if we meet in advance now, it's not much of a problem.

Although Shiruluk is considered by many to be an unclimatic quack and a rat poop with a pot of soup, he is one of the very few confused and kind people in the Magnetic Drum Kingdom who does not have racial discrimination and has a heart that wants to save the world and the country.

He can teach Joba many principles of life, and can also guide Joba to the right path in life.

He may not be a good doctor, but he is a good life coach.

Luo looked at Lin Mo strangely and didn't ask anything more.

Kuleiha also looked at Lin Mo, although Lin Mo only said two words just now, but it made her inexplicably have a feeling, this little ghost seems to know Shiluluk and the blue-nosed little monster very well.

"Little ghost, what's your name?" Kuleiha stared at Lin Mo with a smile and asked.

"Lin Mo." Lin Mo replied lightly.

"Oooo Kuleiha asked while laughing while drinking, "I haven't seen you before, is it the first time to come to Magnetic Drum Island?"

Lin Mo replied indifferently: "Hmm."

"So you know that stupid quack?"

"Nope." Lin Mo stared at Kuleiha strangely, she asked what to do with this?

"That's weird." Kureha took another sip of wine and continued, "Looking at your attitude and tone just now, it seems that you have known the quack doctor for a long time.

"Lin Mo's personality is originally a calm type that doesn't like to communicate with people." Luo directly spoke, "Neither he nor I are from the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, and in the past two months, I have followed him wherever he went, if he knew that strange man, how could I not know."

"That's right, that's right." Polk nodded and replied, "I can attest to this, they have both stayed in my hotel for more than two months, and they go out every day at about the same time, and then come back at about the same time." Kuleiha, you must be mistaken, Lin Mo is from the outer islands, how can he know Shiluluk, oh, by the way, usually in the town, when everyone chats, they occasionally mention Shiluluk's quack, even if Lin Mo knows that guy, it is estimated that he has heard everyone mention it, so he has an impression.

Kuleiha raised his eyebrows, and then laughed: "Oh hehe, hehe, that's the case, then I really misunderstood this little ghost." Hey, little ghost, ask you a question, what do you think of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom?

Lin Mo: "..."

Kureha suddenly asked what is this for?

Lin Mo was speechless: "It's not good. "

Oooo Kuleiha continued to drink, turned his gaze to Luo, and asked, "What about you, what do you think of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom?"

"Hmph, what else? My position is the same as Lin Mo. Luo snorted disdainfully and continued, "With this kind of king in power, sooner or later the country will be finished. "

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