Perona did not expect that a certain two people who usually quarrel constantly and fight at every turn can still say such words rationally when facing the doubts of others.

Especially in Perona's opinion, Anilu, who is nothing but strength, actually has a time to speak for the other members of the ship.

Don't... Is this the bond between friends?

Perona doesn't know much about that.

Originally, her purpose in staying here was simply to wait for Doflamingo to find the door, and then avenge Moonlight Moria.

If revenge fails, the big deal is death. If she is lucky, she will leave the small team after fulfilling her wish.

But now, she actually had a trace of envy for Anilu and them in her heart.

"Aaaa Perona muttered, "I know it's wrong, I won't talk nonsense in the future, it's always okay." "

Cut." Anilu suddenly said with a gloomy face, "What Ben Thor told you, don't tell the long nose, otherwise, that guy will definitely laugh at me..."

Perona reluctantly agreed: "Okay, okay, I promise not to say it."

Anilu nodded in satisfaction: "That's about it."

After that, the two continued to stay by Luffy's side.

And those who fell victim to Perona's negative ghost attack, after the negativity disappeared, most of them ran home in fear.

Only a few remained here, keeping their distance from Anilu and monitoring Anilu and Perona's every move.

Upp held a loudspeaker and prepared to negotiate with Anilu from a distance.

Just cleared his throat, the loudspeaker had just opened, and he had not yet spoken.

Anilu glared at him first, and said viciously: "Shut up!

Upp was startled and didn't dare to speak again.

A tall man next to Wupu whispered in his ear with some worry: "Village chief, what should I do?" We simply can't get by now.

After a moment of silence, Wupu, who really couldn't help it, responded in the same whisper to the man next to him: "Go find those thieves, they grew up watching Luffy, it's impossible to watch Luffy die here, otherwise there is no way to explain to Karp."

"Are you talking about the Da Dan family?" Also, if they come, maybe they can rescue Luffy, I will go find them now!" After

speaking, the man sneaked away under the cover of his friends.

Although what they said and their small movements did not escape Anilu's sight, he was too lazy to care.

Over the years, on some islands, Anilu has also encountered several bandits, almost all of them were destroyed in seconds, so, in his opinion, the bandits are particularly weak existences.

Upp didn't know what Anilu was thinking.

He thought that the people of the Da Dan family could at least contain Anilu and Perona, and then he organized people to rescue Luffy.

But the result.

The Dadan family, who rushed to hear the news, had not yet approached Anilu and Perona, when they were shocked by Anilu and electrocuted....

The other side.

After Lin Mo left the spaceship, he followed the route he remembered and walked all the way towards the valley around the windmill village.

It wasn't long before he came to a small clearing that was obviously artificially treated, but was already overgrown.

This is where he just came to the pirate world and has just developed the three-color domineering qi to cultivate.

Domineering this thing, in addition to the use of armed color, the covered area will turn black, the sight color and the overlord color are not the existence that can be seen with the naked eye, but can be found through the results produced by the use of these two domineering colors.

At first, the redhead was the first person to find out that he would be domineering.

At that time, he was just new to domineering and had many things he didn't understand, so he was surprised by the discovery of the redhead.

But now that I think about it, the reason why the redhead was able to find out in the first place was nothing more than when he was training domineering himself, he was discovered by the redhead.

And the reason why he didn't find the redhead at that time is not difficult to guess, it is too weak....

If it were now, as long as someone was secretly observing him around, he would immediately find out.

Except, of course, Kaku, who ate the fruit of silence.

At that time, because his mind was full of thoughts about completing the system task quickly, and then going to the next station, completing the task again, getting new skills, and making himself stronger, Lin Mo had not even been to other places except for this area.

In fact, on this island, there is not only one village in Windmill Village.

This island is actually an area ruled by the Goya Kingdom, and the windmill village is only a small village belonging to the Goya Kingdom.

And Luffy's brother Saab is the son of the nobleman Otluk III in the kingdom of Goa.

When he was a child, Saab decided to run away from home because he yearned for freedom and hated corrupt nobles, and then met Ace and Luffy, and the three became good brothers.

For this Goya Kingdom, except for this small area of the windmill village and the valley, Lin Mo really has not been there.

Since you have returned to the windmill village once in eight years, take this opportunity to walk around.

After all, the next time I come here, I don't know when.

So, Lin Mo took a step and continued to walk forward.

Anyway, there is Kaku and Xiaobai on the spaceship side, and Perona and Anilu on Luffy's side, and there is nothing for him anymore.

When passing through a jungle, several jungle beasts tried to attack him, but when they were close to Lin Mo, they were all stunned by Lin Mo's hand blade and stunned to the ground.

The other beasts, seeing that this human being was very difficult to mess with, all hidden, and did not dare to come out to find a fight.

After walking slowly around this jungle for nearly two hours, a large city gate of some age appeared in front of him.

The main city of the Goya kingdom has arrived!

Lin Mo stepped into the city without hesitation, and followed the flow of people, and soon came to a central street with a large flow of people.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Lin Mo randomly found a fast food restaurant with a relatively simple decoration style, ready to eat something at the bottom.

After entering the fast food restaurant and ordering a few dishes at random, Lin Mo found a table near the window and sat down.

After the clerk delivered all the food he ordered, Lin Mo had just eaten two bites.

A man wearing a gray turban and wrapping himself tightly suddenly walked by, obviously there was nothing on the ground that could trip his feet, but he almost fell for no reason, and hit the table where Lin Mo was.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." The person who hit the table quickly apologized.

Lin Mo ignored him and continued to eat.

Just when this daredevil thought it was okay and was about to speed up and get out of here.

Lin Mo suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed his arm, and said in an indifferent tone: "Take it out." "

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