The wanted

notice only has the characteristics of the wanted person, and there is no corresponding photo, plus Lin Mo has changed his clothes and changed his knife, so the two cheese soldiers really didn't recognize it.

But according to the convention, for outsiders, they still have to go through the process simply.

Then, the two cheese soldiers stopped Lin Mo.

One of them glanced at Lin Mo with the wanted notice, and asked, "Have you seen the person mentioned on this notice?"

Lin Mo shook his head lightly, indicating that he didn't know.

The two cheese soldiers didn't ask anything more, and they bypassed Lin Mo.

Lin Mo came directly to the cheese factory that Xiaobai fancy, and went to walk around first, just like ordinary processing plants, which produce cheese of various forms and functions, and those assembly line workers are basically cheese people.

After waiting for a short while, Xiaobai came.

The cheese on Cheese Island can also be eaten casually, but one thing is that the cheese factory that specializes in the production of various daily necessities on the entire Cheese Island is not allowed to eat, unless the cheese factory is about to expire, it will arrange for someone to dispose of it, and then build a new cheese factory.

If anyone dares to eat a cheese factory, it is illegal on this island.

Although there is such a rule, Lin Mo and Xiaobai don't know.

Therefore, after Xiaobai came, with Lin Mo's permission, he began to eat a lot.

Lin Mo also picked up a few pieces of cheese by the way, which was indeed better than other cheeses on the island.

Just as Xiao Bai finished eating a corner of the cheese factory, the cheese soldiers in charge of patrolling spotted them.

"What are you doing? It is illegal to eat factories! Grab them! The

cheese soldier at the head quickly rushed towards Lin Mo and Xiaobai with a few of his subordinates.

Xiaobai sniffed his nose, looked at Lin Mo, and asked, "Master, they seem to be food too, can they eat it?"

Lin Mo nodded silently.

Then, the cheese soldiers were eaten by Xiaobai.

Because the cheese factory has been moved, even if Xiaobai eats those cheese people, the alarm bell in the factory will sound.

A large group of cheese soldiers immediately rushed out and surrounded the cheese factory.

In order to avoid trouble, Lin Mo took Xiaobai and slipped away again just before the cheese soldiers surrounded.

After the two circled around Cheesetown, they bought another ticket and started heading to their next stop, Biscuit Island.

But because Lin Mo and Xiaobai became wanted criminals again, so, in order to hide their eyes, the two changed their clothes again.

The description on the wanted notice is that one tall and one short are two men in civilian clothes, the tall one wears a blue cloth hat with a small cloth bag hanging from his body, the short one carries a wooden sword, and a wine gourd that looks very expensive.

Therefore, Lin Mo simply included Dongye Lake in the system space, as for the wine gourd, it should not matter much if this thing meets the description of the notice.

And Xiaobai, under Lin Mo's signal, was a little unhappy to put away the small money bag that Lin Mo gave him for the time being, and this time he didn't wear a hat again, even if he showed two dragon horns.

When he got on the cruise ship twice, he coincidentally met the sisters again.

If it was once or twice, this encounter again and again had slightly attracted Lin Mo's attention.

"Ah, it's you!" Yaoyao saw that Lin Mo and Xiaobai were also on the boat, and happily pulled her sister and trotted over, "We really have a good relationship, that, just tell me your names."

Lin Mo ignored her.

Yaoyao continued, "We're going to Biscuit Island next, how about you?" Lin

Mo: "...,"

Hua Hua snorted coldly, "Do you still need to ask?" This boat is now going to Biscuit Island, really, and I can actually meet it again. By the way, Cheese Island seems to be looking for two people, look at the description of the notice, before you guys..." Before

Hua Hua finished speaking, Yaoyao quickly pulled her down, and then smiled awkwardly: "My sister has no malice, don't worry about it."

Lin Mo and Xiaobai still ignored them.

At this time, several exclamations suddenly came from the cruise ship.

"Look, the color of the sea has changed!"

"Red, orange and pink, what's going on?"

"Wouldn't it be toxic?"

"Cut, a bunch of uninformed guys, this is the juice sea!"

For those who are here for the first time, it is normal not to know this juice sea.

The tour guide on the cruise ship explained to everyone with a smile: "Red is the watermelon juice sea Oh, orange is the orange juice sea, pink is the peach juice, here is the sea where three juices are mixed together, mixed juice currents." As

soon as the tour guide's sister finished speaking, someone asked: "Can you drink the water in this juice current?" The

tour guide continued: "It is drinkable, and it is very delicious, but there is nothing very dangerous hidden in this juice current, so everyone should be careful."

Then, someone pointed to the watermelon sea and shouted: "Look, there's a super big watermelon over there."

"Huh? Really, alas, why are there watermelons in the sea?

"Such a big one, won't it sink?" It's amazing.

"Watermelon? That's not the watermelon you think. The tour guide was just about to tell everyone to stay away from the big watermelon, when suddenly, the large watermelon that everyone saw jumped up from the sea and flew towards the cruise ship deck.

The tour guide quickly shouted: "Everyone run, it's not a watermelon, it's a fruit lantern catfish, a carnivorous fish, if you are bitten, you will really die." When

the tour guide said this, the people on the deck who were still watching the excitement were so frightened that they quickly scattered and hid.

Hua Hua pulled Yaoyao and ran away.

But Lin Mo and Xiaobai were not afraid at all.

Lin Mo originally wanted to be a little meaningful, and also left first with everyone.

But before he took a few steps, the fruit lantern catfish opened its mouth and bit into him and Xiaobai.

Sensing this, Lin Mo quickened his pace slightly and avoided it.

And Xiaobai, in order to cover Lin Mo, deliberately took a slow step.

Then, Xiao Bai was eaten by the fruit lantern catfish.

Seeing this, everyone around screamed one after another.


"That's a life, who will save him?"

"I want to save it, but I don't want to die."

"What to do, this fish is terrible."

Everyone shouted ugly on their faces.

Both Yaoyao and Hua Hua were frightened, and when they reacted, Yaoyao had already walked forward, wanting to save Xiaobai, but was pulled by Hua Hua.

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