Kaku didn't want to make too much movement here, but the other party had to press step by step, there was really no way, he could only fight.

"Since you don't believe the old man, then the old man can't help it." Kaku immediately prepared for battle, "Don't underestimate the old man, otherwise, you will cry."

"Oh, that's a big deal." Armand appeared in front of Kaku with a 'whoosh', and his hand rose and fell, and he slashed at Kaku without hesitation.

Kaku followed the trend and slashed the evil spirit towards Armand with his backhand.

Armand spun a big spin, and while avoiding Kaku's attack, he once again slashed towards Kaku seemingly slowly.

The powerful sword qi surged towards Kaku with a 'boom'.

Kaku directly used the evil spirit to forcibly cut Armand's attack apart.

Then, the two went back and forth on the shore of this nut island, and they passed the trick extremely quickly.

Armand's men took advantage of their move, and immediately scattered and surrounded them.

"There are two strokes." Armand said as he moved his hand, "You are stronger than I thought."

Kaku sneered: "On the contrary, the old man thinks that you are weaker than the old man imagined."

"Oh, soon you will know whether I am strong or weak!"

"With all due respect, if you want to catch the old man, you are not qualified enough." Kaku's voice just fell.

Not far away, two figures appeared holding a lot of nuts in their hands and eating in their mouths.

"What about Kaku-chan? Why didn't you follow? Perona asked as she ate.

Anilu said impatiently: "If you don't stare for a while, the person will disappear, how big an adult, it's really not worrying." "

Huh? Someone over there got a fight, it seems to be Kaku-chan. "

Huh? Doesn't a long nose mean to keep a low profile? How to start a hand with someone else. Anilu looked towards the coast of Nut Island, even if Kaku and Armand were fast, Anilu could still see clearly, "What's going on with that woman?" It's ugly.

As he spoke, Anilu shouted at Kaku: "Hey, long nose, you shouldn't be losing to this woman, right?" You're weak. Kaku

: "..."Just

you'll say cool words." Kaku said dissatisfied, "This woman's strength is not bad, but her limit is almost there."

"Huh, it's up to you? Still trying to beat me? Armand sneered, "Die!"

Kaku also sneered: "Your strength is indeed good, but compared with the old man, whether it is technical or physical strength, you are still a cut behind, the warm-up should be over, since it is you who provoked first, what consequences will be, you bear it yourself." After

speaking, Kaku accelerated his attack.

At first, Armand could resist, but in the end, as Kaku said, due to the great energy expended, her nerves have been tense, and her physical strength has been declining, but if there is a trance with a flaw, she will be injured.

"See." Kaku suddenly smiled, "Your flaw. "

Armand just said 'what' in surprise.

Then, Kaku used the evil spirit and cut Armand's right hand off without hesitation.

Originally, he aimed at Armand's neck, but Armand reacted quickly and immediately avoided what she thought was a fatal injury, so he was cut off a hand.

She originally thought that even if she lost a hand, it would be easy for her to slip away first.

After all, she is not a Devil Fruit ability, and the people on Lin Mo's boat seem to be fruit ability, as long as she jumps into the sea, the people in front of her can't help her.

However, she did not know that Kaku's evil spirit is a weapon that can suck people's souls.

At the moment when her hand was cut off by the evil spirit, a pain that was even stronger than her body made her immediately scream.

Armand's men were shocked and immediately surrounded Armand.

In just a few seconds, Armand fell straight to the ground, motionless.

Kaku put away the evil spirits, jumped directly, easily jumped to Anilu and Perona's side, and used the ability of the Fruit of Silence to completely hide their breath.

"The woman is dead." Kaku said expressionlessly, "Soon her affairs will be known by Auntie, at that time, we will all be targeted, take advantage of now, let's hurry to the next stop, Nut Island is no longer safe."

Anilu looked ridiculed: "What does it matter if An is not safe?" Didn't you say to keep a low profile? Why do you still kill? The person who made trouble this time is you, and has nothing to do with Ben Thor.

Perona looked at Armand who fell to the ground in the distance, couldn't help but frown, and asked: "Kaku-chan, didn't you just cut off one of her hands?" With this amount of blood, it won't be enough to die, right?

"No, even if she just cuts a wound, she will most likely die." Kaku said lightly, "The evil spirit of the old man is a weapon that can severely damage the soul, and she is now out of gas."

Anilu raised his hand and signaled, "This point Ben Thor can testify that the woman has no vital signs." "

Huh?" The corners of Perona's mouth twitched wildly, "Isn't it, it can hurt the soul?" Kaku-chan, your weapon is too evil... What if you accidentally cut yourself while cultivating? Won't you be killed by yourself?

"Don't worry, this kind of low-level mistake, the old man will not make it." Kaku said confidently, "The more you fear, the easier it is to hurt yourself, and only people who are not confident in themselves will make this mistake." "

Verbose, bored." Anilu said impatiently, "What's the use of talking more?" The evil spirit is not given to you by Lin Mo's guy, cut, such a good weapon, why didn't he give it to me.

"You're less sour here." Kaku was equally dissatisfied, "Isn't the golden hoop rod that the captain gave you bad?" If you dislike it, then give the golden hoop rod to the old man. "

Bah!" Anilu glared at Kaku unpleasantly, "The golden hoop rod is Ben Thor, and only Ben Thor can control it, don't think about a small character like you."

"Cut, how tall you are, naïve ghost."

"Bastard has a long nose, you look for death!"

"It just so happens that the old man has warmed up just now, otherwise, let's face each other?"

"Whoever is afraid of whom, come!" Anilu just wanted to make a move, but suddenly thought of something, and immediately calmed the heart to do it, and asked with a calm face, "Shouldn't you want to play Yin again this time?"

Kaku smiled, "What do you say?" The old man doesn't play yin, this time the old man plays bright.

With that, Kaku took out the net gun he was carrying.

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