Not everyone can accept eating raw meat.

Lin Mo didn't like it, as long as it was bloody, he wouldn't eat it.

As for Xiaobai, although he is not taboo, he wants to share it with Lin Mo.

Well, now it seems to be screwed up....

Xiao Bai has already made a silent decision, let Kaku get these in the future....

However, seeing that Lin Mo didn't seem to be angry, he ate it with peace of mind.

Bree watched Xiao Bai eat Randolph and Crane, especially the raw meat, and her mood was very complicated at the moment.

It wasn't until Xiao Bai ate all the meat that was not enough for him to stuff his teeth at all, that Lin Mo asked Bree to lead the way and go to Donut Island to find Katakuri.

As long as it is in the territory of all nations, as long as there is a mirror, Bree can go to any island she wants in the shortest possible time.

It took less than five minutes, and with the help of Bree, Lin Mo and Xiaobai entered Donut Island smoothly.

Katakuri is the second son of Auntie, and Superman is a glutinous fruit ability.

It has a variety of abilities such as changing one's physique, turning one's body into glutinous rice balls, freely changing the shape of one's body, making substances, and storing items.

The ability can change the shape of the body, can elongate and become larger, similar to the ability of rubber fruit.

The ability can also combine the sight and smell domineering to freely differentiate and dodge attacks, and his malleability and variability are very large

, Katakuri can create glutinous rice balls with strong restraint, can stick to the touched things to make them immobile, and can simultaneously injure enemies when combined with armed color domineering, but it will not be sticky when it touches moisture.

He can also create glutinous balls with a certain toughness and sound insulation, and can also transform glutinous rice balls into sturdy houses.

Like Doflamingo, Katakuri is one of the few people whose Devil Fruit has awakened, and when awakened, the Waxy Fruit can turn things around it into a glutinous mass or assimilate the surrounding things to give it the properties of a waxy mass.

As for why Katakuri came to Donut Island, if Auntie really had a task assigned to him, it was unlikely that he would come to the island in person.

Therefore, the purpose of this guy coming to Donut Island is to eat donuts with a certain probability....

After all, Katakuri is a man with a huge sweet tooth, especially doughnuts, which are his favorite.

Katakuri drinks afternoon tea every day, each time making a sticky house, then shutting himself inside and enjoying snacks alone.

But anyone who dares to disturb him, or sees his appearance, will die ugly.

He is still a strong man who never touches the ground on his back, so he doesn't sleep lying down, but it's okay to lean against the wall, so he sleeps against the wall, or he sleeps standing or sitting without leaning against anything.

Moreover, Katakuri is a perfect man recognized by all nations, don't look at his usually taciturn and arrogant and cold, seemingly not very approachable, in fact, he cares about his family and subordinates. It has strong emergency handling ability and extremely high combat IQ.

Katakuri doesn't like people meddling in his fights. He can be domineering with his foresight of the future, and can perfectly copy or strangle the enemy's tricks in the cradle.

After going out from Brie's mirror world, Lin Mo and the others directly entered Donut Island.

The area occupied by Donut Island is actually not very large.

With Lin Mo's level of sight, he can completely cover this island.

Therefore, when he first set foot on Donut Island, Lin Mo looked for Katakuri a little with his sight.

Sure enough, in the donut forest of Donut Island, a pure white small room appeared, and there were many people guarding outside the house, and Katakuri was in the pure white room at the moment, enjoying his favorite afternoon tea.

This is not surprising in the first place, this is originally Katakuri's daily life.

But in addition to them, in front of the pure white room made of glutinous balls, there were three men with beaten noses and swollen faces, who were hanging on three crosses, but they attracted Lin Mo's attention.

Especially the shortest of them....

He was actually wearing two knives, as well as a wine jug, and the shape and appearance of the knife was almost the same as Lin Mo's knife...

What is this doing?

Imitating his impostor?

There were two other people. A figure of about two meters, with a golden head, shirtless, crying in a mess, constantly begging for mercy. The other is about one meter eight, lean, if it weren't for the fake nose he pasted had already shrugged off half of it, Lin Mo almost thought that this guy was also a long nose...

All right.

It is completely certain that these three people are impersonating them.

It seems that Katakuri's purpose in coming to Donut Island is not only for donuts, but also related to these three impostors.

In front of the white house of the glutinous group.

Although the man who pretended to be Lin Mo was also afraid in his heart, but now their situation, if they don't do something, they will definitely die!

"Okay, don't cry!" The fake Lin Mo shouted impatiently at the big man who was still crying, "Crying and crying, you know that crying, Bai Chang is so big!"

"You liar!" The man posing as Anilu, sobbing and saying, "You don't say that we can go to sea together and that no one will..."

The fake Lin Mo immediately stopped the fake Anilu, and then shouted at Katakuri, who was eating snacks in the Nuotuan House, "It's just a small number of three generals, I advise you, let us go right now, otherwise, my powerful backstage will not let you go!" Inside

the Nuotan House, Katakuri chose to directly ignore the shouts of outsiders and continued to enjoy the snack in a good mood.

Seeing that Katakuri ignored him, Lin Mo continued to shout: "Don't think that this will scare me, I'm Lin Mo!" The navy can't take Lin Mo who can't help me! As

soon as Lin Mo finished speaking, he gathered outside the Nuotuan House, and Katakuri's subordinates couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay, you, I heard about it, that kid named Lin Mo, but very strong, just your three-legged cat's kung fu, don't come out funny."

"Hahaha, that's it, besides, we have all seen Lin Mo's bounty order, and you and Lin Mo are not similar at all."

"And your two subordinates, even if you want to find a fake one, can you find a professional one, more like a little more?" We can tell at a glance that you are fake.

Katakuri's men burst out laughing.

The fake Lin Mo's face was ugly: "We deliberately used some means to change our appearance and physical characteristics, you guys who don't know anything will die of ignorance sooner or later!" "

Yo, it's really like that, we're really scared, hahaha." Katakuri's men couldn't help but ridicule.

The fake Lin Mo suddenly sneered and continued: "Don't think that if we don't fight back, we're afraid of you, now, the worse you beat us, the more serious your consequences will be, I can tell you very responsibly, my backer Whitebeard is now on the way to all nations!" And the red-haired Shanks, if he knew that I was arrested by you, he would immediately bring someone to rescue me! Two four emperors, can you still be afraid that one aunt will not succeed? If you don't want to die, let us go now, and I can still consider sparing your lives." "

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