Lin Mo is not the kind of person who likes to challenge others casually.

If he were to change to the previous him, when he encountered this kind of person who wanted to impersonate him, he would basically not be reasonable, as long as he didn't bother him, others could do anything.

As for now, anyway, Katakuri is here, with Katakuri's character, the stronger and more backbone the opponent, the more he values and respects the opponent.

It's a relatively honest person.

Therefore, Lin Mo was not worried that Katakuri would slip away at all.

Anyway, everyone is here, so let's take it as an entertainment bureau before dinner.

In the face of Lin Mo's invitation to fight, the fake Lin Mo's heart was of course quite resistant.

He was thinking about how to refuse the other party and get the other party to let him go.

Lin Mo suddenly sneered and asked, "Aren't you a person who can wantonly enter and exit the Advance City and the Navy Headquarters and are worth two billion?" How, scared? The

fake Lin Mo glanced at the three generations of ghost che that Lin Mo was holding, although the tip of the sword of the three generations of ghost che was still one meter away from him, it made him feel an indescribable chill.

At that moment, he came to a conclusion in his heart, this knife is not an ordinary product at first glance, so this person who wants to challenge him is not an ordinary person!

Thinking of this, the fake Lin Mo couldn't help but secretly swallow his spit, and then asked seriously: "What is your name?"

Lin Mo said casually: "I'm just an ordinary traveler.

"Well, you're a traveler too?" The fake Lin Mo was stunned, suddenly thought of something, and said with a smug look, "What do you think of me?" I Lin Mo is not a person who comes to fight with whom, I have my principles, I only fight with powerful people, a small role like you, I don't disdain to do it, I also bully you, don't want to be hurt, stay away from me, I don't want to hurt the innocent by mistake. This

sentence, coming out of the mouth of the fake Lin Mo, who was injured and had a blue nose and a swollen face, added a lot of funny elements.

Lin Mo said with a smile: "I'm not afraid of getting hurt, come." The

fake Lin Mo is still the same attitude: "I said it all, I don't fight with the unknown pawn, if I say I don't fight with you, I won't fight, don't understand?" Okay, I'm going to take my companion away, you better not follow.

With that, he turned to the two men who were still hanging on the cross, and then shouted in a displeased tone at the crowd next to him: "What are you still stunned for?" Don't let them all go soon! "

It's in the midst of everyone's troubles.

Lin Mo casually struck twice, even if he didn't get close to those two, he smashed the cross that bound those two.

The two fell together.

Looking at the debris all over the ground, they were frightened and hurried to check whether they were injured again.

After discovering that nothing had happened, the two breathed a sigh of relief.

The fake Lin Mo looked back at Lin Mo stunned, and asked with some uncertainty: "Just now, you did it?"

Lin Mo replied indifferently with a 'hmm'.

Fake Lin Mo secretly swallowed his spit, and then pretended to be calm and said: "It seems that you are stronger than I thought, very good, others squeezed their heads and wanted to join us, I can't look at it, seeing that your performance is still good, I made an exception to allow you to join."


Mo: "..." After a moment of silence, Lin Mo continued: "Defeat me, I will join."

The fake Lin Mo was stunned, and then said with some pity: "Do you have masochistic tendencies?" It's really boring to fight and kill at every turn, forget it, I won't accept it, goodbye. When

he finished, he was going to leave with his companions.

At this time, a slightly mocking sneer came out from the glutinous house next to it.

Then, a tall man with short amaranth hair, strong muscles, slender legs, and scars on his cheeks with stitches. There are pink tattoos on the left arm and left upper body and left back, a skull-like tattoo on the left arm, and a wing-shaped tattoo on the left back. Wearing a white scarf like a flower, the overall costume style is full of a strong black metal style. He wears a pair of black gloves and has a thorn ring on his left arm. Wearing black jeans, white knee pads on the left knee and black knee pads on the right leg knee. A man wearing a pair of black leather boots with thorns and spurs behind the boots walked out of the sticky ball house.

This is the target person of Lin Mo's visit to Donut Island this time, one of the three general stars, a person who is recognized as particularly powerful among many siblings, Katakuri.

Because when I was a child, I liked to eat donuts too much and broke my mouth, resulting in traces of stitches on both sides, and even if I closed my mouth, I would show four fangs, so in addition to showing it when I enjoyed snacks alone, Katakuri's mouth was generally covered with a scarf.

"Oh, you're not the same as the rumors." Katakuri sneered and walked out of the Nuotuan House, directly ignoring the fake Lin Mo and the three, and fell his gaze on Lin Mo.

Seeing that Katakuri came out, Lin Mo unconsciously leaned over to his companion.

The fake Anilu asked uneasily: "Kataku chestnut is out, let's run..." The fake Kaku

seconded: "I don't want to die yet, just because they think we are real now, let's take this opportunity to slip away."

Fake Lin Mo nodded: "But we can't be too deliberate, otherwise it will arouse their suspicion."

Then, Lin Mo took his companions and slowly retreated together.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Seeing that Katakuri's subordinates seemed to want to make way for the fake Lin Mo, Bree couldn't help but say angrily, "Why are you so stupid, those three are liars!"

Everyone was still wondering: "But Whitebeard is really here." "

Whitebeard is coming? What about others? Bree hated iron and said, "Even if Whitebeard really comes, it's not for those three liars, I'm really convinced, if they are real, they can still be beaten into this pig's head by you?" "

And Katakuri, for the weak who are instigating and dishing, are not interested at all.

If he really didn't come, he might still be able to use those three people to pass the time, but now that he really came, then it didn't matter to him if those three people wanted to escape.

"I was just looking for you." Kataku said expressionlessly, "Since you sent it yourself, then I am not welcome." After

speaking, Katakuri directly used his ability to glutinous fruit, turned his hands into strips of rice cakes, and quickly flew towards Lin Mo with a 'swoosh'.

Lin Mo subconsciously hid to the side.

Katakuri seemed to have known Lin Mo's next foothold for a long time, and the moment Lin Mo moved, his rice cake hand changed the direction of action, and at the moment Lin Mo just landed, it was directly wrapped around Lin Mo's arm.

Lin Mo immediately pulled out three generations of ghost che and wanted to cut off the rice cake wrapped around his arm.

But this step of his action was also seen through by Katakuri, and the moment he pulled out the three generations of Onitori, another rice cake hand created by Katakuri wrapped the three generations of Onitori as well.

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