
Lin Mo and his party lived the leisurely life they had before.

Anilu is responsible for driving the ship and scouting the surrounding sea.

Kaku is responsible for the daily maintenance and overhaul of all the equipment on the spaceship and cooks every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and seven, and Lin Mo's exclusive bartender, occasionally going out hunting with Xiaobai to let Xiaobai eat the food that is not easy to handle on the spot, and then bring back the best ingredients.

Perona is responsible for the hygiene of the spaceship and the precautionary protection against the fickle bad weather of the New World, as well as cooking every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Xiao Bai is in charge of hunting and the security of the spaceship without sleeping.

Everyone has their own job and is doing their job with peace and security.

The spaceship came out of the New World and directly skipped the Great Route and entered the South China Sea, where Forchat Island is located.

This day.

The sun is just right.

Taking advantage of the good weather, Kaku asked Anilu to help melt the golden table in the kitchen, and then moved it to the deck, where everyone enjoyed a delicious afternoon tea with a comfortable sea breeze.

While eating a snack, Perona casually asked: "I've always wanted to ask, does our spacecraft have a name?" "

Name?" Anilu said with a smile, "It's just a boat, what name do you need?" Bring sand to the beach.

Hearing this, Kaku couldn't help but glance at him and spoke, "What is a boat?" You guy, don't forget that over the years, this ship has carried us across the sea and to many places, it provides you with a place to live, shelters you from the wind and rain, and advances and retreats with us, this spaceship has long been not an ordinary ship, he is our home at sea and our very important partner. "

Cut." Anilu said disdainfully, "Are you crazy, treat a boat as a partner, what, can this ship have life?" Why didn't Ben Thor find out what vital signs this ship had?

"You guy, you can't understand what the old man said." Kaku was too lazy to talk nonsense with Aniludo, and said directly, "Anyway, the old man already regards the spaceship as an important partner, since it is a partner, then there must be a name, those pirate group ships, as well as the ships of the navy have names, why don't our ships have them?"

Perona nodded along with the wind while eating the small cake: "Kaku-chan is right, I also agree to give the spaceship a super cute name~

" Then, Kaku looked at Lin Mo for advice: "Captain, what do you think?"

Lin Mo didn't care: "Yes, you can watch it."

"Naming a ship is no small matter." Kaku continued, "Captain, come on.

Lin Mo: "..."

He is named....

After a moment of silence, Lin Mo spoke, "Whatever."

Kaku was stunned.

Anilu couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Hahahaha, this name is good, it's really worthy of being the captain, whatever, this name is interesting, in the future, this broken spaceship will be called casual, Ben Thor thinks it can, the captain's IQ is really high."

Lin Mo: "!


Lin Mo stepped directly on the instantaneous step, instantly appeared behind Anilu, directly slapped over, and slapped Anilu's back of the head fiercely.

Only listening to the muffled sound of 'bang', Anilu's forehead hit the golden table in front of him, and a large bag appeared in front of his forehead.

Perona covered her mouth and smiled: "Hello Rat, Anilu, you really make me look long, what makes you take the trouble to provoke the captain every day, and then get beaten?" Laugh at me, I've never seen you eat so much and don't grow wise. Anilu

: "!

"Abominable! Newcomer, you look for death! Anilu backhanded a lightning strike.

Perona had long known that Anilu would come to this move, and immediately flipped sideways to avoid Anilu's lightning strike.

But her speed was still much slower, her right foot was not completely avoided, she was scratched by a lightning strike, and the feeling of numbness on the wound made her frown slightly.

Although Perona did not completely avoid the lightning strike of Anilu, in Kaku's opinion, the little girl's progress was still very great.

"Your physical skills have improved a lot." Kaku praised, "If you were a few months ago, you would not have been able to dodge a stupid lightning strike, and you can train your reaction speed to this level in such a short time, your talent is not bad." Seeing

that Kaku praised her, Perona laughed embarrassedly: "Hee-hee, this is all taught by Kaku-chan~

" Anilu almost vomited: "It's disgusting, you guys."

Lin Mo didn't want to participate in the fight between these goods, and after slapped Anilu's head, he picked up a small cake on the plate on the table and left.

Seeing Lin Mo gone, Kaku immediately shouted: "Captain, you haven't named the spaceship yet."

Lin Mo said casually: "You can just decide."

After speaking, he quickened his speed and quickly disappeared into the cabin.

After Lin Mo left, Kaku looked at Anilu with some disgust and continued: "Since the captain said that we will decide the name of the spaceship, then the four of us, one of us will say one, and then vote to decide, and the most votes will win."

Before Anilu could say anything, Perona was the first to raise her hands in approval: "Yay! Then I'll come first, this boat is so powerful, you can't name it casually, so the name must be handsome and cute, well... How about calling it Super Invincible Spiral Big Cute Number? Kaku

: "..."Anilu:


Bai buried his head in a binge...

"Vulgar." Anilu sneered, "Ben Thunder God comes to one, it is called the God King Breaking Cloud Thunder Battleship!"


Perona: "..."

Xiao Bai continued to eat wildly....

Perona said amusedly: "What are you? I don't see it very well.

Kaku coughed dryly, looked at Xiaobai, and asked, "Xiaobai, what do you have in mind?"

Xiao Bai glanced up at Kaku and shook his head, indicating no.

Kaku coughed dryly again and continued: "That Xiaobai gave up the name, now it's the turn of the old man, this spaceship is the captain, without the captain, there will be no ship, and there will be no us, so, the old man proposed, how about calling our spaceship the Inker?"

Anilu was just about to complain.

Kaku continued: "Agree that the spaceship is called the Moji, raise your hand, Perona, tomorrow the old man can help you cook for a day, Xiaobai, how about we eat seafood barbecue in the evening?" Hearing

this, Perona's eyes lit up, and she immediately raised her hand.

Although Xiaobai didn't understand what Kaku was going to do, the seafood barbecue was still very tempting for him, and after thinking about it, he silently raised his hand with Perona.

The corners of Anilu's mouth twitched wildly: "Long nose, you..." Kaku

smiled: "Tomorrow's afternoon tea, how about we have an apple party?" All snacks are made with apples. Anilu

: "!

For a long time, Anilu also silently raised his hand.

That night, when he finished eating, Lin Mo casually asked: "What is the name?"

Kaku smiled and said, "Report Captain, in the future, our spaceship will be called the Inker." Hearing

this, Lin Mo almost spewed out a mouthful of wine.

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