Polchi's move made everyone who was not prepared instantly hit.

Even Xiao Bai fell to the ground and fell asleep.

Originally, this trick did not have a great effect on Xiaobai, but Xiaobai was originally very sleepy, and Polchi's hypnosis only played a propulsive role.

Kaku, Saab and Anilu, because they were not participants in this game, they did not win.

"This..." Kaku frowned slightly, in disbelief, "How could Xiaobai also be hit?" "

Hah! What is this guy doing? Sleep? Anilu said with a smile, "When is it time to sleep?"

"It's the girl." Saab looked at Polch and continued, "She must have used some kind of hypnotism that causes people to fall asleep. However, this kind of trick, Lin Mo should be able to solve it.

Anilu said of course: "Of course, if he can't even avoid this, can't solve it, is he worthy of being a captain?" Kaku

: "..."Saab: "..."


don't want to say anything about you anymore." Kaku shook his head.

Saab couldn't help but laugh and asked, "Is this guy so unrememberable?"

Kaku nodded, "Yes, this guy is no longer saved." "

Lin Mo's side.

Xiaobai they were hypnotized, and he also found out.

He originally thought that Xiao Bai could deal with Polchi, but it turned out...

Soon, Lin Mo finished a lap, and soon he was about to catch up with the real four corners who were still a few meters in front of the starting line.

Polki sat on Zhen Sijiao's shoulder, smiled and pointed at Lin Mo with his baton weapon: "You also sleep with your teammates, hee-hee." Just

when the baton in her hand turned into a bouquet of flowers.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed, and Polchi had not yet had time to use her flower hypnotism.

Lin Yi, wearing a mask, appeared beside her in a daze and hooked Polchi's neck.

Polch exclaimed, "Ah, who are you?

Itomimis's voice came out of the loudspeaker: "What's going on?" Why are there people unrelated to the game? The masked man, please leave now! Polchi

raised her hand to hit Lin Yi, but Lin Ye grabbed her wrist with his other hand.

"Ah, nasty, let me go, otherwise, our boss won't spare you lightly!" Polchi shouted.

Lin Yi said with a smile: "Call, the louder you shout, the more excited I will be."

"You're a pervert, aren't you!"

"With such a good-looking face, what if you cut a few cuts?"

"Oh don't, don't hurt me..."

"Scared? Not enough, a little more fear. As he spoke, Lin Ye mercilessly tore off Polchi's right arm.

With this move, he frightened the spectators watching the game around.

Kaku and the others were also shocked.

Although he roughly guessed it, Kaku still asked: "Who is this person?"

Anilu chuckled, "Do you still need to ask?" Our captain's doppelganger, heh, this doppelganger's behavior is very much to Ben Thor's taste.

"Are you sure he's Lin Mo's doppelganger?" Saab was a little incredulous, "Why are their personalities so different?"

Kaku shook his head and said, "The old man doesn't know, which is probably why the captain is reluctant to summon a doppelganger."

Lin Yi's behavior was in Lin Mo's eyes.

For Lin Yi's behavior, Lin Mo has nothing to say, just like Lin Mumu, the behavior and personality of his doppelganger have long been ingrained and almost impossible to change, even if he forced it, it was useless, since this is the case, it is better to go with the flow, as long as these doppelgangers do not cause him trouble.

Therefore, Lin Mo didn't care much about anything, and directly went around the side of the true four corners.

Foxy saw that Polchi's arm was torn off by Lin Yi abruptly, and his face turned white.

Without saying a word, Foxy immediately raised his hand and launched a slow photon on Lin Ye.

Lin Yi did not panic at all, and when Foxy's slow photon flew over, he threw Polki out, let Polki be hit by the slow photon instead of him, and he jumped off the shoulder of Zhen Sijiao, and then directly trotted over to Foxi.

Foxy saw Lin Ye coming, and quickly attacked Lin Ye continuously with slow photons.

Lin Yi dodged left and right while running, even if he didn't see it, but with his own instincts, he could dodge.

Foxy saw that his sluggish photon could not hit Lin Yi at all, and immediately took several steps back.

Although Hamburg was badly injured in the last game, the wounds on his body have been bandaged and he can barely participate in the fight.

Although, Hamburg wants to run too.

But he still chose to stand in front of Foxey.

Several of Foxy's men, who were close, also rushed over.

They originally thought that there were many people on their side, and they could at least contain Lin Yi for a while.

However, just when Lin Yi's hand flashed thunder, it was already too late for them to run.

Lin Yi came out this time, and the ability that the system randomly assigned to him was Raiche.

In this world, there are not many people who can carry Ratchet, so as soon as this group of people came around, they were cut in half by Lin Ye.

"This is..." Anilu recognized Lin Yi's trick at a glance, "This is the trick that Lin Mo used to deal with me when he first went to the empty island, and sure enough, Lin Mo's doppelganger is also very strong. "

The audience in the audience, seeing so many dead people, were too frightened to speak.

Foxy looked at his dead crew members in disbelief, and his legs went limp, and he fell to the ground.

Saab and Kerra's faces became solemn.

Like this scene, Kaku and Anilu have seen it many times when they are not with Lin Mo, so they are not particularly disgusted.

Now even Itomimis, who broadcast the game in real time, did not dare to say another word, for fear that he would accidentally become Lin Yi's next target.

And then.

Lin Mo reached the end of this round smoothly.

But because of Lin Yi's behavior just now, the referee was so frightened that he didn't blow his whistle for a long time.

Lin Mo glanced at the referee.

The referee didn't respond.

Lin Yi walked silently towards the referee.

The referee thought that Lin was also going to kill him, took a few steps back, did not stand firmly, and fell.

Watching Lin Yi getting closer and closer to him in fear, the referee was about to cry: "Can you not kill me?" You can do whatever you want me to do, don't kill me, please."

Lin also pointed to the whistle hanging on the referee's chest: "Blow." The

referee was stunned, quickly picked up the whistle and blew it off.

Itomis reacted immediately, announcing with a trembling voice: "Second round, the winner... Or Lin Mo's team, next, the third round of the competition, please take the players from both sides in place.

"I threw in the towel." Foxy had completely lost his desire to fight, "Lin Mo, you win, you can choose the person you want in my crew."

"No need." Lin Mo said indifferently, "Take your people, roll." "

Foxy is not as tough as before, seeing Lin Mo said to let him roll, he quickly climbed with a large group of his subordinates who were still alive, and quickly got on the boat and ran.

After they left, in Lin Mo's mind, the system's prompt sounded.

'Didi! To win the Davy Tournament, the check-in progress is increased by 30 percent, and the current overall progress is 70 percent. ’

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