After Lin Mumu returned to the guest room, he thought for a long time, hesitated, or sneaked into the kitchen, took out a few pieces of ice from the freezer, and then returned to the room, put a mirror on the table, and took off all his tops.

With her back to the mirror, Lin Mumu wiped the ice cubes on her back, and the cold touch made her whole body shiver.

But after wiping it several times, the places she could wipe on her back were frozen red, but there was still no pattern to show.

Just as Lin Mumu breathed a sigh of relief, there was a sudden knock outside the door.

Lin Mumu said casually: "Enter."

Then, Saab opened the door and walked in with a plate of small snacks.

"Mumu, I'll give you... Alas? Saab had just walked in a few steps, stopped abruptly, and then immediately turned his back, his face burst red, and his voice stuttered, "You, what are you doing?" Why, why not wear clothes? "

Huh?" Lin Mumu blinked his eyes, looked down, suddenly realized something, and couldn't help laughing badly, "Ouch, it's all seen by you, I won't see anyone in the future."

"Yes, sorry, I didn't mean to, really!"

"Would it be useful to say sorry? An apology is the least valuable compensation.

"So, what then? I, I really don't know how to make up for you... You say, what you want me to do, whatever it is, I promise you, I swear! "

Poofhahahaha." Lin Mumu laughed loudly, "It's the first time you've seen a woman's body, look at your sluggishness, hahaha, laugh at me."

Saab blushed, and now he wanted to dig a hole and bury himself in it: "Mumu, it's not funny at all, it's really not funny at all..."

Lin Mumu put on his clothes, twisted the buttons and said, "I'm not a stingy person, you can see it when you see it, it's okay, I forgive you."

"Huh? This... But..." Saab's mood at the moment was simply, "but you are a girl, if others know it, then your reputation... I, I'll be in charge!

Lin Mumu said with a smile: "Who wants you to be responsible?" What's wrong with a look? Okay, what should I do, don't get in my way, get out.

"So, then I'm leaving?" Saab put the snack on the ground next to him, still did not dare to look back, "You remember to eat this snack."

After that, he rushed out as if running for his life.

After that, Saab washed his face with cold water and drank two more glasses of ice water before calming down.

Lin Mumu, on the other hand, ate a snack casually, as if nothing had happened just now.

In the days that followed, Sabodu deliberately kept his distance from her, and as soon as the two of them looked at each other, the guy would immediately shift his gaze.

As if he had found something funny, Lin Mumu would tease him happily every time he saw him, and Saab did not resist, or rather, he could not resist at all.

And just like that, another week passed.

When Saab and their cadres left the conference room after the meeting, Kerra finally couldn't help but ask: "Sabo, what happened between you and Lin Mumu during this time?" You seem to have been avoiding her..."

Saab said helplessly: "There is a little... Minor misunderstanding.

"Huh? Minor misunderstanding? Kerra asked curiously, "What misunderstanding?" "

Ahem, nothing." Saab suddenly changed his tone and said, "The content of the meeting just now, she will be very happy to know it, I went to find her."

"Hey, you guy..." Kerra couldn't help but roll his eyes, "I think you're just too idle..."

After that, Saab searched all the places where Lin Mumu might go, but couldn't find anyone.

Finally, on the coast of Baldigo, facing south towards the New World, I found someone sitting there looking at the sea.

Saab walked directly over to her, saw a row of empty wine bottles in front of Lin Mumu, and after a moment of silence, he sat down next to her and watched the sea with her.

Sensing that someone was coming, Lin Mumu turned his head and saw that it was Saab, so he continued to hold a bottle of half-drunk wine and continued to drink.

After a long time, Saab spoke: "Kildeo has found the island where Whitebeard held the banquet."

"Really?" Lin Mumu blinked his eyes and asked happily.

Sabo nodded and said, "Well, really, there are several missions over there in the New World, I applied to the leader, and he also agreed to let me go to the New World to carry out the mission, just in time to take you to that island."

"Haha, that's great." Lin Mumu answered happily, took another sip of wine, his face was already slightly red, and said to himself, "It's really strange, my brother's amount of alcohol is so good, why did I get a little dizzy after only drinking a few bottles?"

"Don't drink it if you faint."

"No, I still have to drink, hehe." Lin Mumu drank another large mouthful, and after swallowing it, the smile on his face slowly froze, "You say, when my brother sees me, will he drive me away again?"

After a moment of silence, Saab shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"I don't want to leave him, but what if he wants to drive me away?" I am not qualified to refuse my brother's order, but what should I do?

"Then find a small island and live well, Lin Mo chose to let you go, just want you to live the life you want to live."

"But I don't want to live my own life, without my brother, there is no point in what I do, he is my world, my only choice forever."

"Mumu, you..." Sabo looked at Lin Mumu and said with a slight frown, "I know why Lin Mo left you on Forschat Island, no wonder he wanted to say that sentence at that time, Mumu, your brother left you behind, it was really for your own good, he wanted you to do more just what you want to do, he hopes that he is not your only choice, he hopes that you can have more choices of your own."

"What are you talking about?" Lin Mumu drank a few more sips of wine, his eyelids were already a little heavy, "Don't tell me this, it's useless, my setting is to be 100% loyal to my brother, even if I can't go back, my setting will not change, even if he leaves me ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times, I will find it back."

"Okay, stop drinking."

"Leave me alone."

"Mumu, it's okay." Saab snatched the remaining third of the wine bottle in Lin Mumu's hand.

Lin Mumu wanted to snatch it back, but Saab had no choice, so he had to drink all the rest of the wine.

Seeing this, Lin Mumu shouted unhappily: "What are you doing?" Who let you drink me? You return me, pay me ten bottles, no, a hundred bottles!

"Mumu, you drank too much."

"Nope! I didn't drink much! I'm sober!

"Okay, you haven't drunk much, I'll take you back."

"Don't! I'm going to blow the wind here. As he spoke, Lin Mumu leaned his head groggily on Sabo's shoulder and muttered, "This wind is so comfortable to blow on your body."

Saab looked silently at Lin Mumu leaning on his shoulder, not even himself, when he saw how complicated Lin Mumu's eyes were.

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