Lin Mo and the redhead didn't stay in the tavern for too long.

After inquiring about Albana's location, Lin Mo set off, got on the camel he bought from the small town of Narohara, and continued on his way.

The redhead followed without care, muttering all the way to see the excitement in Yuba.

Lin Mo ignored the redhead the whole time, until the two passed a desert rocky field, and there was a group of white birds that were large and looked full of wounds, falling to the ground on all fours and convulsing.

This is a deceptive bird, a bird that haunts the rocky desert and likes to pretend to be injured to deceive travelers of sympathy and then steal their luggage.

"Huh? What happened to that flock of birds? The redhead asked strangely as he looked at the flock of deceptive birds not far away.

Lin Mo chuckled: "Wouldn't it be nice if you went and took a look?"

"Too." The redhead ran towards the group of deceptive birds, then grabbed one of them and shook it, "Hey, it's okay you guys." Then

, the bird he was holding convulsed again 'weakly' and looked like it was dying.

The redhead turned his head to look at Lin Mo and said excitedly: "These birds look like they are about to die, how about we let them die more meaningfully?" Lin

Mo: "..." The

redhead smiled: "It looks quite fat, and the taste must be very good." "

“!" The deceptive bird, which was grabbed by the redhead, began to struggle.

"Oh? Returning to the light? The redhead smiled and grabbed the bird's neck, stood up, looked at Lin Mo again, and asked, "What flavor of roasted whole bird do you want to eat?"

Lin Mo chuckled, "Feel free."

"Okay, then I'll let you try my craft today." The redhead smiled and stared at the fraudulent bird in front of him, which was already sweating profusely.

The other fraudulent birds lying on the ground pretending to be dead all jumped up at once, quickly fluttered their wings, and flew away....

"Huh? Are you all right? The redhead was startled.

The deceitful birds in his hands, which were still pinched by his neck, were about to cry and began to squeak.

"Hahaha." The redhead laughed loudly, and as soon as his hand loosened, he released the fraudulent bird.

Just as this fraudulent bird fluttered its wings and was about to chase his companion, the sandy land where the redhead and Lin Mo were located began to vibrate.

Immediately afterwards, countless huge rhizome-like man-eating grasses emerged from the ground and menacingly bit towards Lin Mo, the redhead, and the fraudulent bird that did not follow their companions.

"It seems that there are a lot of big guys hidden under this sand." The corners of the redhead's mouth hooked slightly, and he pulled out his sword without hesitation.

When two of the giant man-eating grasses bit Lin Mo at the same time, the camel carrying Lin Mo was just like when he encountered the giant lizard before, and before Lin Mo could make a move, he was carried around in a panic, and this camel really avoided all the attacks of these two man-eating grasses.

And Lin Mo had no intention of stopping this violent camel at all.

Maybe you can take this opportunity to throw off your redhead.

The redhead saw that the camel carrying Lin Mo was running away violently, and it ran in no direction, and the speed was quite fast.

If you don't hurry up and chase him, you are likely to be separated from him.

Without much thought, the redhead directly slashed out horizontally with a blow, and an invisible knife qi spread out violently, blocking and cutting off all the surrounding man-eating grasses.

This blow also saved the fraudulent bird that was almost swallowed by the man-eating grass.

The redhead saw Lin Mo's figure getting farther and farther away, and he was about to fade out of his sight, and without hesitation, he grabbed the leg of the fraudulent bird who was breathing a sigh of relief.

The red-haired dragon tooth smiled: "I saved your life, it shouldn't be too much to take me to chase that kid, right?"

"Squeak!" The fraud bird was shocked, and when he thought that this person had solved all the man-eating grasses with a knife just now, he felt that the bird's back was cold, and for the sake of his own little life, the fraud bird had to choke with tears in his eyes, flutter his wings again, and fly towards the direction where Lin Mo was with red hair with great effort.

After running wildly for more than three hours, the camel carrying Lin Mo finally stopped weakly and lay down on the sand, panting heavily.

Lin Mo jumped off its back.

Took out the wine gourd and took a sip of wine.

When he thought that he had successfully shaken off the red hair, the breath of the red hair suddenly appeared in midair.

"Hey, Lin Mo!" The redhead waved excitedly at Lin Mo in midair.

Hearing this, Lin Mo's mood at the moment was speechless.

This guy is really haunted....

After the redhead landed on the ground, he patted the back of the sweaty fraud bird and laughed: "Hard work, hahaha, you can go." The

fraud bird was relieved and quickly slipped away with tears in his eyes.

The redhead looked at the camel who was paralyzed on the sand: "This guy is really frightened, hahaha, fortunately I caught up, Lin Mo, where do we go next?" "

Whatever." Lin Mo was speechless.

"In that case, then continue along this road, wherever you go." The red-haired tooth smiled.

Lin Mo replied indifferently: "Good." After

resting in place for an hour, the camels recovered their strength before the two of them set out on their way again.

After walking in the desert for nearly two days, the two arrived at the next town, surrounded by a ring of tall trees and looking green.

"Finally, it's here..."

Lin Mo's forehead was also full of sweat.

The two immediately sped up and entered the town.

Compared to the town where they drank before, this town was bigger and richer.

The pedestrians on the streets are all fashionably dressed, and the buildings in the town look like they have not been renovated for a long time.

"Oh, this town looks pretty good." The redhead smiled and looked around.

Lin Mo walked forward in silence.

While passing by a stall selling golden apples.

The vendor owner immediately took a golden apple and sold it to Lin Mo and the redhead with an evil smile: "This red-haired gentleman and child, you are from abroad, do you want to buy a golden apple to taste?" My golden apple is not an ordinary apple, but a secret treasure found from an ancient ruin, this is a fantastic golden apple that can live for thousands of years as long as you eat it. "

Huh? Golden apples? The redhead was surprised, "Is it true that you can live for thousands of years just by eating a bite?"

Seeing that the redhead seemed very interested, the vendor owner couldn't help but smile wickedly: "Of course, what I said must be right."

The redhead's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "It's so powerful!" The

vendor owner continued with a bad smile: "Now this golden apple is on sale, you can buy one for only a thousand Baileys, how about it, do you want to buy two to eat with your children?" "

Child?" The redhead was stunned.

"yes." The vendor owner pointed to Lin Mo, "He came with you, isn't it your child?"

The redhead couldn't help but laugh, "Poof... Hahahaha, if only he were really my child, hahaha..." Lin

Mo: "..."Huh

? Aren't you father and son? The vendor owner scratched his head, then waved his hand indifferently and smiled, "Haha, it doesn't matter if it's not father and son, in short, the two of you can buy one each, this price is definitely worth the money, I guarantee that you can't buy it at a loss and can't be fooled!" "

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