Vivi is the only princess in the kingdom of Alabastan.

And this man with long golden curly hair is the captain of the Guardian of the Kingdom of Alabastan, Ikalem.

Protecting the princess is one of Ikalem's main jobs.

As long as Vivi leaves the palace, Ikalem will basically follow, even if Vivi does not want him to follow, he will use a flawed disguise to find ways to follow.

Seeing Ikalem coming, Wei Wei hooked the corner of her mouth slightly, pointed at Lin Mo, and said with a smile: "Thanks to his camel, I caught the thief."

Ikalem looked at Lin Mo, looked at him simply, and asked, "Judging by your attire, you shouldn't be a native of Albana, right?" What town are you from?

Lin Mo continued to eat the meat skewer in his hand, ignored Ikalem, turned around, and continued to walk forward.

There were too many people on the street, and when Ikalem questioned, almost everyone's eyes were focused.

Lin Mo didn't like the feeling of being stared at by many people.

In addition, he is not very talkative, and it is his style to leave directly.

Although his check-in progress task is most likely related to this Princess Vivi, he now wants to find a comfortable hotel, rest for a few days, and then go around the pubs in Albana and drink enough.

"Huh? This kid is also so rude, he actually left without even saying a word! "Ikalem is quite dissatisfied with Lin Mo's performance.

Wei Wei smiled and waved her hand: "It's okay, he may be more afraid of life, after all, we are strangers who have never met him." Ikalem

said angrily: "But even if you haven't seen it before, this kid can't be so rude, you are a princess, how can he be so unreasonable to the princess!" "

Ikalem, don't say it." Vivi's face sank slightly, "Actually, I'm the same as everyone, it's just that I have the identity of a princess, and I don't want everyone to treat me differently because I'm a princess

..." "Vivi..." Ikalem said distressedly, "You know, I didn't mean that."

Wei Wei grinned and said, "Hehe, it's okay, the barbecue that person ate just now is so fragrant, I also want to eat it."

Ikalem was stunned, and then said with a smile: "Okay, Princess Vivi wants to eat, we will eat enough."

Lin Mo took the camel to find a medium-sized hotel to live in.

If the camel is concerned, it is handed over to the innkeeper to help take care of it.

After sleeping comfortably in the room for an afternoon, near the evening, Lin Mo left the hotel, first had a light meal in a restaurant, and then found a pub nearby, completely ignoring the ridicule of all the drinkers in the pub, ordered a few bottles of wine at the bar, drank a lot, filled his wine gourd, and then left the tavern.

It had long since darkened outside.

Because he slept a lot in the afternoon, Lin Mo is now very energetic, and he is not sleepy at all.

After thinking about it, he decided to go around and find out the terrain of Albana first.

An hour later.

When Lin Mo came out of an alley, not far away, a man in black carried a girl with her hands and feet tied and her mouth tapped, and ran over at an extremely fast speed.

When the man in black passed in front of Lin Mo.

Lin Mo's gaze met the tearful eyes of the girl who was struggling with the shoulder of the man in black.

It's Vivi.

When Wei Wei saw Lin Mo, she immediately stood up.

The man in black carrying her patted her unceremoniously, and said in a low voice: "Shut up for me!"

Wei Wei kept staring at Lin Mo with tears in her eyes, and she wanted Lin Mo to help her find a rescuer.

But thinking of Lin Mo's ignorance of her during the day, Wei Wei's eyes full of expectation gradually became depressed.

Lin Mo stared silently in the direction where the man in black ran away.

Without saying a word, he immediately stepped on the teleportation and chased over.

Although he can completely ignore Weiwei, he thinks that maybe saving Weiwei can complete the check-in progress task, even if the success rate of the task trigger is only half, he will try it.

The man in black carried Vivi all the way forward.

Vivi thought that she was helpless, but when she saw a figure walking in the distance, and in the blink of an eye, she appeared in front of her and was shocked.

"Huh?" The man in black noticed the movement behind him, turned his head, and saw that Lin Mo was actually chasing him, and immediately quickened his pace, trying to shake off Lin Mo.

Lin Mo seemed to normally kick the left calf of the man in black directly, only listening to the 'click' crack, and the leg bone of the man in black's calf was broken.

"Aaaaah." With a scream, the man in black threw himself forward, and Vivi who was carrying it was thrown out.

Lin Mo easily caught Wei Wei with an arrow step.

Put her on the ground and untie the hemp rope that tied Vivi's hands.

Wei Wei immediately untied the hemp rope tied to her feet, tore off the tape attached to her mouth, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with the back of her hand, forced her emotions, tried to show a smile, and said: "Thank you so much."

Lin Mo waved his hand to indicate that he didn't need to thank him.

The system tone he was waiting for never sounded.

It seems that it was a mistake in judgment....

At this time, a large bird in the form of a falcon spotted Wei Wei, immediately glided down from the night sky, and after landing on the ground, it turned into a man in a white robe.

It was Lin Mo who appeared in a tavern before, after solving a group of thieves with the redhead, the adjutant of the kingdom guard, Bell.

"Princess Vivi, are you all right?" Bell asked nervously.

Shaking his head slightly: "I'm fine."

Bell glanced at the man in black who was holding his left leg on the ground, rolling on the ground in pain, and then looked at Lin Mo, who was about to leave, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes: "Are you, Lin Mo?"

Lin Mo didn't want to answer any questions from him, so he turned around and walked directly to the hotel.

Then, in front of him, Ikarem also ran over anxiously.

When he saw that Lin Mo was also here, he stopped him with a look that I had known for a long time: "I just said why you kid is so rude during the day, it turns out that you and that guy have long been colluding to kidnap Princess Weiwei!" The

guy he said was the man in black who was kicked off by Lin Mo and was still rolling on the ground.

"No, Ikalem, I was saved by that, Lin Mo." Vivi quickly explained.

"Huh? Are you sure? Ikalem was shocked, "Wasn't that man in black knocked down by Bell?"

Bell shook his head, "It's not me..."

Ikalem was shocked again, "But this little ghost looks a few years older than Princess Vivi, how can he beat an adult?"

"He can." Bell slightly hooked the corners of his mouth and said, "Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, many people have seen that he alone drove away a group of desert thieves who could easily be injured even by guards." "

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