Lin Mo didn't know why Wei Wei appeared here early in the morning.

However, looking at Wei Wei's state just now, she was definitely frightened.

This should be the first time she has seen someone die in front of her eyes, so Ikalem covered her eyes with his hand.

Although Ikalem wondered why Lin Mo was also here, now was not the time to ask Lin Mo. Ikalem asked with a heavy face, "What the hell is going on here?" Who killed the man who fell on the table?

"It was him, he killed him, Captain Ikalem."

"Yes, that's him, we saw it with our own eyes."

The onlookers immediately stretched out their fingers towards the bounty hunter Hoss.

Hoss smiled, said nothing, and immediately ran towards the densest place in the crowd.

"Damn, stop me!" Ikalem wanted to go after Hoss, but Vivi was still here, and he had not recovered from the great fright, and he couldn't leave Weiwei here alone.

But he is the captain of the kingdom guard, and now so many people are staring, if he just allows the murderer to escape, I am afraid that the residents of Albana will become suspicious of the guard.

Just when Ikalem was still hesitating.

Vivi turned pale and pushed Ikalem's hand covering her eyes away, trying to keep herself calm, and then smiled: "I'm fine, Ikarim, go quickly, don't let that person run."

"But if I go, what will you do, princess?"

"Ikalem, you are the captain of the convoy, it is your duty to protect the citizens of Alabastan, if you give up chasing the murderer in order to protect me, what if he kills again?" Since I am the princess of the kingdom, I should not disregard the safety of my citizens for my own sake, go quickly, I'll be fine, really. "

Princess Vivi." Ikalem looked like he was about to cry, "How great it is, obviously Princess Ming, you are only seven years old... Okay, I see.

Ikalem turned his head to look at Lin Mo, who was about to walk out of the crowd of onlookers: "The people of the escort team should come, although I hate you, but, Lin Mo, please, before the people of the escort team come, help me take care of the princess, thank you!"

Lin Mo: "..."

He didn't want to....

Vivi immediately pushed Ikalem: "What are you still stunned for?" Go chase it!

"Ah, I know, I'll go." Ikalem immediately chased in the direction that Hoth had slipped away.

And Lin Mo had already walked out of the crowd of onlookers.

He didn't promise Ikalem to take care of Vivi, and he didn't plan to stay.

Seeing Lin Mo gone, Wei Wei looked at the man who had long lost his breath on the dining table, clenched her teeth, and then faced the people around her with worried faces, and smiled: "Okay, everyone disperse and go back, the next thing will be handed over to the kingdom's guards, everyone rest assured, we will never tolerate criminals."

"Since Princess Vivi has said so, I believe that Lord Ikalem will definitely be able to catch the murderer."

"Yes, I also believe that the guards of our kingdom are quite powerful."

"That's right, then let's listen to Princess Vivi, let's disperse first."

"Well..." the

surrounding people were talking about it, and it didn't take long to disperse.

And Weiwei, forced to endure the discomfort in her heart, stayed here alone.

After waiting for ten minutes, the people of the escort came.

"Your Majesty, we have received a report that someone has been killed here, why are you here alone? What about Captain Ikalem?

"Princess Vivi, it's too dangerous here, or should we take two people out to escort you back to the palace first?"

The guards were surprised to see Vivi here.

Wei Wei shook her head and said: "I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me, Ikarem went to catch the murderer, here I will leave it to you to deal with, I still have business, go first." "

Huh? Princess Vivi, where are you going?

"Princess, don't run around, what if something happens?"

Wei Wei smiled and said: "It's all said, I'm fine, don't worry, I'll go back to the palace by myself later, now I'm going to find someone."

After speaking, Wei Wei trotted directly towards the direction Lin Mo had just taken.

The guards were too late to stop it.

Because it was still early, many pubs in Albana had not yet opened, Lin Mo searched a few streets before finding a tavern that had just opened its doors and had not yet entered the market.

The tavern owner was a half-hundred-year-old man.

The tavern owner who was wiping the cup saw Lin Mo come in, looked up at him, lowered his head and continued to wipe the cup, and asked while wiping: "Little ghost, you are in the wrong place."

Lin Mo came to the bar and sat down directly, grabbed a handful of Bailey on the bar: "Have a glass of the best wine here." The

tavern owner glanced at Lin Mo's Bailey on the bar, chuckled, put down the wine glass he wiped, and then put away the Bailey that Lin Mo put on the table, and immediately took out a large wine glass, poured him a large glass of wine, and sent it to him.

Lin Mo took the cup and took a sip, the taste was not bad, but compared to the rum he drank in Rogue Town, there was still a little less heat.

"It seems that I underestimated you." The tavern owner said with a smile.

Lin Mo glanced at him speechlessly.

The tavern owner continued: "Ordinary children have already choked on this wine after drinking this wine, you actually have nothing to do, and your expression looks quite enjoyable. Lin

Mo: "..." Lin Mo

was too lazy to talk more nonsense with him and continued to drink.

Although this boss is a little verbose, the amount of wine on his side is quite sufficient.

For the same price, the tavern he went to yesterday could only buy a glass of about two hundred milliliters of wine, and here, a glass was at least five hundred milliliters.

After drinking this whole glass of wine, Lin Mo took out a large handful of Bailey, and at the same time put his own wine jug on the bar: "Fill, and then have another glass."

"It seems that your amount of alcohol is very good, and it is completely impossible to see the amount of alcohol that a child should have."

With those words, the tavern owner accepted the money and poured wine for Lin Mo.

Lin Mo sat on the bar stool in front of the bar and waited.

Not long after, there was a sound of footsteps outside the tavern gate.

"You're really here." Vivi's voice appeared in the doorway.

Lin Mo: "..."

actually found it....

Wei Wei trotted into the tavern, sat down on the bar stool next to Lin Mo, put her hands on the bar in front of her, stared at Lin Mo sideways, and grinned: "I asked many people to ask you to come here, but I didn't expect you to actually drink, it's really powerful."

Lin Mo: "..."

So, what are you here for?"

Seeing that Lin Mo ignored her, Wei Wei said unsparingly: "Lin Mo, the first time I saw someone die in front of me today, it really scared me to death, and you, actually didn't react at all, aren't you afraid at all?"

Lin Mo: "..."

What is fear? I wanted to feel it, but no one could give him a chance to feel it, distressed....

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