There are three types of demon fruits: natural, superhuman, and animal.

Among them, the natural fruit is recognized as the strongest of the three devil fruits, and the biggest feature of the natural system is that it can elementalize its body and invalidate the physical attack.

Burnt fruit is one of the fruits of nature.

Although the natural fruit ability has no entity after elementalizing the body, it seems to be difficult to deal with.

However, there are many ways to restrain it, and the use of armed colors is one of the ways to touch the natural fruit people, entities.

Hoss's upper body is not elementalized, and he is too blindly confident in his strength.

It was convenient for Lin Mo to grasp the throat of his fate more easily.

Moreover, looking at the state of this guy Hoss, it seems that he still doesn't know that armed colors can catch elemental human entities, or in other words, this guy may not even know what armed colors are.

"How is this possible!" Hoss's eyes widened, wanting to elementalize himself and escape, but helplessly found that all parts of his body could turn into fire, except for the piece that was pinched by Lin Mo's neck, how could not be elementalized.

Hoss stared at Lin Mo's waveless eyes, and immediately cremated his hands and feet, quickly attacked Lin Mo, trying to force Lin Mo back with fire, as long as Lin Mo let go, because he had just eaten the burnt fruit, and his mastery of the fruit's ability was not proficient, plus he had just seen the display of Lin Mo's strength, and he was a little self-aware that he didn't think that he could kill Lin Mo now.

At the moment when Hoss had just launched a self-defense attack, Lin Mo violently pinched the hand that was choking Hoss's throat under the blessing of the armed color.

Just listen to the sound of bones shattering.

Hoss didn't even have time to scream, rolled his eyes, instantly went into shock, and the flames burning in his body were gradually extinguished.

In order not to let Hoss's neck be instantly twisted and let his hands get blood, Lin Mo deliberately controlled the power and just crushed his throat bone.

Loose hands.

Paralyzed, Hoss fell from mid-air.

Bell and Ikalem's faces were filled with disbelief.

It wasn't until Hoss fell to the ground that Bell reacted first, feeling embarrassed when he thought that he actually wanted to join forces with Lin Mo to deal with this guy just now....

Ikalem came back to his senses after realizing it, and immediately ran in the direction of Hoss, touching his pulse, which was weak one second, and disappeared the next: "Huh? Dead..."

Lin Mo jumped down from mid-air and landed safely on the sand.

Next, he planned to go to a farther place to continue hunting and practice, and then bring some edible sand beasts back to Albana for some money.

There is not much money left from Rogue Town.

Seeing Lin Mo walking away from the desert of Albana, Ikalem quickly asked, "Lin Mo, where are you going?" Return to Albana?

Lin Mo ignored him and continued to walk forward.

"Huh, this kid," Ikarem said with a headache, "he still looks like no one loves to deal with him."

Bell came to Ikalem's side and patted him on the shoulder: "Let him be, at least now it can be determined that Lin Mo has nothing to do with the murderer, let's bring the murderer's body back first."

Ikalem nodded.

Near noon, Lin Mo dragged the corpse of half a giant lizard back to Albana.

It is the same kind of the two pairs of lizards that Lin Mo just encountered when he entered Alabastan.

Because of its huge size, fangs and claws, and ferocious temperament, this lizard occupies a place at the top of the food chain in the Alabastan desert and is a creature that Alabastis people fear.

Therefore, when Lin Mo dragged the corpse of half of the giant lizard back, it naturally attracted the attention of many people in Alba.

"Is that a Santa Dora lizard?"

"Oh my God! Although there are only half of them, they are still so big... Who is that kid? You can actually drag such a big lizard..."

"You see, this lizard's cut is so flat, how big a knife does it take to cut like this?"

"Couldn't it be this kid?"

"Don't make trouble, he can do a Saint Dora lizard as a child? It must have been killed by someone else, and then half of it was picked up by this child. "

Oh, it makes sense, ah, it's really good, this little devil is really lucky, just this half of the big lizard, if you sell it, you can sell it for a good price."

Lin Mo ignored the surrounding sounds without care, dragged the half of the big lizard to a large meat trading center in Albana, and sold the half of the big lizard for a hundred thousand Bailey.

Leaving the trading center, Lin Mo was about to find a place to have lunch, and when he passed a fruit store, the exclamation of the fruit shop owner suddenly sounded: "Huh? What is it? I don't remember ever stocking this strange fruit..." Lin

Mo casually glanced inside the fruit store, and saw that the fruit shop owner was holding an orange fruit with a large head and a spiral upward pattern.

Forehead... Burning fruit?

Lin Mo was completely sure that what the fruit boss was holding now was burning the fruit!

Devil Fruit abilities are not duplicated, and when the original fruit owner dies, most of the fruit will respawn and transfer to nearby fruits.

It seems that Hoss is really dead....

"Oops, this thing looks so strange, could it be poisonous?" The fruit shop owner had never seen the Devil Fruit and did not know the value of the fruit.

Suddenly, I noticed the line of sight at the door.

The fruit shop owner looked back and looked opposite Lin Mo.

At lunchtime, few people usually come to buy fruit, so there is only one owner in the store.

Seeing that Lin Mo was staring at the fruit in his hand, the fruit shop owner immediately put the fruit next to him and asked with a smile: "Little friend, are you here to buy fruit?" I just happened to have some fresh apples here, ten Bailey a pound, very cheap, do you want to buy some to taste? Lin

Mo: "..." Seeing

that Lin Mo didn't speak, the fruit shop owner's gaze fell on the burnt fruit again, and he couldn't help scratching his head: "It's really strange, obviously this basket of apples I checked in the morning is fine, when I opened it again just now, there was actually a strange shaped fruit, and I don't know if there is poison, children, should you be interested in this strange fruit?" If you want, ten Bailey will sell you, but I don't guarantee whether there is poison, you better not eat indiscriminately.

Lin Mo: "..."Ten


was photographed by the red dog for three billion burnt fruits, ten Bailey sold?

If the owner of this fruit shop knew that this was a devil fruit worth more than 100 million, he would probably cry in the toilet.

Without much thought, Lin Mo took out ten Baileys and threw them to the fruit shop owner.

Since everyone said that ten Bailey was sold, there was no need for him to spend more, it was better to save the money and buy more wine to drink.

Although Lin Mo did not plan to eat any devil fruits, at least the value of the devil fruits was very high, and he could keep them as a reserve fund first.

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