After Lin Mo threw off Wei Wei with an instantaneous step, he went back to the hotel first and took out the little camel that had been his mount a few days ago.

After asking a few local residents about the nearest coast here, Lin Mo led the little camel out of Albana and rushed directly to the coast.

The little camel carried Lin Mo through the desert for nearly two days before arriving at a small seaside town.

He bought a small boat casually, and before setting sail, Lin Mo left the camel on the shore: "You are free."

However, the camel didn't mean to leave Lin Mo at all, and kept humming, as if he wanted to go with Lin Mo.

"I can't take you, the desert is your destination." After speaking, Lin Mo jumped on the boat he had just bought, ignored the camel that had been humming, and sailed alone, following the direction guided by the system navigation, to the direction where the next check-in location was located.

Although the empty island is an island suspended at an altitude of 10,000 meters, the route given by the system navigation is still in this sea area, and it is estimated that the end point of the system navigation guidance is reached, then the island he checked in should be above the sky of 10,000 miles directly above the place.


When Lin Mo sailed at sea for nearly half a month, he arrived at a sea area that could not even be seen on small islands around him.

The end point of the system's navigation is here.

Looking up at the sky, there was really a large white cloud above his head.

At this time, not far away, a pirate ship with an unknown pirate flag was sailing in the direction where he was.

"Hey, there's a kid over there."

"Where is it? Why didn't I see it?

"Right in front of our ship, there is only one person, so it should be that he is the only one left in the shipwreck, right?"

"Regardless of whether he is alone or not, if you dare to block us from going to Gaya Island, we will hit and kill him!"

"Roar, okay, hit him, hit him, let that kid know what is the end of daring to block the pirate's way!"

The people on the pirate ship were very excited, and they actually really accelerated.

Lin Mo withdrew his gaze from the sky, looked wordlessly at the pirate ship that was getting closer and closer to him, and without hesitation, he condensed the chakra in his body in his throat, and then spewed out again, turning into two embodied fire dragons at a time, roaring and rushing towards the pirate ship from both sides.

Lin Mo, on the other hand, turned around and sailed towards Gaya Island, where the pirate ship was going.

A violent explosion suddenly sounded, and a strong heat wave swept away from the center of the explosion.

Lin Mo ignored the explosion behind him and the wailing of his crying father, and continued to sail forward in silence.

After sailing for half an hour, he arrived at a small island that looked like a resort island.

This is Gaya Island, and this seemingly prosperous town is the town of Magic Valley, a town gathered by profligate pirates.

At this moment, several pirate ships have long been parked on the edge of the pier.

Lin Mo deliberately glanced at the flags of these pirate ships, and none of them he knew.

Lin Mo did not dock the small wooden boat on the shore of Magic Valley Town, but bypassed Magic Valley Town and came to the back peninsula part of Gaya Island.

Compared with the bustling town of Mogu in the first half of the island, the back peninsula part is much more depressed, and on the coast, there is only one building facing the sea with a large board painted with the shape of a castle, but in fact only half of the houses are left inside.

This is where a man with a chestnut head, Wen Bran Kulik, lives.

And Lin Mo drove the boat here to find him.

Because this person is one of the few people who knows how to get to the empty island.

In the future, Kulik also helps Luffy and them land on the empty island.

Stopping the boat on the shore, Lin Mogang jumped to the shore.

A shirtless man came out of the half of the room.

The iconic chestnut head orange-yellow chestnut head made Lin Mo recognize at a glance that this was the person he was looking for.

"Eh? Little ghost, what are you doing here? When Kulik saw Lin Mo, he was obviously stunned.

Lin Mo came directly to him and said expressionlessly, "I want to go to the empty island." "

Empty Island?" A hint of surprise flashed in Kulik's eyes, and then he laughed loudly, "Hahaha, do you really believe that there is an empty island?"

Lin Mo said indifferently: "Believe."

Kulik stopped laughing, stared at Lin Mo, and couldn't help but take out a cigarette, lit it, and took a puff: "I don't know if the empty island exists or not, but there is a person who has always believed in the existence of the empty island, but that person has become a legendary big liar, and the descendants will never be able to raise their heads."

As he spoke, Kulik suddenly noticed a small boat parked on the shore: "Little ghost, that boat is yours?"

Lin Mo nodded lightly.

Kulik continued: "It seems that your home should be nearby, this sea is full of dangers, not you a little ghost can wantonly go wherever you want, I don't know where you know about the existence of the empty island, if you don't want to die, go home early, in the end, wanting to go to the empty island is just a whim of your brain."

Lin Mo: "..."

This guy, there is so much nonsense....

Lin Mo was speechless: "You just need to tell me the location of the next rising current." Although

he had already determined the location of the empty island he was going to, it was impossible that there would be a rising current right under that empty island, and now he only needed to determine the location of the next rising current, and the problem of the ship was left.

Kulik looked at Lin Mo stunned, how could he not expect that this kid actually knew about the rising current.

However, after thinking about it, he couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Hahaha, you kid is really here?" Even if you know where the next rising currents appear, so what? Aren't you going to use this little wooden boat to ride the rising current? It's not that I look down on your boat, just your boat, just held up by the rising current, will immediately fall apart, and you, will fall into the sea, if lucky, the height of the fall is not too high, maybe you can still pick up a life.

"I have my own solution to the ship." Lin Mo said indifferently, "Whether it is life or death is also my own business, you just need to tell me what you know."

Kulik originally wanted to mock Lin Mo a few words, but seeing the other party's calm eyes, he was silent for a moment, but he was still relieved: "A little ghost like you, I'm really seeing it for the first time, then you listen, part of the sea in this area, sometimes a very strange natural phenomenon occurs, obviously it is day, but in a blink of an eye it is shrouded in night, as for this phenomenon that suddenly becomes night, simply put, it is because of the accumulation of quite thick cloud black shadows, that is the so-called cumulus cloud."

It is formed in the sky, no matter how thick the accumulation, it will not produce airflow, nor will it become rain down, so once there are cumulus clouds in the sky, the thick clouds cannot even penetrate daylight, and even the bright day will become night, so, I guess, if the empty island really exists, the only possibility is there. In short, you'd better find out where this strange phenomenon of day turning night has occurred, and then I can judge the location and eruption time of the next rising ocean current based on the location of the area where this strange phenomenon occurs. "

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