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“Lord Li Nuo…”

Diamanti looked at Li Nuo, and then at the famous knife held in the other party’s hand, and his expression became more and more awe-inspiring, “You must be a powerful and very great sword master!” ”

How did Snag die?

According to rumors!

It was taken by a big sword master who was as strong as a monster, and he was killed by a sword in a second!

For Snag’s death, Diamanti, as the highest official of the Don Quixote family, was naturally extremely clear. Moreover, he knew better, Snag, who killed him.

The person who killed Snag in seconds is standing in front of his eyes!

It can well be imagined.

Li Nuo in front of him is a sword master with such terrifying strength!

“Great Sword Hao?”

“It’s not about that, but it’s still so-so.”

Li Nuo shook his head with a smile and said.

“You are too modest.”

Diamanti said quickly.


If the opponent’s swordsmanship can only be regarded as so-so…

Then in this sea area, whose other sword art can be called top?!


Even Hawkeye may not be able to outperform the other party in swordsmanship!

At least!

In Diamanti’s mind, Li Nuo’s swordsmanship is definitely one of the best.

“Just now, I saw that your sword was powerful and impure, sometimes thin, sometimes hard. There is no doubt that when killing enemies, you will not find flaws in your own swordsmanship. ”

“Because most of the enemies you encounter are lower in strength than you. If you encounter a strong person, your current sword art will become your deadliest place. ”

“Jian Hao, there is no distraction, you can bravely go straight line!”

“I see the fear in your heart from your swordsmanship. What are you afraid of? ”

Li Nuo’s eyes narrowed slightly, looked at Diamandy, and said slowly.


Diamanti’s throat was dry, and he looked at Li Nuo with a terrified face.

Can you see so much from swordsmanship alone?


He himself never denied these words of Li Nuo.

Because in his heart, he was really afraid of something that had happened before.

Exactly because of this!

When he cast his sword art, he was not so pure!

As a result, his swordsmanship sometimes seemed weak and sometimes hard, and the two more chaotic momentum mixed together would greatly weaken the power of his swordsmanship.

“Mr. Li, Mr. Li Nuo, this has all been seen through you, you are really one of the people I have met. A person with the highest understanding of swordsmanship! ”

“In my opinion, even the world’s number one swordsman Hawkeye Mihawk is far less profound than your understanding of swordsmanship!”

Diamanti exhaled heavily, and said with admiration and admiration on his face.

“Not necessarily, as the world’s number one swordsman, Hawkeye’s level of swordsmanship is beyond doubt.”

“Back to business!”

Li Nuo looked at the Western sword held in Diamanti’s hand and said, “Your sword, the biggest flaw, is that it is not pure, and it lacks the momentum to move forward!” When you encounter a weak person, your swordsmanship is naturally no problem. ”

“But if you meet a strong person, you will retreat. There is no doubt about that. This flaw will also make you lose the opportunity to have a deeper understanding of swordsmanship. ”

“If you want to improve your swordsmanship, then you have to have a heart to move forward. Make your swordsmanship sharper and sharper! ”

End of words.

Diamanti’s heart was still tumbling and speechless for a long time.

After a pause, he looked at Li Nuo, with a bit of shock: “Mr. Li Nuo, did you really find all this from my swordsmanship?” ”

This thing is too scary

What a person who knows swordsmanship!

In order to understand the flaws in the other party’s sword art and the many thoughts in my own mind from one person’s sword art!

This has never been seen before!

This also strengthened the idea in his heart.

Mr. Li Nuo in front of him is definitely a terrifying swordsman standing at the top of the pyramid!

If you can let the other party guide one or two, it will be useful for life!

“It’s not that hard!”

Li Nuo said.

“Please Mr. Li Nuo to correct me.”

Diamanti clasped his fists and looked full of admiration.

“Attack me!”

Li Nuo took half a step back, put the famous knife in his hand, placed it in the open space next to him, stretched out a finger slightly, his face was calm, and said.

“Mr. Li, Mr. Li Nuo, you are…”

Diamanti was stunned.

What is the situation?

Threw away all the weapons he carried with him, and let him attack?

“Attack me, don’t worry too much.”

Li Nuo said again.

If he hadn’t seen Doflamingo being polite to him, he wouldn’t have really decided to help Diamanti in front of him and take the other party’s swordsmanship to the next level.

But that’s just the next level!

It was still a hundred and eight thousand miles away from his level of swordsmanship!

With his level, even if he pointed at the other party a little, it was definitely a lifelong use for a Jianhao of Diamanti’s level.

“Mr. Li Nuo, be careful!”

Diamanti took a deep breath and clenched the Western sword in his hand.

A sword qi suddenly arose and lingered around him.


Diamanti kicked both feet and suddenly attacked Li Nuo, and the Western sword was covered with a layer of black armed color domineering, showing that he had entered a serious state.

At this time.

In the face of Diamanti’s approaching blade, Li Nuo was still light, without the slightest movement, and the index finger of his right hand, a layer of black armor, wrapped the fingertip and was indestructible.


The two clashed, and there was a crisp and pleasant sound.

Diamanti’s face was shocked, and he looked at Li Nuo, who only extended a finger in front of him to block his sword blade, his lips trembled, and his expression was full of disbelief.

He knew very well that Li Nuo’s strength was very terrifying!

But he never expected it!

Li Nuo’s strength is so strong.

With just one finger, he blocked his domineering sword covering the armed color!


At this moment, his right hand, which was holding the hilt of the Western sword, was a little numb in his palm because of the violent collision, and the vibration from it made his palm a little numb.

“Mr. Li Nuo’s strength is as strong as a monster!”

Diamanti thought to himself.

Then, he really burst out with a full blow.

Feeling the gap in strength between the two sides, Diamanti no longer remains.

“This momentum is very good, but unfortunately, you are still afraid of something!”

“Then let me solve these fears in your heart for you.”

Li Nuo chuckled and said.

Your fingertips haven’t wavered!

Armed color domineering, lingering on his index finger.

With just one finger, he directly blocked Diamanti’s all-out blow.


The crisp and pleasant sound began to spread.


Diamanti gasped, his hands were a little numb, and looked at Li Nuo, who was motionless in front of him, and understood more deeply.

The Western sword, in the palm of the hand, launched a violent tremor.

So much so that he almost didn’t hold it very steadily.

He understood it deeply.

Himself, how huge is the gap with Li Nuo!

The other party, just empty-handed!

He is armed with a Western sword!

But even so, he still couldn’t shake the other party in the slightest.

What’s even more terrifying is that…

Li Nuo doesn’t just stop empty-handed!

Only, with just one finger!

Even so, he still completely suppressed Diamanti!

“Sure enough, it is worthy of Mr. Li Nuo!”

“It’s outrageously strong!”

Diamanti’s heart shook, and he couldn’t help but exclaim.

The worship of Li Nuo is even more endless!

It’s terrible!

Even though he held the weapon and stood in front of the other party, he still couldn’t let the other party’s footsteps move slightly. On the contrary, as the attacker, even his hands that gripped the weapon were a little numb.

It can well be imagined!

The huge gap in strength between the two sides! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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