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“Three days have passed…”

“Then, the battle between Lieutenant General Li Nuo and Kelijia is also the prelude!”

“What makes me even more curious is that. Lieutenant General Li Nuo, will he really participate in this battle? I have to doubt the guts of his own! ”

“When he found out that he himself did not have the support of the navy and was in this state of isolation. Does he still dare to fight with the Four Emperors? ”

There is an endless stream of discussion.

This day!

The sea, utterly shaken.

After so many days of turmoil, the day of the end has truly ushered in.

People are extremely curious in their hearts, how the battle between these two will develop, and what kind of posture will be pulling down!

There are many opinions.

“Of course, the Klee frame will achieve the ultimate victory!”

“Lieutenant General Li Nuo, speaking of it, the strength is still too weak. Ordinary lieutenant generals, contend with the strong men under the legendary Four Emperors, naturally there is no need to say more! ”

“Can the lieutenant general beat the cadres under the Four Emperors? The probability is close to zero! ”

“Here, Krijia is in the new world, but there are many terrifying achievements.”

Everyone, has a different opinion.

But I can’t help but mention it.

Yesterday’s great upheaval.

“Have you heard about yesterday?”

“Kli frame, that is to openly let the whole process of this battle be presented in the eyes of everyone in the new world. He has already decided that this battle, he will definitely win! ”

“Otherwise, how dare he take out the image worm to broadcast everything live?”

“That’s right, in my opinion, the chance of Klee rack winning is also quite high!”


The words that the crowd talked about were far-reaching.

On the sea of the New World, it has completely caused great turmoil.

Everyone is looking forward to the end of this battle!

Somewhere on an island.

A group of people, confined in front of the huge screen, watched intently.

There are many people holding cameras, waiting for the moment when the screen is turned on!

This battle!

In the new world, it can be said to cause too many waves.

Even if you don’t want to attract the attention of others, it is even more difficult!

“Lieutenant General Li Nuo, with Kli Rack!”

“How will the battle between the two develop?”

“If nothing else, today’s battle begins. This new world will closely watch the outcome of this battle! ”

People are talking.

They keep their eyes on the screen, waiting for the battle to begin!

The entire island is home to tens of thousands of people.

That’s nearly eighty percent of the island’s population.

Most people want to see for themselves how this battle unfolds.

Of course.

The vast majority of people share a common opinion.

Lieutenant General Li Nuo belongs to the side that will be defeated!

People from the whole island came together.

Time passes!

They are waiting quietly.

The voice of the conversation is constantly spreading.


Crescent Bay.

In the New World, here is the Four Emperors BIG· The sea area ruled by the MOM Pirates.


Right today!

Pirate ships sail from afar, and constantly approach the island of Crescent Bay.

The area of the whole island is not too vast, but as a battlefield for two people, it is definitely more than rubbing.

Moreover, it is a desert island!

There are no buildings, except for most of the forest scattered on the edge of the coast, there are many broken stones, and at a glance, this is a pristine island.

This is the moment.

Pirate ships close to the coastal edge of Crescent Bay.

A group of pirates looked at the scene on the island with an excited expression.

“This battle has finally waited for me!”

A pirate stepped on the muddy and soft soil and looked around with excitement.

This battle!


And, not forbidden by anyone!

Therefore, they have blatantly come to Crescent Bay. I want to witness that battle where Vice Admiral is killed!

“This is a battle at the level of a lieutenant general and a cadre of the Four Emperors!”

“I’m really looking forward to the scene of Lieutenant General Li Nuo’s torture and killing more and more. Dare to provoke the Four Emperors, at this moment, I think he is really going to eat his own evil consequences. ”

“No one in the naval headquarters came forward for him, he was alone, alone, alone!”

“Then again, do you think he will really come to Crescent Bay? He’s not going to run away, is he? I have a good chance he’ll run away from here! ”

“Moreover, the fart returned to the first half of the great passage, and never dared to step into the new world again.”


There was a lot of talk.

Pirate ships close to the location on the edge of the coast.

They are waiting!

The arrival of the Lord!

“It is said that this battle will be spread by image worms to many islands in the New World.”

“My God, this move of the Klee frame is to disgrace the navy. It’s terrible, but the more I think about it, the more excited I get! ”

“Let the navy lose face! Isn’t this something we want to do but dare not do? ”

“To be able to witness this today is also worth coming from thousands of miles away!”

The pirates were excited.


Many people pointed to the distant coast and shouted: “Another group of pirates is coming.” My God, today, is it really a big gathering of our pirates? ”

Pirate ships are constantly popping up, covering almost this coast.

In the eye!

The sea ahead is full of pirate ships, and there is no end in sight.

Black-pressed ships, presented in their line of sight.



Can’t believe it!

Many pirates looked ahead, the pirate ship that had already covered the end of the sea, their lips trembled, their throats were dry, and their expressions were full of horror.

“Oh my God! This time, how many pirate groups came in total?! ”

“I just saw today that in the New World, there are also so many pirate groups!”

“One, ten, thirty…”

“Hundreds of ships, much more than that. My obedience, this battle actually attracted the attention of so many pirates! ”

One of the pirates shook his head, “No, it’s not this battle that caught their attention. It’s just that they are pure, they want to see how the vice admiral will be tortured! ”

“That’s right, this kind of scene is really rare!”

“Vice Admiral was tortured and killed, just imagining my mood is indescribable!”



The sea flutters and hits the shore.

The pirate ship stalled and leaned against the shore.

From the ship’s board, a group of pirates jumped down, and a group of pirates rushed with great momentum.

The face of every pirate has an expression of anticipation and excitement.

They are waiting!

This is a big war that can affect the entire new world and make the entire new world tremble!


This big battle, they already have a corresponding result in their hearts.

But witnessing the tragic death of a lieutenant general, they still felt extremely excited!

This is a vice admiral!

“Here it comes! The Lord is here! ”

Just as the pirates were talking loudly, a loud shout resounded in the sky.

Everyone fell silent.

Look at the blue sea in front of you……_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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