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Ten minutes later!

Crescent Bay, by the coast.

Thousands of pirates are still waiting quietly.

Look ahead.

They couldn’t see any ships, nor could they see a single figure.

The pirate group that should have come has already arrived at the scene and is preparing to wait for the outbreak of this battle. On the contrary, he never saw Li Nuo himself.

Many people can’t wait.

If it weren’t for seeing Kriji here, suppress the whole audience.

Then these people have already made a noise here agitated.

Even with the existence of a Kriframe, it is still impossible to control the whispered talk of people at the scene.

“Lieutenant General Li Nuo, are you really not going to come?”

“There is a 90% chance that Lieutenant General Li Nuo will escape from battle, he will not dare to come here, he is afraid of death, he is afraid of dying at the hands of the Klee frame.”

“No sane person would participate in this mortal situation. We, for nothing, came for nothing. After today, the so-called Lieutenant General Li Nuo is just a joke. ”


There are many opinions.


In people’s eyes.

Klee’s expression became more and more ugly, and he ordered the subordinates beside him: “Open the image worm for me, and let the scene here be transmitted to every corner of the sea in the new world.” ”

“Yes, my lord!”

Several of his subordinates understood.

So, they quickly returned to the pirate ship, and took out the image worm connected to the sea, opened the image worm, and pointed the picture in the direction of the Klee frame.

“My lord, the image worm has been opened!”

“I know, in this way, even if Vice Admiral Li Nuo does not come, it can make the navy lose face.” As a vice admiral, it turned out to be cowardly, in my opinion, the Navy is no more than that! ”

Klee sneered.

The moment the imager turns on!

Many parts of the New World have already boiled up.

Somewhere island.

Big screen.

Everyone stared at the screen, without blinking, and after seeing the Klee frame, their mood became extremely excited, and their expressions were a little expectant.

“The imageworm has been turned on and has given us a picture of the scene. Only, the battle still did not start? ”

“All I saw was a Klee stand. As for the so-called Lieutenant General Li Nuo, he couldn’t see his figure at all. Could it be said that Lieutenant General Li Nuo really avoided fighting? ”

“This battle, the news has already swept the entire new world. If Lieutenant General Li Nuo escaped. Then the navy in the new world will be completely majestic. ”


People clenched their fists and started talking.

This battle, they have won for so long, how can they allow it to end so inexplicably?

“Lieutenant General Li Nuo, if he is delayed, it seems to me that he no longer has the courage to participate in this battle.”

Some pirates spoke.

They will love to see the scene where the lieutenant will be killed by the pirates.

In this way, it can arouse the blood in their hearts even more.

But alas!

Seeing the scene, there was only one person on the Klee frame.

In their hearts, they can’t help but think this way.

After all.

It seems that the Klee stand on the screen has been coming to Crescent Bay for a while. The fact that the battle did not break out was enough to prove that the guess in their minds was correct.

“It’s not interesting, Li Nuo avoids fighting!”

“Cowardly as a rat, the so-called navy, are all such cowards?”

“However, this kind of coward, in the past, can he chase thieves across this sea?”

“From now on, I will never fear the navy again. Let them come as much as they want. The so-called navy is just a group of rats. Although I am a pirate, I am afraid of war. Navy? Ridiculous! ”

The crowd surged and the conversation flowed endlessly.

There are countless people who despise Li Nuo!

“If you don’t dare to fight, don’t mention anything about the war post!”

“But no, I remember, this is still this Lieutenant General Li Nuo, who has given so many battle posts to Kelijia, and the other party has barely accepted a battle.”

“But now, in the end, I didn’t even see a figure. You can imagine how ridiculous all this is. ”

Many people recall the scene at that time.

Look at the picture in front of you again.

They couldn’t help but sneer, and they even more despised Li Nuo’s opinion.

Do not dare to participate in this battle, but also dare to speak wildly?


The people of the four emperors are also paying attention to the movements of the image worm.

For example!

The four emperors red-haired Shanks, and the others took it, looking at the image worm.

The redhead said, “It seems that this battle can’t be fought.” ”

“In the mortal situation, those who will choose to continue to fight are not ordinary people.”

“In this way, this Vice Admiral Li Nuo, when he returns to the headquarters of the Navy. I am afraid that I will be expelled by the people of the headquarters of the Navy. The actions of one person made the navy lose face, which can be imagined. ”

“Today’s battle should be impossible.”

Everyone in the entire pirate group is not very optimistic about this battle.

In their opinion!

This is like a mortal situation!

As the navy side, Li Nuo is only one person, and he is still alone.


The Keli frame on the opposite side was one of the highest cadres under the Four Emperors, not to mention the terrifying strength. In terms of identity and support alone, it is by no means comparable to Li Nuo.

Of course.

In the eyes of redheads and others, these two are a separate contest, and the result is not to guess!

No doubt!

As one of the highest cadres under the Four Emperors, Kelijian won even more.

The other side.

Four Emperors BIG· The people of the MOM Pirates are also waiting.


Including the four emperors Charlotte Lingling, and Charlotte Katakuri, the head of the three dessert stars, are quietly watching this scene conveyed by the image worm.

“Will the battle begin?”

Charlotte Lingling’s face was flat, “If this development continues, it will be less and less likely for this Lieutenant General Li Nuo to arrive at the scene to participate in the battle.” ”

“Because, more and more pirates are coming. As a navy, how did he have the courage and guts to stand in front of so many pirates? ”


“Kriframe is also famous in the new world. If he dares to come, he must be prepared to be killed! ”

End of words.

In the huge palace, there was a silent sound.

The four emperors couldn’t wait.

Crescent Bay.



The sea water flutters, making huge waves and ripples.

The sea breeze blows, rolling up the waves and crashing on the edge of the coast.

One pirate ship after another moves with the wind, constantly shaking.

Thousands of pirates, quietly waiting.

Many people are impatient in their hearts.

They can’t wait.

For such a long time, I couldn’t see a figure!

Naturally, their patience was directly worn out.

“Sir, nearly two hours have passed since you arrived in Crescent Bay!”

Beside the Kriji, several subordinates whispered.

“Hasn’t anyone come yet?”

Kriji’s face was ugly.

Two hours, he simply waited for nothing!

As one of the highest cadres under the Four Emperors, how could he allow himself to be teased like this!

Feeling the coercion emanating from the Kriji body, several subordinates trembled and did not dare to speak.

A group of pirates, even hundreds of meters away from the Krie, whispered about it.

The sea, still calm.

Not a single ship appeared!


At this time, a pirate looked at the sky, the blue sky, white clouds fluttering, he saw a black spot, and it continued to enlarge.

To make sure he wasn’t mistaken, he rubbed his eyes and fixed his gaze.

That’s right!

In the sky!

There is a man who is coming at a terrible speed!


This person, with his feet in the sky, seemed to use the air as a pedal, constantly approaching the crescent bay.

The white cape, majestic, constantly flutters with the strong wind in the sky!

Behind the cape, two large black characters are engraved, extremely dazzling.


“A young man, moreover, in a white navy uniform!”

“According to the various information that has been revealed…”

“If the expectations are good, this person should be Lieutenant General Li Nuo!”

The pirate’s eyes widened, pointed to the ever-enlarging black dot in the sky, and shouted in a lost voice.

“Lieutenant General Li Nuo!”

“He, he’s coming!” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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