
Ken discussed with the yellow ape a little.

The yellow ape sent people out to deal with these two gatekeeper naval men.

Bring it to treatment first to avoid dying here.


The yellow ape asked Ken to bring Ken into the naval headquarters.

Without identification, there is no access at all.

Only the navy with a larger position can let people in.

Like the yellow ape in the general, letting Ken into the headquarters is completely easy!


“Knock knock.”

Ken came to the yellow ape’s office, knocked on the door and shouted: “Uncle, I am Kean!” ”


The yellow ape’s answer came from the office.

“Come in.”

Ken twisted the doorknob and entered the office.

The office is large in size, large and small furniture, and even has a separate bedroom.

Actually, it’s nice to stay here.



The yellow ape couldn’t help but say hello, and then he was a little interested: “That devil fruit of yours, let me take a look.” ”

For Ken’s slime form.

The yellow ape was also quite interested.

Whoever it is… As long as you face something new, you will always provoke gossip.


Ken answered, and the thought moved.

As if it had been melted, his body had turned into a dark blue viscous liquid and began to shrink suddenly.

Just a few moments.

The round slime body, which is blue jelly in appearance and has two eye-like downward oblique lines, successfully transformed.

Ken twisted his soft blue jelly body, and said helplessly in his mouth.


“That’s my animal type.”

“It always feels like something is wrong there.”

“It’s like this, I don’t even have human characteristics.”

I have to say that slimes are such creatures.

It’s really amazing, I believe that the human beings in this world have never seen it!

It can be said that it is an unprecedented creature!

“What kind of creature is this?”

“Even I saw it for the first time!”

The yellow ape’s pupils were slightly dilated, and Ken turned into this posture in front of his face, which was really spectacular.

Others eat the animal line devil fruit and become an animal form, and there is absolutely no such posture as Ken.

Because most of the animals are demon fruits, they still retain the characteristics of humans more or less, and they will not really become that strange creature.

“Devil fruit without records.”

“Could it be considered an ancient demon fruit?”

“Or do you say… The devil fruit of the phantom beast species? ”

“It won’t be… Is it that coincidental? ”

The yellow ape looked at Ken’s cute slime posture, and really couldn’t believe that this could actually be the type of ancient species or even phantom beast species.

Although he is not a historian of the so-called.

Many creatures don’t know either.

It’s just that Ken’s slime posture, I believe that no matter who sees it, there is a feeling.

That is.

It’s a little too soft and cute!

I want to make people rub it around!

A round body that looks extremely elastic.

It might be fun to knead it!


The yellow ape shook his head and began to remember Kean’s previous words, his face became serious, and he asked in a low voice: “Ken… Do you want to go to sea? Want to leave Marin Fando for a while? ”

After hearing these words.

Ken’s body tumbled into a thick dark blue liquid and reformed into a human form.

He nodded quickly, his tone somewhat sincere.

“Uncle, you have helped me too much.”

“I also want to become stronger and want to experience.”

“It’s just that it’s impossible to experience in the place of Marin Fando, it’s too peaceful and there is no competition.”

“I want to go out to sea for a while and then come back.”

The yellow ape pinched his chin and couldn’t help but fall silent, and there was no reply.

If he lets Ken leave Marin Fandor.

That must be dangerous!

The outside world is too dangerous!

There are many pirates, and their lives will become precarious.

That group of pirates kills without blinking!

Together with the line, it will also be mutilated!

Pirates touch pirates, and if there is some friction, they may fight.

Even when the pirates meet the navy, there is basically no need to say more, it is directly a fight!

“Do you know what that means?”

“In the outside world, I may not be able to protect you.”

The yellow ape sighed in his mouth, a little helpless about the idea that Ken wanted to leave.

As a senior admiral, it was difficult for him to leave Marin Fandor because he had to sit in his headquarters.

Unless you have a mission, you can leave Marin Fandor.

Ken was his last relative.

The yellow ape could not have allowed Ken to step into danger.

“Why don’t you join the Navy.”

“In my capacity, I can arrange for you to join the Navy.”

The yellow ape stared at Ken, expecting Ken’s answer.


Ken shook his head and uttered amazing words.

“I don’t want to be a watchdog for Draco.”

“The Navy is having a hard time now.”

The yellow ape’s eyes widened suddenly, and there was a helpless smile on the corner of his mouth.

“It turns out that your kid has never wanted to join the Navy, is it because of this idea?”


“The Navy is not having a good time now.”

“The world government pressures, the five old stars press, and the Draco people press.”

“Sometimes it’s hard for me to be a general.”

“It’s just that justice will remain in the world, and I can’t leave the navy.”

“If you want to leave, it’s not impossible.”

“You have to promise me one thing, and then I will arrange for you to leave Marin Fandor.”

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