As the pirates were arrested one after another.

During this period, some people wanted to resist, but after being taught a little lesson, some pirates were like ashes and honestly allowed the navy to be captured.

As a prisoner of the steps… It’s better to be honest.

Otherwise, it really angers the Navy.

That’s going to be deadly!


After the navy slightly cleaned up the wreckage of pirate ships in this area.

The warship began to continue to set off, rushing to the windless zone area at full speed.

The five-day trip to the city of Advance has come again.

In the past five days, Ken can only watch this blue sea bored, and after watching it for too long, he is naturally a little depressed.

Life on the sea.

It’s boring.

However, Ken’s previous brilliant performance made the navy on this warship already recognize his identity, and no one dared to chat with Ken in normal times.

Even the middle-aged major general secretly praised Ken’s strength one after another, he was really young and promising.

At such a young age, he did not have this kind of strength, and at that time he was still struggling with how to enter the navy.

But Ken is different… At his age, he is strong enough to protect himself.

The middle-aged young general looked at Ken’s thin body, but there was a terrifying strange power hidden in the secret, and he was also a Devil Fruit ability, and the only means was the arm that appeared into an alien creature.

He felt that Ken was really a winner in life!

However, I don’t know who revealed it.

Actually said that Ken… He is the illegitimate son of the yellow ape.

So angry that Ken almost fought with that group of navies!

Fortunately, the middle-aged rear admiral in the back quickly stopped Ken, otherwise Ken really had to teach this group of impolite navies a lesson!


Five days passed slowly.

It’s just that this time it’s lucky.

There were no obstructions during this period.

Logically… Advance the city in the windless zone of the first half of the Great Route.

There are abnormally many sea kings here, and they are not ordinary sea kings, their body sizes are extremely huge, and there are many sea kings of the 100-meter type!

But…… The warship was not harmed, as if the sea kings could not feel the huge warship approaching.

That’s because the material used to make the bottom of a warship is extremely special and extremely rare, that is, sea lou stone!

Dr. Begabank, a scientist of the Navy, set the sea floor stone in the bottom of the naval warship, so that the sea king class regarded the naval warship as the sea, so that the naval warship could safely pass through and even dock in the windless zone of the great channel.

That’s a lot of money!

How could an ordinary pirate ship have such material!

For this reason, the pirates are afraid every time they pass through the windless zone, for fear that the sea kings will attack.

Kill the sea kings… Its scarlet blood pervades this sea area, and it will only provoke more sea king attacks!

Therefore, there is usually no wind to bring this area, and no one dares to come at all.

Only the warships of the Navy can survive safely!

That’s why… Ken can be so bored, it’s just idle to death!

But this day is over!

You can arrive at Advance City this afternoon!



“We can arrive at Advance City this afternoon.”

“I heard that you came to advance the city just to experience?”

“But I see your strength… It’s still quite strong! ”

The middle-aged rear admiral raised his head and saw that the sun was getting stronger and stronger, and he knew that it was about to arrive at noon, and he was ready to arrive in the advance city at this time, he came to Ken and couldn’t help but ask: “And with your strength, there is no problem at all in joining the navy.” ”

Ken is the nephew of the yellow ape

With this background, joining the Navy is completely easy.

Coupled with Ken’s special means, entering the navy, it can be cultivated very quickly!

But why don’t you see that Ken has the identity of the Navy?

“I don’t want to enter the Navy for the time being.”

“I’m so young… I want to see the world. ”

“Isn’t that normal?”

“If I stay in the Navy headquarters, I feel really bored.”

With a helpless smile on his lips, Ken could only answer like this.

This question… He has heard it many times.

The yellow ape didn’t know how many times he had been asked, and he refused every time.

The pheasant also asked, and he also refused.

I really didn’t expect that the major general in front of me would also come over to inquire.


“You young people are good.”

“Young and vigorous!”

“But at your current age, presumably your future achievements will definitely not be low!”

After hearing this answer, the middle-aged major general was not very surprised, and replied with a smile on his face: “Like me at your age, it really can’t be compared.” ”

After all, if Ken wants to join, he must have already entered the Navy.

Maybe people don’t want to join the Navy now.

I just want more freedom!

That’s a fact… After joining the Navy, you must follow orders.

Even as an admiral, you can’t disobey this order!

This is the military order!

No one can refuse!

Otherwise, with the strength of the admiral … Feel free to wander around the new world and kill a large group of pirates in seconds!

It’s just a pity.

There is no order… Even the admiral cannot leave the headquarters of the Navy at will!

“It’s finally here.”

“The last time I came to Advance City was two years ago.”

“I don’t know how Magellan’s body is, the side effects of his demon fruit are really serious.”

“I’m really worried about him.”

“Otherwise, with his achievements, if he wants to become a senior admiral, it is estimated that there will be no problem.”

The middle-aged major general turned his head sideways and found that in the windless area in the distance, a tall building suddenly appeared, and the overall view was a huge tower-like structure, the foundation of which was at the bottom of the sea.

In front of the building.

Five warships are stationed here, and the navy is stationed to guard against unexpected external attacks.

Of course…… These defenses are not the strongest means!

The reason why the city can be called the reason why the security is extremely tight in the world.

That’s because of the man named Magellan!

He has resisted an unknown number of attacks!

Pirates who came to attack… Convict.

All have died in his hands!

Even Magellan was known as the “fourth admiral” by the outside world!

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