Not far from Advance City yet.

Ken had already heard the sound of moving under the ocean.

Swimming sea creatures… The body size must not be small, at least not an ordinary sea king.

The size of the common sea king is about ten meters.

This also caused the sea area here to become stormy, and he was at the helm of the warship, and some of it was implicated.

“Sea kings?”

“It’s actually under my boat?”

Ken couldn’t help but think so.

Sure enough, there are many sea kings without wind belts.

It’s literally everywhere!

“However, under the chassis of small warships, sea floor stones are embedded in the bottom of warships, which can make sea kings regard naval warships as solid seas.”

“Then the sea kings may not attack.”

“It’s a bit of a hassle.”

Ken frowned, suddenly thinking of this.

Originally, he wanted ordinary ships to leave Propulsion City.

It’s just that the major general did not allow it.

He could only come up with a bad idea and directly grab the warship.

However, he forgot about the sea floor under the ship.

In this way, the warship can defend against the attack of the sea king, resulting in very safe!

“Do you want me to go to the sea personally to kill that sea king?”

“With my current strength, killing the Sea King class is simply easy!”

“It’s just that my current goal is dispensable for devouring the sea king class”

Ken frowned, still thinking about whether to do it.


There was a cold gleam in the depths of his eyes.

This is the sea king class sent by himself!

It was not easy for him to find the Sea King class before!

Now in this area of the windless zone, there are so many sea kings, how can it be done if you don’t use it well!

In an instant.

Ken quickly stopped his helm and directly stopped the warship in the middle of the sea.


He simply jumped into the ocean neatly, instantly changed into a giant octopus, dived directly to the bottom of the sea, opened his teeth and danced his claws and began to stretch out his tentacles, instantly pinching all the surrounding sea beasts to death.

A hundred-meter-sized sea king monster octopus suddenly appeared in this sea area.

As a result, the sea king class that was originally called king here suddenly felt a powerful aura.

Each region has a specific sea king class, which can also be said to be… Site!

For the turf… It is impossible to allow two sea kings!

In an instant.

In the distance, there are hideous python giant sea kings, their bodies are full of blood-colored spots, and they always exude an eerie aura.

“It’s not half my size.”

“You’re at this level?”

“It’s really looking for death!”

Ken saw that this sea king was only about fifty meters in size, and he couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed.

The sea kings in the windless zone area are actually at this level?

It seems that it can only plug the gap between the teeth, and the improvement level should not be much.

Of course, there should be a larger sea king, but it is not in this area.

The windless zone is still very vast.

And the warship exudes the smell of sea floor stone, so that the sea king class cannot accurately distinguish that this is a ship.

Otherwise, if it is an ordinary ship.

It is estimated that many sea beasts and sea kings have already come to attack!

The sea king class he attracted this time just wanted to protect the original territory and prevent other sea king classes from entering.


“How did it see me after … Just run? ”

“Could it be that I’m bigger than it?”

“Does it feel dangerous?”

The moment Ken suddenly saw the sea king of the python fish, the moment he saw him, his eyes showed fear, as if he felt that he was invincible, and quickly turned around and fled!

This is mostly a biological instinct.

If there is a moment of crisis.

Some creatures are absolutely inclined to instinct!


“Who allowed you to run?”

Ken caught up in an instant, don’t look at his size, but the speed of swimming is simply amazing!

In a short time.

He completely caught up with this python’s sea king!


After the sea king of the python found that it was being chased, he quickly turned his head and put Ken up, and a warning sound came out of his mouth!

It’s just that.

Ken’s size is too big!

That’s more than twice as big!

It was as if a huge mountain had fallen over it!

The sea king that caused the python trembled a little.

This can’t be beaten at all!

“It’s just an appetizer.”

“But I can barely plug my teeth.”

Ken didn’t have any hesitation, instantly cast his tentacles, swung it abruptly, and directly slapped it on the sea king of the python!

Accompanied by a low collision sound of “bang”.

A cloud of blood erupted under the ocean.


A large amount of scarlet blood permeated out, attracting a large number of sea beasts to come and bite the dead corpses of the sea kings.

“Oh my God!”

“Just slap out random attacks, and it will die?”

“Why am I suddenly so powerful?”

Ken looked at the sea king class that was exploded in front of him, and couldn’t help but be a little stunned.

How did he become so powerful?

I thought I couldn’t kill this sea king!

I didn’t expect to shoot to death casually!

“It seems that in terms of my strength… It has been raised to a very strong degree. ”

Ken felt that the results obtained in Advance City this time were simply amazing!


Ken looked at the sea beasts around him and actually came to snatch his prey.

He threw out a few tentacles with his backhand, pinched them all directly, and then devoured them into the special stomach of the slime.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat.

There is no need to dislike either.

Good villains can also increase their strength, although only to a very small extent.


Back to small warships.

Ken steered the rudder and began to continue moving, quickly leaving the windless zone.

He also does not intend to stay here any longer.

Sea kings for his current appetite.

Already not very needed!

Let’s be honest.

He felt that this time the luck was a little unlucky!

Advance into the three-story prison in front of the city… Those who don’t have the ability of the Devil Fruit die!

As a result, he was simply unable to devour and snatch the Devil Fruit ability.


“Devil Fruit Abilities are still too rare.”

“I didn’t find it in Advance City, and there are not so many criminals here!”

“Maybe when I go in and push into the city… Those who are capable are dead. ”

“Then those devil fruits are scattered again in remote corners, waiting for the next destined person.”

Ken sighed helplessly.

From the first to the third layer, none of the Devil Fruit abilities were found.

The key fourth layer he could not go down.

Magellan guarded the area below.

He is also not eligible for a fourth level of prison.

Otherwise, maybe you can still find the criminals with the ability of the Devil Fruit!

For this.

Ken has decided on the current goal for the time being!

Devour at least one Devil Fruit Ability first!

Otherwise, definitely not return to the headquarters of the Navy!

Anyway, the pirates on this side of the Great Voyage … Feel free to bully!

Just right.

He was interested in a Devil Fruit Ability.

You can go to that city!

That city… That is, the capital of seven waters!

In fact, there is hidden – the world government spy organization CP9!

And the fruit ability he is interested in is-Door Fruit!

That’s an interesting ability!

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