“The iceberg… You guy don’t make a big fuss in the future. ”

“You almost exposed my good chance to do it.”

“Fortunately, my hard strength is much stronger than Kalifa, otherwise she reacted and directly threatened you as a hostage!”

After Ken put down Kalifa, he opened the door of the other space again and directly moved out Luqi and Kaku, who had been unconscious.


Iceberg looked at the three guys he was very familiar with before, and now all of them have become enemies.

He had a complicated mood, but he didn’t expect to be deceived for so long.

Without Ken’s arrival, he would continue to be kept in the dark, and stupidly unable to distinguish the identity of this group of people.


“I’ve contacted my junior brother Frankie… He was reluctant to destroy the design drawings of the Hades battleship. ”

“He said… This is a relic of Master Tom, and if he destroys it on the spot, he may regret it. ”

“Can you wait?”

“I’ll persuade him again!”

The iceberg has some headaches, Ken has now completed the solution of these members of CP9, but he has not persuaded Franky, which may make Ken a little angry.


When Ken heard this, he couldn’t help frowning, and his tone became displeased.

“You haven’t persuaded well?”

“It’s not… What’s the matter with you? ”

“I’m bothering to help you solve this group of people… Do you know how dangerous you are without my help? ”

“Just like Kalifa just now, she knows that the matter is already serious, and she wants to kidnap you, even more serious, and kill you on the spot… It’s also a normal thing! ”

“Every member of CP9 does not care about the lives of ordinary people, because each member has killed many people, and his character is naturally extremely indifferent.”

“As a result … You have not done what I have told you. ”

“Honestly… I was a little disappointed. ”

This made Iceberg’s face full of helplessness.


In the past, the design drawings of the Hades battleship were in his hands, which were important things that Master Tom gave him for safekeeping.

However, Iceberg feels that this is a hot potato, plus he is the head of the water capital, such an important thing is still not safe on him after all.

For this.

He handed it over to his junior brother Frankie.

The villain French is a half-transformed person, and in terms of combat effectiveness, he is definitely stronger than his ordinary physique.

Outcome…… Now Frankie is not willing to hand it over no matter what he says.

The iceberg is also helpless!

“If you can’t.”

“I’ll talk!”

“Hard to grab down… I’m going to destroy it too! ”

Ken had some jumping thoughts and wanted to get out of here.

“Wait a minute!”

“Don’t be in a hurry!”

“I’m thinking of a way… Destroy the design drawings of the battleship Hades. ”

“I’m definitely willing, and Franky is willing, but for Franky, this is a relic of Master Tom, and he is a little reluctant!”

Iceberg hurriedly blocked it, but he knew Ken’s strength, he could easily defeat Luki, Kaku, and Kalifa, if Ken ran into Frankie’s stubborn temper, maybe he would really fight!

“Then you have to hurry.”

“I’m coming to the water capital this time… You can’t leave it too long. ”

“I still have to return to the headquarters of the Navy!”

Ken sighed helplessly and gave Iceberg another chance.


After speaking of the headquarters of the Navy.

His eyes shifted sideways to look at the three CP9 members of Kaku, Luki, and Kalifa, who had passed out in a coma.

This group of CP9 members actually coveted the design drawings of the Hades battleship.

This crime… Extremely serious!

Presumably, the headquarters of the Navy will not let go of this group of CP9 members!

And…… You can also punch the world government in the face!

The headquarters of the Navy has been unhappy with the world government for a long time.

Just to some extent.

The world government is considered to be the head of the navy headquarters!

As a result, the headquarters of the Navy can only swallow a little.

Now it can expose the true face of the world government, and if you want to win the design drawings of the Hades battleship, and you are still using this sneaky way, you must lose all your face!


“I can debunk the world government!”

“Even if it is to repay the headquarters of the Navy!”

“It’s a reward for letting me push the city… Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to improve to this point in terms of strength! ”

With this thought, Ken couldn’t help but nod secretly.

Come down like this.

Will the world government still have the face to order the headquarters of the Navy in the future?

How thick is the skin?


Ken watched as the iceberg picked up the phone worm, and he was yelling at Franky on the other end of the phone bug.

“Hurry up and destroy it!”

“I don’t… Iceberg, you bastard, why do you want to suddenly destroy this drawing? ”

“Didn’t I tell you? Water capital has spies organized by the world government, someone helped me solve this group of people, the price is to destroy the design drawings of the Hades battleship, I think it is okay, because this design drawing, it is too harmful… Think about the situation of Master Tom back then! ”

“I… Damn Justice Island… Damn the world government! ”

Franky cursed in the phone worm, and finally couldn’t help but fall silent.

Master Tom was taken to Justice Island for execution on charges of building a boat for One Piece.

But…… The truth is simply not like that!

Master Tom was completely framed!

The reason is why?

Naturally, it is because of this Pluto battleship design drawings!

The world government is so greedy!

It’s abominable!

“I advise you… Quickly destroy the drawings. ”

“Otherwise, it will only lead to the water capital falling into an endless whirlpool of disaster!”

“We don’t have that ability… This drawing can be saved. ”

“Of course… You can also hand over to the person who happened this time – Ken! ”

“He helped me get through this, and I think he is righteous in his heart, otherwise he wouldn’t have come to help me.”

“I know you think it’s a relic of Master Tom… Unwillingness to destroy. ”

“It’s just that you have to be honest… Ken helps me solve the CP9 members, I have to destroy the drawings! ”

“You… I don’t want my senior brother to be too embarrassed, right? ”

Iceberg found that Franky began to fall silent, and couldn’t help but strike while the iron was hot, and said directly: “Or… You came to meet Kean in person? ”

In an instant.

Frankie took a deep breath and decided directly.

“Well… You’re right here with this Ken right now, right? ”

“I’ll come and see him now!”

Finish speaking.

French hung up the phone, hesitated for a moment, and directly took out the design drawings of the Pluto battleship in a hidden place, and then put them in his body.

He is a semi-transformed person… So the physical aspect is different from the human aspect.

Now he wants to see that Ken for himself!

If…… He felt that Ken was not to be trusted.

Then don’t hand it over to the other party … Just destroy it.

Anyway, the other party’s idea is also to destroy the design drawings of the Hades battleship.

The reason why I should not consider giving Ken this thing.

That’s naturally because… This is a relic of Master Tom.

He really doesn’t want to destroy it just like that!

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